Sons of Anarchy (military unit)

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This military unit played an important role in creating military history, however today it is no longer active

Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy (military unit).jpg

"A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right."

General Information
Disbanded N/A
Country Flag-Switzerland.jpg Switzerland

Sons of Anarchy (abbr. SoA) was a military unit created around February 2011 in Switzerland. Their main achievement was starting a resistance war in Romandie, thus freeing it from France and helping Switzerland achieve a national goal.


  • Q: When and why were Sons of Anarchy formed?

The unit was formed in February 2011 by a bunch of people who got tired with their boring eRepublik lives and wanted something more. DeViLu gathered most trusted friends and formed this unit to fight against invaders, regardless of the nation they invade.

  • Q: Why name the unit SoA? Were you (the founders) the fans of the TV series, or just thought it was a cool name?

The name is indeed inspired from the TV series, but it's not just a cool name.
The founders wanted something that will not tie them to any country or political group.
Furthermore, it's up to the people behind the name to give it further meaning.

  • Q: What motivated you to choose Switzerland as your base? Were you based somewhere else before Switzerland?

Switzerland is a neutral country and this would allow us to participate in battles regardless of which alliances are involved and without repercussions on the country, not to mention that Switzerland is home of the founders - so it's double the enthusiasm.


  • Q: Would you care to comment on the constant state of alert/fear of PTO groups, that's omnipresent among Swiss population?

Sons of Anarchy are well aware of this issue and it is one of the main reasons we want to stay away from politics as much as possible. Sons of Anarchy have no reason to further increase this state.

  • Q: Based on names and avatars, one can only speculate about the national composition of your unit. Would you care to disclose where do SoA hail from?
  • Q: Did you know your unit members before the creation of the unit or there was a formal candidacy procedure?

Naming countries and nationalities would only intensify the speculation about intentions of Sons of Anarchy.
The unit is multi-national, some of the members know each other from real life and some met right here during the V1 or Rising eras.

  • Q: Do you pay attention to political climate, and if yes, what do you think about it?

As said before, Sons of Anarchy are well aware of what's going on, but apart from the fact that it is a sad view and that better politicians are needed, no further comments are possible, as that would mean choosing sides.

  • Q: Are you up for hire? Or do you refuse to act as mercenaries?

A: Sons of Anarchy are for hire, but they don't rush headlong into a battle just because they are paid to do so. Sons of Anarchy mostly fight battles for defence or RW.

  • Q: Are you solely a military group or do you also own companies, have politicians, news moguls, etc. etc.

A: Sons of Anarchy are a military group with no intention to go into politics or media. Sons of Anarchy sustain no political party, though the members are allowed to vote freely.
The companies Sons of Anarchy own are used to provide members with food and weapons and some extra funds. Employees have no restriction, anyone could be hired at competitive salaries.

  • Q: Would you care to comment on the existence of grand alliances, and how does that affect your activities?

Sons of Anarchy haven't stepped on any toes and keeping the unit neutral is one of the priorities.
For example, Sons of Anarchy could help defend Turkey from being invaded by the Greeks and the next day Sons of Anarchy could defend Greece from other invaders.

Success and cooperation with Switzerland

  • Q: Dr.Pain informed the public that you funded RW in Romandie. Was that the only time you formally contacted the Swiss government?
  • Q: What motivated you to initiate RW in Romandie?

Sons of Anarchy usually contact the CP when the leadership of the Sons of Anarchy are unsure or there are no official orders regarding a battle in articles.
Such an occasion was during the TW with Austria when at some point things almost got out of hand.

Sons of Anarchy saw the opportunity to initiate RW in Romandie as to take advantage of what was happening in France at that time. They were busy with more important battles, so the SoA thought it was perfect for a blitzkrieg.
However, Sons of Anarchy armed themselves to the teeth because they were not expecting much support, being a surprise attack. Only Dr.Pain, the president at that time, knew of the plan.
As it turned out, SoA hardly had to interfere in the last mini-battles, Switzerland responded quite fast.
Although it looked like SoA took matters into its hands, they believe that it was what the people truly wanted and not just SoA - Switzerland with all its regions.
Sons of Anarchy were just the ones to carry the flag.

  • Q: Having that in mind, would you mind cooperating with the Swiss government in times of need in the future? Have you ever thought about it?

Since Switzerland is SoA's home, it would be considered an act of treason if any member of SoA would not defend Switzerland when the time comes.
On the other hand, Sons of Anarchy are not political-puppets so they would not rush headlong into just any battle the CP might ask to do so.
However, when it comes to defending or RW, Sons of Anarchy would be there no matter what.

  • Q: How many nations have SoA helped?

A: SoA helped Turkey, Croatia and Brazil.

Ideology and public image

  • Q: Do SoA have any ideology? What level of political freedom is there for your members?

Sons of Anarchy don't want to interfere with politics so their members are asked not to join any political party, not to mention participate in elections.
For example, one of our members was running for PP in SNP, therefore he has announced his resignation from SoA in case he is elected.
Unit members are allowed to express their political views and vote freely without any constraint from the unit.

  • Q: How important is the public image of your unit?

More important are SoA's achievements on the battlefield and that people trust the Sons of Anarchy.
Trust is something that is hard to obtain and Sons of Anarchy know that it will take a lot more won battles to earn it.

  • Q: Do you see yourselves as defenders of the nation or as a freelance task force?

Sons of Anarchy are both. If SoA would rely only on battles in Switzerland Sons of Anarchy wouldn't have much activity. Everyone crosses borders every now and then just to train in a battle and come back.
Sons of Anarchy do this as a team and even try to help the defending country in a battle. If that defending country is Switzerland, Sons of Anarchy would be twice as motivated to defend it.


  • Q: Who is the leader and how does he/she manages the unit?

A: DeViLu is the leader of SoA, but members of the Sons of Anarchy are not blind sheep, there are debates and arguments when taking an important decision.
Some members are in charge of managing the supplies and funds, while the leader's main role is to coordinate battles and handle official discussions. Note: The last known unit Commander was Red TiqeR.


  • Q: How could an eager recruit join the SoA?

A: There are some basic requirements like: be active daily, be able to follow orders and move wherever the battle takes us.
