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Intellectus (Latin:Understanding) is a religious philosophical prespctive that is built of three philosophical ideas:

  • Voluptas Perspective
  • Homoistic Prespective
  • Abdicativus Perspective

The Ideas

The Ideas Intellectus are:

  • Voluptas Perspective - Pleasure Perspective
  • Homoistic Perspective - Humanian Perspective
  • Abdicatvus Perspective - Negetivaty Perspective

Voluptas Perspective

The Voluptas Perspective is the perspective of the Pleasure.

The Good and Bad that man kind sees, is actually the understandment of the emotions. In this perspective it shows that clearly:

  • Pleasure - Good
  • Pain - Bad

Pain means Emotional, Physical, or Both. Pleasure means Emotional, Physical or Both.

Man kind had based it in ages of existance, from the caveman, until today.

Pain-Caveman Pleasure-Caveman Pain-Modern Man Pleasure-Modern Man
Geeting Bit by a snake while hunting - Bad Having sexual relations - Good Losing a deal to another company - Bad Chocolate - Good
Getting burned by the fire - Bad Eating a meal - Good Diabetes - Bad Having sex - Good

Homonistic Perspective

The Homonistic Perspective comes from the latin word 'Homo, which means Man. This perspective is built of two ideas and understandings:

  • The Un-needingness Theory - Man kind do not need a God, or a Diety, nor divine creature, to protect her.
  • Homocentric Theory - If there is a God, the Man is still more important then the god.

The Un-needingness Theory

The is a theory that sais that the Human race do not need a god because, if we calculate with the scriptures od Dioism and Lidoxa, we are fine without. With the Lidoxian God, is dead, we are fine without him. There are still going to be wars, and there will be still hunger. But there will be also Love, and Forgiveness.

Homocentric Theory

This theory is saying that, even if there is a God, we are more Important. The understanding of the importancy is that if protecting us is so important, we must be even more important then the Gods!

If there are no Gods, we are in the center. We are running our lives exactly where we leading it, with no out side intervention.

Abdicativus Perspective

The Abdicativus Perspective comes from the Latin word Abdicativus, which means Negativity. This Perspective is saying that that everything in the world, aspacially religion, has two negative fundamental ideas, or categories.

In religion

In the Abdicativus Perspective, Religions are seperates to two:

  1. Religions that believe in the Good and Bad dieties. The Good diety, made the Good things, and the Bad diety, mad the Bad things. In the religion of Dioism there are Dio Brando that made Pakistan, The good thing, and the Unspoken One that made the Bad.
  1. Religions that have bright understanding about the Spirit or Soul to Matter and Body.In these religions the world is made of metirial things, while the God is a holy spirit, the other things in the world are metirial. The man, in these religion, is made of the two of them, when the spiritual part embraces the metirial part. In Lewdaism and Lidoxa this understanding is seen.

In science

In the Abdicativus Perspective, there is also the perspective of Science. The world, the man and the whole univers, by that understanding, is built of Matter and only matter. But this matter has two sides: Anti-Matter, and Matter.

  1. Matter - The basic structures that built the humans, the world, the planets and even the God Empeor, Dio Brando.
  1. Anti-Matter - The negative structure of the Matter. Things that are made form Anti Matter, are negative to the Matter. When a man that stands infron of himself in Anti-Matter form, and stares at it, it will be like looking into a mirror.

In Politics

In politics, the Abdivativus Perspective, shows the way that the government, or Country, is seprated to 2: Legislature body and the Executive Body.

  1. Legislature Body - This body sets the rules that he want to made official. In eRepublik, the Legislature Body is the Congress.
  1. Executive Body - This body enforces the rules, that the Legislature Body sets, upon the people. In eRepublik, the Executive Bodies are the Country, the President and the Military.