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中文(繁體)Icon-Republic of China (Taiwan).png
Portugues BrasileiroIcon-Brazil.png

Съюзът е група от държави, които формират военен съюз една с друга, за да се защитават взаимно. Те обикновено имат уникални търговски договори и различна политика, които прилагат едновременно с военните си споразумения, но не винаги е така. В момента има четири алианса в Новия Свят: ЕДЕН, Асгард, TWO и КнД.

Световна Карта

Четирите активни съюза на Новия Свят към 3 декември, 2012.

Активни Съюзи

Повече информация за активните съюзи можете да научите, като щракнете на имената на съюзите отдолу.

Flag-TWO.png TWO From Дек 2, 2012 and still active
TWO е военен съюз, състоящ се от 6 страни.

Flag-Asgard.jpg Asgard From Авг 22, 2012 and still active
Асгард е военен съюз, състоящ се от 2 скандинавски страни.

Flag-CoT.png CoT From Юни 22, 2012 and still active
CoT (Къгът на Доверието) е малък алианс, състоящ се от 7 членки.

Flag-EDEN.jpg EDEN From Sep 2009 and still active
ЕДЕН (еРепубликанса Защитна и Икономическа Мрежа) е един от двата съюза, наследници на ATLANTIS. Съставен е главно от източноевропейски нации.

Flag-GEA.png Garden of EDEN Alliance From Ден 1 486 and still active
GEA (Градината Еден Алианса) е военен алианс, състоящ се от 3 страни и приет за мини версията на ЕДЕН алианса

Нефункциониращи Съюзи

Post Rising (V3) Съюзи

Flag-ABC.png ABC Апр 1, 2011 - Дек 2, 2012
ABC (Съюзът на Балтийските Страни) бе военен съюз, състоящ се от три съседни страни.

Flag-CTRL.png CTRL Окт 1, 2012 - Окт 31, 2012
CTRL бе военен съюз, състоящ се от 4 небалкански страни.

Flag-Terra.png Terra Дек 2010 - Сеп, 2012
Terra (По-рано известен като PANAM) бе съюз, състоящ се повечето от американски и европейски страни в еРепублика.

Flag-Order of New EWorld.jpg Order of New EWorld Фев 2011 - 4 авг 2012
ONE (Редът на Новия Свят) бе съюз, състоящ се от няколко европейски и не-европейски държави в еРепублика.

Flag-EPIC.png EPIC Фев 6, 2012 - юли 2012
EPIC (eRepublik Партньорство на Независимите Държави) е военен алианс, състоящ се от 12 членки, известни преди това като proOne

Flag-Confederation of Arab States.png Arab Confederation 15 Юни, 2011 - неизвестно
CAS (Конфедерация - Арабски Държави) бе успешно работещ основен съюз на всички Арабски държави.

Flag-Luna.png Luna Apr 2, 2011 - Авг, 2011
Luna бе малък съюз за отбрана, състоящ се от няколко държави.

Flag-PACMAN.png PACMAN Dec 2, 2010 - Jan 21, 2011
PACMAN (Тихоокеанско-Азиатски Пакт за Взаимно Осигурен Неутралитет), бе наследник на Sol/ONE съюзите. Въпреки това, този съюз имаше по-малко членове.

eRepublik Rising (V2) Alliances

Flag-Order of Nations of eRepublik.png Order of Nations of eRepublik Jul 27, 2010 - Oct 9th, 2010
ONE was a military alliance having most of its members located in the Asia-Pacific region and in Europe. It was in the process of being constructed before becoming inactive and therefore defunct.

Flag-Phoenix.png Phoenix Dec 4, 2009 - Feb 2011
Phoenix was a militaristic offensive alliance that consists of ex-PEACE member nations. It was created after the majority of PEACE members resigned from that alliance.

eRepublik Version 1 Alliances

Flag-Entente.png Entente Jan 4, 2010 - Aug 20, 2010
The Entente was an alliance founded by France, Italy and Ukraine. It was founded during Spain's invasion of France.

Flag-Brolliance.jpg Brolliance Oct 31, 2009 - Dec 2010
Brolliance (Brother-Alliance), was a successor to the Fortis alliance. It was formed originally between USA and Canada during the PEACE invasion of North America. It had expanded to include Australia, Ireland and Japan.

Flag-FORTIS.jpg Fortis Jul 7, 2009 - Oct 31, 2009
Fortis was meant to be the second successor alliance of ATLANTIS. It consisted of United States of America and Canada. Originally the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain were going to be members, but problems when the UK dropped out of negotiations and defected to PEACE. This forced Ireland to drop out as well, and no one ever signed the treaty. Spain joined EDEN, and the USA and Canada formed the Brolliance, and later joined EDEN. Ireland remained neutral. Despite having never existed, people occasionally refer to the USA and Canada as Fortis.

Flag-SOL.png Sol Jul 8, 2009 - June 2010
Sol was a global alliance having most of its members located in the Asia-Pacific region. It was officially a neutral defensive alliance.

Flag-Alianza Latino Americana.jpg ALA Mar 2009 - Mar 27, 2010
ALA (Alianza Latino Americana - Spanish: Latino-American Alliance) was a defensive alliance of Latin American countries. It was based in the Real Life European Union.

Flag-PEACE.jpg PEACE GC Aug 26, 2008 - Nov 19, 2009
The PEACE (People of Earth Associated under Common Excellence) Global Community was a worldwide military alliance consisting of all former FIST member nations as well as many former Mediterranean Alliance members. It was the largest and oldest continuously existing alliance.

Flag-ATLANTIS.jpg ATLANTIS Aug 22, 2008 - May 21, 2009
ATLANTIS (Atlantic Treaty of Latin, American, and Nordic Territories for International Security) was a large military alliance consisting of several member nations. For a long time it was one of two active alliances in eRepublik (the second being PEACE) and, of the two, it had the larger military. ATLANTIS collapsed after infighting following the loss of World War II and the Third Sweden-Germany War between two ATLANTIS members.

eRepublik Beta Alliances

Undefined-flag.gif Pan American Alliance Feb, 2008 - Aug, 2008
PANAM (Pan American Alliance) was an Alliance consisting of five of the six eRepublik countries in North and South America. The Alliance eventually formed the basis of ATLANTIS, even though only 2 of the five countries remained in it.

Flag-Byzantine Empire.jpg Byzantine Empire Aug 3, 2008 - Aug 22, 2008
The Byzantine Empire was an Eastern European Alliance comprised of two countries, Greece and Turkey. The alliance lasted for less than a month and ended with the first death of Phaedrus Lidox. As both countries signed the Formidable International Security Treaty, it is sometimes considered a sub-alliance of FIST.

Flag-FIST.jpg FIST May 29, 2008 - Aug 26, 2008
FIST (Formidable International Security Treaty) was an Alliance focused in Asia. It's six members all signed the Charter of the PEACE Global Community when it was created, dissolving FIST.

Undefined-flag.gif Mediterranean Alliance Unknown - July, 2008
The MA was an alliance comprising of eight countries in Southern Europe and North America. The alliance was founded by Spain to consist of Nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea, later other countries such as Austria, the Netherlands and Canada joined. Eventually the MA collapsed due to rifts between pro-FIST nations, who later formed PEACE GC, and pro-NA nations who united to form ATLANTIS.

Undefined-flag.gif Northern Alliance Jan 15, 2008 - Feb 27, 2008
The NA was an Alliance of countries in Northern Europe and Scandinavia. Other countries such as Romania and the United States also joined. Most of the NA's members eventually joined ATLANTIS when it was formed.