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Užívateľské pravidlá

  1. Všetci utívatelia vznikajú zadarmo a rovnocenne s rovnakým postavením a právami.
    1. Každý užívateľ má právo si vybrať spoločnosť, pre ktorú bude pracovať a získať plat výmenou za prácu.
    2. Každý užívateľ má právo si vybrať, či bude zahrnutý do súboja, alebo nie.
  2. Žiadny užívateľ by nemal utláčať iného užívateľa.
    1. Rasizmus, extrémizmus, zastrašovanie, urážanie a pornografia sú zakázané.
    2. Urážanie, verejné obviňovanie bez dôkazu, alebo nepriamy útok na obyvateľa nie sú povolené.
  3. Sloboda tlače je absolútna (okrem porušovania bodov 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 a 3.2)
    1. Vulgarizmus, urážanie, spam, alebo reklama na externé produkty alebo služby nie sú povolené.
    2. Citovanie súkromných diskusií bez povolenia tých zahrnutých strán nie je povolené. Ak obyvateľ nahlási citovanie súkromnej diskusie, stane sa tak, iba ak dotyčný odsúhlasí, že skutok sa naozaj stal.
  4. Vlastnosti získané užívateľom pomocou ilegálnych alebo neoprávnených metód budú podmienené ďalším krokom. Takéto typy nástrojov budú mať za následok permanentný ban. Ak budú tieto vlastnosti ďalej predané alebo presunuté pred týmito ďalšími krokmi, potom skupiny zahrnuté v týchto presunoch môžu dostať taktiež permanentný ban.
  5. Skutočný užívateľ sa smie domáhať svojho želania len na jedného obyvateľa.
    1. Vytvorenie, alebo administrácia viacerých účtov je zakázaná a bude mať za následok permanentný ban. Použitie rovnakej IP adresy viacerými užívateľmi nie je považované za vytváranie multiúčtov.
    2. Vytvorenie alebo používanie nezákonného alebo nevhodného avataru alebo používateľského mena je zakázané a bude potrestané permanentným banom. Použitie skutočnej svetovej značky ako avataru alebo používateľského mena sa neodporúča, pretože ho budete musieť zmeniť, ak o to požiada vlastník ochrannej značky.
  6. Každý užívateľ je povinný okamžite oznámiť hociaký exploit, alebo kritickú chybu, ktorú nahlási na hernú podporu.
    1. Použitie systémového exploitu je zakázané. Taktiež je zakázané použiť všetko, čo vám dáva nezaslúženú výhodu proti iným hráčom.
    2. Použitie skriptu, nástroja alebo softwaru (ktorý nepoužíva verejne dostupné eAPI alebo predukty vyvinuté eRepublik tímom), ktoré priamo ovplyvnia vášho obyvateľa a je navrhnuté pre isté akcie, ktoré môžu alebo nemajú dať neférové výhody je zakázané.
  7. Zdroj pre kontaktovanie eRepublik Teamu je oficiálne kontaktné fórum.
    1. Any accusations or complaints brought to the eRepublik Team via a channel other than the official one is prohibited and will not be addressed.
    2. Public debates are encouraged in the New World, however public debates and/or complaints regarding the eRepublik team's actions toward one citizen or a group of citizens will not be allowed. Only the eRepublik team has the necessary tools to determine if a citizen or group has made a violation, and public discussion only created to undermine the team's decision will not be permitted.
  8. All the previous laws are also applicable to the eRepublik Wiki and Forum.
    1. For breaking the law, a temporary or permanent block will be applied for the wiki or forum account and a penalty can be applied to the citizen account as well.
  9. Every penalty applied will be counted in a user's forfeit points (FP).
    1. For every break of the law a warning (0,5 FP), a temporary ban (FP equal to the number of banned days) or a permanent ban will be applied taking into consideration the severity and the frequency.
    2. A permanent ban will also be applied if a total of five or more forfeit points are received.
    3. Every forfeit point is deleted two months after it was applied.
  10. You must be over 14 years old in order to use eRepublik.
    1. We reserve the right to close any citizen accounts that prove to be created or administrated by a person under 14 years old.

Organization Laws (EN)

  1. Every citizen has the right to own an unlimited number of organizations.
  2. Organizations can be used for (but are not only limited) to managing companies.
    1. Every organization has the right to choose in what way to interact with the eRepublik world, without breaking any of the eRepublik rules.
  3. Organizations must respect the dignity and the rights of other organizations and citizens.
    1. Racism, extremism, trolling, flaming and pornography are prohibited.
    2. Public accusations without proof, insults, or indirect attacks on an entity are not allowed.
    3. Vulgarity, spam, or advertising for external products or services are not allowed.
    4. Quotation of a private discussion without the consent of the parties involved is prohibited. If a citizen or organization reports a quotation of a private discussion, it goes without saying that the action has not been approved by the reporting party.
  4. Properties obtained by an organization through an illegal or unjust method will be impounded. Additionally, if these properties are sold or transferred before being impounded, entities involved in these transactions are liable to face penalties.
  5. The use of an unlawful or inappropriate avatar or organization name is prohibited. Using real world brands as an avatar or organization name is not recommended as you may be obliged to change it if the trademark owner requests it.
  6. Each organization is required to immediately report any system exploits or critical errors they find to game support.
    1. The use of a system exploit is not allowed. Also not allowed is any act which gives you an undeserved advantage over other players.
  7. The channel for contacting the eRepublik Team is the official contact form.
    1. Any accusations or complaints brought to the eRepublik Team via a channel other than the official one are prohibited and will not be addressed.
    2. Public debates are encouraged in the New World, however public debates and/or complaints regarding the eRepublik team's actions toward one citizen or a group of citizens will not be allowed. Only the eRepublik team has the necessary tools to determine if a citizen or group has made a violation, and public discussion only created to undermine the team's decision will not be permitted. These type of decisions are throughly researched and any concerns or suggestions regarding this topic are welcomed via the contact form.
  8. All the previous laws are also applicable to the Forum.
    1. For breaking the law, a temporary or permanent block will be applied for the forum account and a penalty can be applied to the organization account as well.
  9. Sharing the password of an organization makes its creator responsible for the actions of that organization and liable to face penalties for those actions.
  10. For every break of the law a temporary or a permanent ban will be applied taking into consideration its severity and frequency.
    1. Citizens that are managers or creators of organizations may also face penalties for the breach of the previous rules.

Company Laws (EN)

  1. Organizations and citizens of experience level nine and above, or those who have bought the 'Unlock Features' pack, have the right to create, buy, or sell companies.
  2. The use of an unlawful or inappropriate avatar or company name is prohibited. Using real world brands as an avatar or company name is not recommended as you may be obliged to change it if the trademark owner requests it.
  3. Citizens and organizations that manage companies may also face penalties for breaching any of the rules mentioned above.
  4. When the access of a company owner to eRepublik is permanently restricted, all interactions of that company with the eRepublik world will be ceased.
  5. Companies may be suspended for breaking the law.

Party Laws (EN)

  1. Citizens of level seven and above, or those who have bought the 'Unlock Features' pack, have the right to join a party.
    1. Citizens of level 13 and above, or those who have bought the 'Unlock Features' pack, have the right to create a party.
  2. The use of unlawful or inappropriate avatars or party names is prohibited. Using real world brands as an avatar or party name is not recommended as you may be obliged to change it if the trademark owner requests it. Party presidents are responsible for the names and avatars of their parties.
  3. The formation of parties that encourage or promote discrimination is not allowed.
  4. The actions of party members comply with the citizen laws. If party members breach these laws their activity within parties may be restricted.
    1. Parties are liable to face penalties if the actions of their presidents break the citizen laws.
  5. If parties break the law they may be suspended and their members may be restricted from participating in presidential and congressional elections.

Read also (EN)

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