Partidul ePirat

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Partidul ePirat

Party-Partidul ePirat.png
General Information
Country Flag-Romania.png Romania
Website Chat
Colors Black
Founded April 2014
President Patavissa
Vice President Luhter
Members 5
Congress Occupancy 0 /40 seats, 0%
Orientation Center-Right
Ideology Libertarian

Partidul ePirat

Icon chatroom.gif Description

Partidul ePirat supports a political democratic, free and transparent.

Partidul ePirat is a small political party in Romania founded by Patavissa in April 2014. The party tried to enter in TOP 5, that has not happened

Icon history.pngManifesto


 Partidul ePirat încearcă să creeze o nouă paradigmă, cea în care jucătorul nu e neapărat un soldat, ci este dezvoltat multilateral.

Scopul partidului este de a dezvolta eRomânul într-un jucător complex prin favorizarea comerțului, culturii, artei și entertainmentului, prin asta creând un mediu de joc mai interesant.

Acest lucru se poate face doar dezvoltând o societate în care conducerea este transparentă și democratică, iar sharingul de informație este liber și încurajat.

Următorul pas în agendă este de a acumula numărul necesar de membri pentru a putea candida la congres pentru a ne putea impune aceste valori. 


 Partidul ePirat trying to create a new paradigm, where the player is not necessarily a soldier, but is developed multilaterally.

The purpose is to develop eRomanian into a complex player favoring trade, culture, art and entertainment by creating an environment that of the game more interesting.

This can only be done by developing a society that is transparent and democratic management and sharing of information is free and encouraged.

The next step in the agenda is to accumulate the required number of members to be able to run for Congress so we can impose those values. 

Icon position party president.gifParty presidents

This is the list of known Party presidents:

Party Leader Mandate Start Mandate End Total Votes
Patavissa April 16th 2014 May 15th 2014 1
Patavissa May 16th 2014 June 15th 2014 2
Patavissa June 16th 2014 July 15th 2014 0
Patavissa December 16th 2014 January 15th 2015 1
Luhter January 16th 2015 February 15th 2015 1
Patavissa February 16th 2015 March 15th 2015 4
Patavissa March 16th 2015 April 15th 2015 1
Patavissa April 16th 2015 May 15th 2015 2
Patavissa May 16th 2015 Present 2

External links

  1. Manifest: Manifesto Partidul ePirat
  2. Recruitment: Partidul ePirat are nevoie de oameni
  3. History: Cum a luat naștere Partidul ePirat