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Revised Charter of PEACE GC by PEACE GC Security Council
Summary: New charter enacted by PEACE GC Security Council to replace the former charter in response to the withdrawal of many PEACE GC member nations.
This is relevant to: PEACE GC, PHOENIX

To all to whom living under the national boundaries defined by the new world of erepublik, the Signatories of this Treaty (「Agreement」; 「Contract」; 「Charter」), representing the government of the respective nations and the divine will of their respectable electors, do hereby agree to enact an Alliance (「People of Earth Associated under Common Excellence: Global Community」; 「PEACE Global Community」; 「PEACE GC」; 「the Alliance」) to form a perpetual Union of mutual benefits under the following terms and conditions.

Article I – Foundation of the PEACE Global Community

Section I – General Provisions

Clause I – General Provisions

I. The official name of the Alliance shall be proclaimed as 「People of Earth Associated under Common Excellence」, subtitled 「Global Community」. The official abridged name of the Alliance shall be 「PEACE Global Community」.

II. The Nations of…[list nations here] …shall constitute as the Founding Members of the PEACE Global Community.

III. The PEACE Global Community shall be established as a military alliance that will pursue defence of its respective member nations, and it will only take offensive actions that will have received support from a qualified majority in the Security Council. [1]

IV. The Alliance shall be administered by the PEACE Global Security Council that shall consist of the heads of State (i.e., the President) of all Members and other Persons as decreed in Clause IV.

a. These heads of State shall serve as Representatives from their respective nation.

Clause II – Definitions

I. 「Qualified majority」 shall be defined as, regarding votes in the Council, 2/3 of all voting Representatives or Acting Representatives rounded to the nearest whole number.

a. 「Qualified majority of all Members」 shall be defined as, regarding votes in the Security Council, 2/3 of all current Member Nations rounded to the nearest whole number.

II. 「Person」 shall be defined as an Erepublik Citizen.

III. 「Member(s)」 and 「Member Nation(s)」 shall be defined as a Nation or Nations that have signed this Treaty and have appointed a Representative to the PEACE Global Security Council.

IV. 「Former Member(s)」 and 「Former Member Nation(s)」 shall be defined as a Nation or Nations that have signed this Treaty but have since withdrawn from this Alliance.

V. 「Representative」 shall be defined as the President or head of State of a Member Nation.

VI. 「Representative Emeritus」 shall be defined as any President who has served a Member Nation from that Nation's ascension to this Alliance in accordance with Clause 4.1b.

VII. 「Advisory Representative」 shall be defined as an appointed Person from a Member Nation who is privy to discussions among the PEACE Global Security Council.

VIII. 「Acting Representative」 shall be defined as an Advisory Representative who is acting as a Representative from a Member Nation in agreement with Clause 4.2.

Section II – PEACE Global Community Membership

Clause III – Types of Membership within PEACE Global Community

I. The PEACE Global Community shall be composed of two types of membership: Full membership, and Defensive Membership.

II. Full Member shall be the member within PEACE Global Community who retains more responsibility and obligations within PEACE Global Community, at the cost of greater benefit.

a. Upon decision of the PEACE Security Council, Full Member shall allocate fair and proportional decided amount of monetary money or resources from their respective government to help fund and run all of PEACE Global Community.
b. Upon decision of the PEACE Security Council, Full Member shall allocate fair and proportional decided amount of voters to aid the PEACE Anti-PTO team.
c. Full Members are hereby obligated to come to the assistance of defense of the both Full and Defensive member of PEACE Global Community when they are threatened with unprovoked threat.
d. Full Member shall maintain active registered soldiers within the PEACE Keepers which shall serve faithfully in name of PEACE.
e. Full Members shall have open access to the different types of aides and economical programs supported by PEACE Global Community.
f. Full Member shall receive aid in the offensive strike by its nation, approved by PEACE Security Council.
g. Full Member shall be granted Voting power within all of the Resolutions and Decisions of PEACE Global Community.

III. Defensive Member shall be the Basic member within PEACE which receives limited benefit, at the cost of less responsibility and obligations.

a. Upon decisions by the PEACE Security Council, Defensive Member shall allocate fair and proportional decided amount of monetary money or resource from their respective government to help fund and run PEACE military operations.
b. Defensive Members are hereby obligated to conduct no official alliance or military pacts with non Member Nations. [2]
c. Defensive Members shall receive an aid in the defense of their respective nation from unprovoked threat of invasion or political takeover.
d. Defensive Member shall receive a voice within PEACE Security Council, and shall be barred from voting in all resolution that does not revolve around question of membership and that does not revolve around their Country. [3]
- All resolution that does not revolve around question of membership shall be the resolutions that does not indirectly or directly affect or modifies the Membership status of any nation within PEACE Global Community or any nations outside of PEACE with intention to joining PEACE Global Community.
e. Defensive Members shall be granted right to participate in PEACE sponsored War Game or any other program in future upon decisions of the PEACE Security Council.

IV. Member nation of PEACE Global Community may change their membership status.

a. If a Member nation changes their membership status, they will be obligated to remain as the chosen membership for next 30 days.
b. To change their membership status, the Representative of their respective nation will simply announce their country's intention to do so within the PEACE Security Council.
c. Final authority to change a member nation's membership status shall lie in the respective representative from that respective nation.
d. The Security Council is hereby barred from forcing a certain membership status on a fellow member nation of PEACE, unless that nation fails to exercise the obligation and responsibility of that Membership.

V. Procedure to Accept nation into PEACE shall follow the set procedure outlined in Article II, Section II, Clause 6.4.

Article II – PEACE Global Security Council

Section I – Foundation and Organization of the Security Council

Clause IV – Creation of the Security Council

I. The PEACE Global Security Council (herein 「Security Council」) shall administer the Alliance by democratic discussion.

a. Only Representatives, Acting Representatives, and the Secretary-General shall receive voting power in the Security Council in accordance with their membership status.
b. The ability and the right of the Representatives and Acting Representatives to vote on the specific issues shall follow the membership status as outlined in Article I, section II, Clause III.
c. Secretary-General shall have power to vote in all of the resolution within Security Council.

II. The Security Council shall, on the tenth of each month, elect from the pool of citizens named by the Representatives a Secretary-General who shall serve as a spokesperson for the Alliance. [4]

a. The Secretary-General shall receive no greater voting power than it shall be given to any other Representative.
b. Secretary-General shall be defined as an individual, or body of individuals which shall serve to facilitate, rule, and execute the will of the Security Council, and to serve as a spokesperson for the Alliance.
c. In the any circumstances under which the Secretary-General consists as a body of individuals with more than one head, their final vote in any matter requiring Security Council voting shall be rendered as one vote and shall follow all other procedures of the democracy.
d. The Secretary-General shall serve in capacity until the tenth of the following month with tenure of good behavior.
e. Candidacies for the role of Secretary General must be sent to the current Secretary-General at 00:01 erep time, 8th day of the month. The Secretary-General will start the vote for 24 hours the 10th of the month, so the new Secretary-General will be in charge the 12th at 00:01 erep time. [5]
f. The previous Secretary-General will serve as Acting-Secretary-General if an unpredicted event happens during the elections and prevents the new Secretary-General from being officially chosen.
g. If the Secretary-General is unable to fulfill the obligations of his post under any circumstances, the Representative(s) may be appointed by the Secretary-General under the consent of the Security Council to serve in the role of the Acting Secretary-General until the Secretary-General may resume his duties or until a new election can be held.
h. If no Representative(s) is appointed by the Secretary-General to replace the post of the Secretary-General, or the appointee(s) was rejected by the Security Council, a Secretary-General nominee who obtained the second highest number of votes in the previous election shall serve as Acting Secretary-General with consent of Security Council until the Secretary-General may resume his duties or until a new election can be held.
i. In any case the Secretary-General is unable to fulfill the obligation of his post for any reason, or resigns, Security Council reserves the right to call for early election if any other procedure outlined in Clause IV.2.e and Clause IV.2.f is unfavorable.

Clause V – Composition of the Security Council

I. The Security Council shall consist of Representatives, Advisory Representatives, Representative-Emeritus, Secretary-General, and any other individual which was granted the right to be present within the Security Council under the will of the Security Council.

a. Representatives shall be granted right to appoint up to five (5) Persons from his Nation, 2 for defense, 1 for economy and 2 for diplomacy, to serve as Advisory Representatives. [6]
b. Former Presidents and Advisory Representatives of all Member Nations, from the President signing this Charter to the most recently succeeded President in that Nation, may with the consent of the Security Council and the Secretary General, at any time be granted the right to serve as a Representative Emeritus and be therefore privy to all discussion among the Security Council. [7]
c. Any individuals who are necessary and proper for the execution of PEACE program and agenda may be granted the right and access to participate within the Security Council under the will of the Secretary-General approved by the Security Council.
d. If at any time, any of the people who have access within the Security Council is convicted of treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, they could be removed from their post and their access be deprived at the will of the Security Council and Secretary-General.

II. If a Representative is unable to serve on the Security Council under any circumstances, he may appoint one of his Advisory Representatives to serve as an Acting Representative.

a. Acting Representatives shall hold the same rights and the obligation as Representatives.
b. Acting Representatives shall serve until the Representative can resume his obligations on the Security Council or until a new Representative is elected.

III. The Representative Emeritus will have one global vote in the Security Council, based on an internal vote. [8]

a. The 13th of each month, all Representative-Emeritus will choose one of them to be the Voice of Emeritus. Candidates for this role will submit their candidacy before the 13th.
b. The Secretary-General will open a vote for the Representative-Emeritus every time the Security Council votes.
c. If the vote ends on a tie, the Voice of Emeritus' vote will prevail.
d. The Voice of Emeritus will notify the Security Council of his colleagues' decision and the Secretary-General will add this vote to the global result.

Section II – Security Council Functions and Voting Procedures

Clause VI – Functions of the Security Council

I. All Functions of Security Council listed in this Clause shall be enacted by a democratic vote of the Members of this Alliance who is given the ability to vote, unless special case is specifically listed.

II. The Security Council shall have the power to elect member nations' citizens to the office of Secretary-General to lead the Alliance. [9]

a. The Secretary-General and his appointed representatives shall have the power to make announcements on the Alliance's behalf. [10]

III. The Security Council shall have the power to modify this Charter by qualified majority vote.

IV. The Security Council shall have the power to admit and eject Members from the Alliance by approval from a qualified majority of all Members.

V. The Security Council shall have the power to convene to discuss the future of Member Nations.

a. A Representative may call a vote to eject another Member Nation on the grounds of a political coup or economic disaster.
b. A Representative may bring forward a measure to withdraw his own Nation on any grounds.
- Such a measure will be disregarded until national elections can be held. Following the election, the new Representative may choose to withdraw the measure or to affirm the measure.
- If the measure is withdrawn, the Member Nation will not be ejected and the measure will be struck.
- If the measure is affirmed, the Security Council shall hold a vote to eject or extend that Member's status as a Member.
- A qualified majority of all Members is required to eject any Member Nation.

VI. The Security Council shall have the power to declare a non-Member Nation 「rogue」 by qualified majority vote.

a. Rogue nations shall not be eligible candidates to join the Alliance.
b. Members shall not provide economic or military aid to rogue nations.
c. A Representative may call a vote to clear a declaration labeling a Nation 「rogue」.
- A qualified majority vote is needed to clear such a declaration.

VII. The Security Council has power to do whatever shall be necessary and proper for the execution of the PEACE Global Community's will.

Clause VII – Voting Procedures & Emergency Resolutions

I. Issues may be brought before the Security Council any member of PEACE Global Community with the right of access granted to the Security Council.

a. Issues must have forty-eight (48) hours of deliberation allotted prior to holding a vote.
b. Following the forty-eight (48) hour deliberation, a vote will be called and the Security Council shall vote in favor, abstaining, or not in favor of the issue.
c. Standard issues shall require simple majority to pass. Special issues outlined in this Charter shall require specific majorities as outlined in the various Clauses of this Charter.

II. The Secretary-General shall bring, at his discretion, an issue before the Security Council as an Emergency Resolution.

a. Emergency Resolutions shall have no deliberation requirement.
b. The Secretary-General may enact a voting window of no less than one (1) hour, during which all Nations may vote on the Resolution. If a Nation shall not vote within this vote window, that Nation's vote will be recorded as Abstaining.

III. Full Member and Defensive member shall be given the different voting right as outlined in Article I, Section II Clause III.

Section III – Violation of Charter's rules

Clause VIII – Punishments

I. Member Nations that break the rules of the alliance may receive warnings or punishments on the Security Council's decision.

a. Any Citizen having access to the Security Council shall have the right to ask the Secretary-General to start a vote to decide which penalty to give a member nation that has broken the charter's rules.
b. The Security Council will decide between no sanction, a warning with a small fee, a warning with a large fee and an ejection of the alliance.
c. The standard amount of both small and large fees will be calculated by the Security Council once a month.

Article III – Global Community PEACEKeeping Forces

Clause IX – Global Community PEACEKeeping Forces

I. The Security Council shall have the power to raise an Army of the PEACE Global Community consisting of soldiers from each Member's military.

a. If a Member is unable to commit soldiers, that Member may contribute through military supplies or monetary support.
b. The Army of the Alliance shall be known as the Global Community PEACEKeeping Force.
c. The amount of commitment each country will make to the PEACEkeeping force shall be decided by the will of the Security Council.

II. The Secretary-General shall have the power to direct, or appoint someone to direct the Global Community PEACEKeeping Forces in the defense of Member Nations.

a. The Security Council shall have the power to direct Global Community PEACEKeeping Forces in the defense of non-Member Nations. Qualified majority is required to direct PEACEKeeping Forces in such a manner.
b. If a Member Nation shall be threatened without prior provocation, no vote shall be necessary to direct PEACEKeeping Force under the command of Secretary-General or someone appointed thereof. It is the duty and obligation of all Member Nations to defend other Member Nations in the event of unprovoked threat.

III. The Security Council may call a vote to declare war on any non-Member Nation.

a. Qualified majority of all Members in favor is required to declare war.
b. Member Nations may not freely declare war without Security Council approval against non-Member nations. [11]
c. In the event of a Security Council declaration of war, all Members must support the effort per procedure listed in Clause 8.1.
d. The Security Council will decide the fate of Material spoils of war if the war was officially declared from Security Council before hand.

IV. The Security Council has every right to create further resolution regarding the Army of PEACE Global Community to assist the Alliance.

Article IV – Restrictions and Special Provisions

Clause X – Restrictions on Member Nations

I. Member Nations shall not make military agreements with non-Member Nations without approval of a simple majority of the Security Council, or simple approval by the Secretary General. [12]

II. Member Nations shall not declare war upon fellow Members or support any war against fellow Members unless in the case approved by Security Council or between two belligerent nations.

III. Member Nations Shall not places an embargo upon fellow Members.

IV. Member Nations shall make no restrictions upon the beliefs or practices of their Citizens.

V. Member Nations shall not interfere with the internal affairs of fellow Members unless with the consent of the respective member, or with a qualified majority of the Security Council. [13]

VI. Member Nations may not declare war directly or indirectly upon a former Member within thirty (30) days of that Member's withdrawal from the Alliance.

VII. Every power neither restricted by this Charter, nor granted to PEACE Global Community is to be retained by each Member nation.

VIII. This Charter, the will of the PEACE Security Council, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of PEACE Global Community, shall be the supreme Law of all PEACE Global Community Members.

IX. Majority Decision of the PEACE Security Council shall have the final say in the interpretation of this Charter.

Notes (by Matthieu Bonne)

  1. Attacking foes isn't the goal of PEACEgc. We will do it if needed, with the Council's approval, but our priority will always be to defend our Members. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:31:50
  2. Had to delete the notion of "enemy" (so tricky...), and replace "relations" with "military pacts" since we have no problem at all with doing some business with non Members, for example. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:33:34
  3. Just added the right for Defensive Members to vote when a resolution is about their Country. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 11:27:52
  4. The SG doesn't have to be a Representative, in fact most Presidents wouldn't have enough time to be SG... So we changed this clause to allow any citizen to candidate as long as he is supported by a Representative. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:30:05
  5. IV.II.e and IV.II.f are added to give more details about SG's election and try to cover typical disturbing situations. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:38:07
  6. Many countries are having trouble with the 2 advisors limit. They often have to let their MoFa out of the Council so two MoD can be there, and i don't even speak about MoE... Having private debate areas for diplomacy and economy should be a great help. Obviously MoE and MoFA wouldn't have access to private military stuff. The vote on this change ended on a tie; we decided to enact it and be ready to rollback in a few days/weeks if it doesn't work as intended. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:40:53
  7. Advisors can be Emeritus - some of the most active people in PEACE have never been a Representative... What's important in this revised charter about Emeritus is the mandatory vote. Noone will be granted this status automatically, the Council will have to check every request one by one, carefully. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:45:20
  8. New stuff: Emeritus will now have one common vote in the Security Council. We all want to work for stability and farsight, and Emeritus are a great asset against the natural versatility of national governments (who can change 2 or 3 times per month sometimes...). This vote won't make a huge numerical difference, but we hope it will contribute to the debate and help unexperienced Advisors and Representatives. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:50:09
  9. See Clause IV.II. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:35:36
  10. Not much to say... The SG will choose his assistants and share with them the right to make official announcements. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:57:10
  11. VIII.III.b and VIII.III.c are replaced by a single sentence to take away the notion of "enemy" and make much more clear that no war will be declared without the Council's vote. Declaring war against an enemy is often ok but sometimes it's just a big mistake that endangers the whole alliance (spreading damage etc). --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 10:59:47
  12. There's absolutely no reason to prevent trading with non Members, and politic stuff (like international parties or ATO) is fine too. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 11:02:53
  13. Pretty straight-forward: just need a qualified majority for such issues. --matthieu.bonne mardi 17 novembre 2009 11:24:55

See also