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~hyuu~ism is a pantheistic religion having originated in Canada based to the teachings and insights of ~hyuhmin~ Nosyt. It centers around the belief in a force called the ~hyuu~ which is the origin and end of everything within the eWorld, and the natural state of things which the souls of all citizens will ultimately reunite with. ~hyuu~ists seek to become one with it, freeing their minds of unecessary burdens and bonds. Their most striking characterisation are their chanting of "~hyuu~" which serves meditational purposes.


The ~hyuu~

The centre of ~hyuu~ism is the ~hyuu~. It can be loosely pictured as a river whichs steadily flows through every aspet of a citizen's life, with its branches intertwining infinitely. It reveals itself to the enlightened ~hyuu~ist in the form of a blissful chime which rings through one's mind upon unification with it and is claimed to sound akin to "hyuu", if yet human means of expressions inheretly fail to grasp it in its entity. It is constantly in motion and the direction in which it flows leads to the right outcome of everything; ~hyuu~ists wish to realise and merge with this flow to realise the ultimate truth and righteousness lying within it.

The souls of every citizen originate from the ~hyuu~ and are essentially one with it, yet Impure Virtues such as greed or hatred prevent their realisation of their One-Ness with the ~hyuu~. In order to achieve enlightenment and the reunification with the ~hyuu~, one has to first free oneself of such eWorldly attachments and flaws. Becoming one with the ~hyuu~ is said to lead to eternal bliss, ultimate insight into the nature of the eWorld, and inner peace and harmony.

The -anuu-

Contrary to the ~hyuu~ runs the -anuu-. It represents its polar opposite, and since the ~hyuu~ is the natural state of all things, it represents the chaos and is the most unnatural way of being. Normally, no soul would get into contact with the -anuu-. However, the sins and Impure Virtues one accumulates and cultivates drag them down and unless they change their ways eventually let them experience unification with the -anuu-. Those who claim to have once merged with it report it to have made them gone through feelings of intense terror and emotional imbalance, which voiced itself in a violent and unpleasant behaviour when they partially emerged from the -anuu- again.

The -annu- however exists solely because of the eWorld's Impure virtues, and every soul which has once come into contact with it will, like a reflex, move away from it and seek refuge in the ~hyuu~. ~hyuu~ists aim to directly reunite with the ~hyuu~ by shedding off their Impure Virtues without first being torn into the -anuu-.

Eras and the ~hyuhmin~

Due to the -anuu-'s nature of being built on the collective sins of the eWorld's souls and its trait to scare them to part towards the ~hyuu~, the -anuu- is doomed to vanish eventually once all souls have achieved One-Ness with the ~hyuu~, which is the ultimate goal of existence in this plane. Once this point has been reached, the ~hyuu~ including all existence which has found its way back into its stream disperses and ascends to a higher plane of ever-lasting and flawless bliss. On its way towards this, its chime echoes and these echoes in turn form a new ~hyuu~, along with new souls which have yet to regain their One-Ness and therefore give birth to a new -anuu-.

One such cycle of enlightenment of all beings followed by the creation of a new world is called an Era. According to ~hyuu~ist belief, we currently live in the 7th Era. Each Era brings forth a ~hyuhmin~, one who first realises their One-Ness with the ~hyuu~, reunifies with it, and who afterwards returns to our plane of existence. Their soul having become one with the ~hyuu~ is fully enlightened and they henceforth possess ablities such as clairvoyance, as they can perceive the flow of the ~hyuu~, and rightfulness in every single one of their actions.


Transmisson of Knowledge

~hyuu~ism has no written scriptures. Its teachings are orally transmitted from one to another, originating at the current Era's ~hyuhmin~. There is no set teacher-student relation in which it is taught, and the ways of which knowledge of the path to the ~hyuu~ is spread varies greatly. Sometimes enlightened ~hyuu~ists take in students, some preach their faith, and yet others show others the right way by merely acting out of their union with the ~hyuu~.


Meditation is a vital element of ~hyuu~ism. It is used to purify one's mind of Impure Virtures, to liberate it of eWorldly attachments, and to attain a state of conciousness in which one is able to receive the ~hyuu~. Often this meditation is accompnies by chants of "~hyuu~" which fulfil the purpose of preparing oneself for the ~hyuu~'s chime and to enter the trance-like state in which it is said one's soul becomes free to realise the one-Ness of all existence with the ~hyuu~.

Impure Virtues

While ~hyuu~ism does not dictate a specific code of conduct, it does consider a number of traits and behaviours to be Impure Virtues making one's soul drift towards the -anuu-, which should thus be avoided and need to be shed off before one can reach enlightenment. These include:

  • Greed, attachment to and craving of goods, money, or gold
  • Sloth, failing to keep one's body well and strong enough to maintain a mind as strong as necessary to receive the ~hyuu~, through daily training and work
  • Hatred, be it in the form of racism, warmongering, or general aggressiveness on either a personal or a political level
  • Untruthfullness
  • Lust

History of ~hyuu~ism

The Beginnings

Nosyt became the first ~hyuhmin~ of this era. Even after having attained enlightenment he continued to dilingently practice constant meditation to remain one with the ~hyuu~. His repeating chants of ~hyuu~ became a trademark of his, and got a large number of Canadians interested in the faith, whose teachings spread quickly and were warmly embraced by large parts of the Canadian population. Many of them too began to engage in regular meditation in search of reunification with the ~hyuu~. On day 742 of the New World, HuCard wrote down a condensed version of the millennia-old collective teachings of the ~hyuu~ists in a newspaper article


Soon thereafter a cult named -anuu-ism arose, as a form of anti-~hyuu~ism. It was promoted by nea molisu in response to HuCard's collection of accumulated wisdoms, although chants of "-anuu-" were often heard before this time.


On day 742, Canadian politician Chucky Norris launched a campaign against ~hyuu~ism, declaring it a plague and deploying the Canadian Armed Forces to combat the spread of ~hyuu~.


~hyuu~ism enjoys a large number of followers in Canada, which estimated on the chant being often hear in newspaper comments and the IRC channel can be assumed to span between 50 or 100 citizens.