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'''US Department of Education''' (US '''DoE''') [[File:DoE.jpg|frame|left]]
=<div style="float:left">[[File:Department of Education (USA).jpg]] &nbsp; </div><div style="float:left"><br />'''US Department of Education (abbr. DoE, DeptEd)'''</div>=
Welcome to the Department of Education. At the DoE you may find many articles to help you with [http://erepublik.com eRepublik] including [http://bit.ly/DoEInfoHub Education Information Hub].  Here at the DoE we are trying hard to help out newer citizens, such as yourself, by connecting them to pertinent educational material. If you do not find what you are looking for do not hesitate to ask, we will be glad to help you out.  Additional DoE information can be found on the [http://eusaforums.com eUSForum] which is the only official forum of the US.  If you have not registered on the [http://eusaforums.com eUSForum], we strongly encourage that you do so today.
=First Days in eRepublik=
An important thing to know about eRepublik is that your ability to participate in society is contingent on the amount of experience points you have amassed. Here is an assembled list of things to do as a citizen of this world.
==The American University==
[[File:AU.JPG|200px|center]]On March 21, 2012; [[Vice president|Vice President]] [[Jude Connors]] opened [[User:Department of Education/americanuniversity/FAQ|The American University]] with a tutorial to help new players.
==My Places==
[[File:My Place Menu.png|frame|left|My places menu tab]]
'''My Places''' is the second option on the [[Homepage|main menu]]. Your in-game Job, Training, and Company locations can be found in the '''My Places''' Page.
==Importance of Missions==
[[Missions]] is the last task area which can be found in the most left task bar right under your profile, health, and local currencies.  As a new player, Plato has given you missions that will serve as tutorials for game mechanics and instructions.  Not only will you be monetarily rewarded for your efforts, but doing missions will help build a foundation for future growth and help you earn valuable [[experience points]].
==Citizen Profile==
Your citizen's [[Profile]] page and be accessed by locating the profile task bar and then clicking on your citizen's name which is a hyperlink.  If you are serious about becoming a permanent resident of the new eWorld, we suggest you explore this area by editing your profile, uploading an avatar image, and write a small tidbit about yourself or your persona in the Your Description text area.
[[File:Market.jpg|frame|left|Market drop-down menu.]]
'''Market''' is the fourth option on the [[main menu]]. Click '''Market''' to view the various markets in eRepublik.
Users will select '''Marketplace''' from the [[Market]] menu to purchase both manufactured goods and raw materials.
'''Buy Food''' - Food increases the citizen's [[One:wellness|wellness]]. Food, like all [[products]], are purchased in the [[marketplace]].
'''Buy Weapons''' - A [[weapon]] increases damage a citizen deals out in the [[battlefield]] during a [[battle]]
On this page you have three filters:
*Product/industry [you select food as a product]
*Quality level [you can choose one of the six quality levels]
*Market [selection of all eRepublik countries, however your citizen's country is the default]
'''Remember that you cannot buy food or weapons if you have no money, therefore you need to have a revenue source.'''
===Job Market===
The '''Job Market''' screen displays the available jobs for your country.
'''Get a job''' - Just like in real life, your survival depends on your ability to buy the resources that are necessary for living in this world. It is the most important thing for you to do when you first start off.
The first step is to visit the [[Job market]]. Here you will be able to browse through all the job offers posted by [[Company|companies]] in eRepublik and pick the one that fits you best.
Job Market will list the job offers posted by the employer.<br>
This page will list the job offers (arranged by the offered salary first) as follows:
* Employer (Avatar, Name),
* Offered Salary,
* Apply link.
In order to get a job, you have to press the 'Apply' button.<br>
When your citizen becomes ''employee'' for the first time it receives 5 [[Experience points]].
''Note'': that you cannot get a job in a different country than the one you live in, if you own a company, or if you are already an employee.
''Note'': you may also search for jobs by clicking on the Get a job button under the Employer section in the My Places page.
You are NOT allowed to resign your position before 72 hours from the moment you were hired, unless:
* the company hasn't got the necessary amount of money in the accounts to pay your salary;
* the company has 0 Raw Materials in stock.
''When you are hired, the ''Company Manager'' cannot lower your salary for 3 days.''
[[Work]] as either an employee or manager is accessed from [[My places]] tab in the main menu.
In order for an employee to work, the company must have enough money to pay him and enough raw materials to produce goods (for product companies).
''Note:'' as a manager of a company you do not earn a wage.
An employee is able to work by simply pressing the “Work” button.
After pressing work:
*productivity is added in the product queue, products are being created when units are completed;
*you will receive your daily salary;
*you will receive one Experience Point.
10 points of wellness is lost every time you work for each company you work for.
If your wellness is below the quality level of the company, you will not be allowed to work.
For every 30 days in-a-row worked, you will achieve an “Hardworker" medal.
==Get Involved==
Talk to experienced players, read the new player’s guide, Subscribe in government news agencies, and explore the Wiki. The more you know about eRepublik, the more fun it will be.
===Important Newspapers (Vote & Subscribe)===
*[http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/education-today-181113/1 Department of Education]
*[http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/eus-interior-department-215358/1 eUS Interior Department]
*[http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/white-house-press-room-185289/1 White House Press Room]
*[http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/dod-orders-194506/1 Department of Defense Civilian Orders]
*[http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-speaker-s-word-181742/1 eUS Congress Speaker's World]
*[http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-pony-express-daily-224977/1 The Pony Express]
*[http://eusaforums.com eUSA Forum]
===Internet Relay Chat===
Get on Internet Relay Chat.  It is the primary means of real-time communication in erepublik and each party has their own chat channel.  Below are instructions for connecting via IRC.
===IRC Clients===
There are many IRC clients and web pages available to get you connected.  Each has its own features and requirements.  Below are just a few clients available for your use.
[https://cbe005.chat.mibbit.com Mibbet Web Client]
[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/chatzilla/ Chatzilla add-on for FireFox]
[http://www.icechat.net/site/ IceChat IRC]
1. The only server for American eRepublik chat is Rizon.  Each client is different for setting your default server so follow their instructions.
2. Enter and Register your nick.  I would highly suggest that your nickname is the same as your in-game eRepublik name.
3. To register your nickname, use the following syntax:
'''Code:''' ''/msg NickServ REGISTER password email''
Example: /msg NickServ REGISTER mypassword you@validemail.com
'''Note:''' the email address must be a valid email address you can use, and password must be a valid password (i.e. it cannot be your nickname or less than 5 characters long).
4. After issuing that command, an email will be dispatched with a confirmation code to your email address from service@rizon.net. Copy and paste the codes within 24 hours from your email address you just registered to complete the registration process; otherwise the nick will be available for others to register:
'''Code:''' ''/msg nickserv confirm confirmationCode''
5. Identify your nick since many chat channels require it for security reasons.
Use the following syntax at the command line:
'''Code:''' ''/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password''
6. Join a chat channel (syntax to do such is: ''/join #Channel'').  Below are a few well known channels:
===IRC channels on irc.rizon.net===
*eUSA Chat - #usa-chat
*Congress - #congress
*Department of Education - #education
*New Player Mentors - #Mentors
*Wiki - #wiki
If you don't know how to use irc you may do the following:
#Click on the following link: [http://widget.mibbit.com/?settings=658ae0fa3cc7d7478551c816fdad9059&server=mibbit.rizon.net&channel=%23us-help&autoConnect=true US-Chat]
#When it prompts you for a nickname, type in your eRepublik Name.
#You will be connected to the IRC room, just ask any question you have and someone will be there to respond!
=Military Units=
a [[Military unit]] is a group of citizens, members and leaders, that has decided to form either a private militia or be part of a national army.  Joining a militia is also one of beginning [[missions]] available as a new citizen.  Joining an active military unit can ensure you will succeed in the new world while helping you form new friendships with your comrades. Many, if not all, organized military units provide their members with daily [[food]] and [[weapon]] rations in exchange for communal work.  Below is a list of the top national and militia units:
* [http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/97 eUS Civilian Military Group]
* [[United States Armed Forces]]
* [[Easy Company]]
* [http://tinyurl.com/SEALsLikeItWet Seal Team 6]
* [[SFP Bear Cavalry]]
* [[United States Training Corps]]
* Complete listing of all [http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Category:Military_of_USA Military in USA]
=Choosing a Party=
If you're not a political science major, choosing a party might be hard based on only the descriptions on a party page. Deciphering between what it means to be center-right vs far-left and authoritarian vs libertarian maybe a challenge.
==Economic Orientation==
Also known as Left-right political spectrum is a common way of classifying political positions, political ideologies, or political parties along a one-dimensional political spectrum. "The Left" and "The Right" are usually understood to represent polar opposites for each determinant, though a particular individual or party may take a "left" stance on one matter and a "right" stance on another.
==Far-Left and Far-Right==
Differences between Far-Left and Far-Right:
#Far-Left: more economic interventionism; workers' self-management; Equality of outcome; progressivism; secular government; law dictates culture; human nature and society are mostly malleable.
#Far-Right: more laissez-faire; right to work; Equality of opportunity; conservatism; religious government; culture dictates law; human nature and society are mostly fixed.
* Far-Left - Radical
* Center-Left - Liberal
* Center - 1/2 Liberal 1/2 Conservative
* Center-Right - Conservative
* Far-Right - Reactionary
==Social Orientation==
A political system, is a system of politics and government. It is usually compared to the law system, economic system, cultural system, and other social systems. It is different from them, and can be generally defined on a spectrum from left to the right. However, this is a very simplified view of a much more complex system of categories involving i.e. the view on who will have the authority, the view of religious questions and the government's influence on its people and economy.
* Totalitarian: Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a concept used to describe political systems whereby a state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private life. Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain themselves in political power by means of an official all-embracing ideology and propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that controls the state, personality cults, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use of mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror tactics.
* Authoritarian: Authoritarianism describes a form of government characterized by an emphasis on the authority of the state in a republic or union. It is a political system controlled by non elected rulers who usually permit some degree of individual freedom.
* Libertarian: Libertarianism is a term used by a spectrum of political philosophies which seek to promote individual liberty and seek to minimize or even abolish the state. The extent to which government may be necessary may be evaluated on ethical and/or economic grounds. "What it means to be a libertarian in a political sense is a contentious issue, especially among libertarians themselves. There is no single theory that can be reliably identified as the libertarian theory, and no single principle or set of principles on which all libertarians would agree."
* Anarchist: Anarchism is a political philosophy encompassing theories and attitudes which support the elimination of all forms of compulsory government. Specific anarchists may have additional criteria for what constitutes anarchism, and they often disagree with each other on what these criteria are. According to The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, "there is no single defining position that all anarchists hold, and those considered anarchists at best share a certain family resemblance."
So.. you want to run for Congress, eh? Got ambitions of helping to shape our nation? Well Congress is the perfect way to express that opinion. That’s why, the Department of Education is issuing this guide to help you in your run for Congress.
First off, though, you should run for the right reasons. Those who run for the wrong reasons more often then not end up being ineffective legislators. If you are running for the following reasons, I suggest you reevaluate why you are running.
*You just want the {{Gold|5}} bonus.
*You just want to pad your resume.
*You have no idea what the issues are effecting the eUS.
If any of these things apply to you, you should seriously reconsider running for Congress. There have been many people in the past who have run for the Gold and had no idea what the problems were that are effecting our country. They would haphazardly propose ridiculous proposals that would swiftly be voted down because they had not discussed that issue with Congress. Or, one would run for Congress then realize they cannot go overseas without resigning their office. There is the National Guard 1st division for those Congressmen who want to be a part of the military. But, if being part of the Marines is more important that you than being a part of Congress, don’t run.
==Running for Congress==
If you are not a big name, or are not a member of a big party, running in a smaller state is probably best. I don’t care if you live in a state like Florida in real life and feel passionate about running there - this isn’t real life and to be frank, regional politics do not matter in eRepublik. The only reason regional politics matter is in terms of Defense System and Hospital placement and even then Congress has a list of where the next DS or hospital is going, so, in all honestly, its best not to make a promise for placing a Q5 Defense system in Kansas - its not going to happen. Instead, find a state with a low population that has lesser known names running. If you don’t know whether a person is a big shot or not, PM your party president. (It should also be noted that even if a big name is running, there still maybe a slight chance of you winning due to party line voting. See the case of Florida last month. Justinious lost to Dountdude due to an inflated population due to the war and party line voting. This case, though, is an exception, not the rule.) Your party president can give you suggestions on where to run. Once you figure out a state to run in, go to your party page and click on the run for Congress button. You’ll be able to select the state you want to run in from the 16th to the 23rd of each month. Once you select your state, its time to develop your platform.
(It should also be noted that if you are a member of a party that is not in the Top-5 parties, your name will not appear on the ballot come election day. You will be able to put your name up for Congress on your party page but come elections, you will not be on the ballot. If you are a member of a 6th party and want to run for Congress, please contact your Party President. They will be able to ask other Party Presidents from different parties to allow you to run under their ticket. Once elected, you are able to switch back to your original party.)
So, now that you figured out what state to run in, its time to develop your platform. Your platform is the main way you will be able to communicate your ideas to the voters in your state. Make sure your platform addresses key issues affecting our country such as the economy (inflation and the value of the dollar vs gold), helping business and workers, imports vs exports, Value Added Taxes, Import taxes, and income taxes, Mutual Protection Pacts with other countries, and your opinion on war. This is not an all inclusive list but main topics that should be involved in your platform. Do not, I repeat, do not promise a Defense system or Hospital for your state. Like I mentioned before, there is a set strategic list of where DS and Hospitals will be placed and this will not change no matter how hard you campaign. Once you have your platform developed, link it to your candidate page. It is important that you do this because when voters go to place their vote, they can read each platform before clicking the vote button. This step is imperative!
Also, make sure to post your platform on your newspaper. This is a good way to make the public aware that you are running and get a positive vibe for your campaign. If others see your platform, even if they don’t live in your state, they’ll tell others you’re running a good campaign which will get more people to vote for you in end. Also, by posting your platform in your newspaper, you are more likely to get the endorsement of the Independent Congressional Recommendations Panel run by Angrr. This panel evaluates every race in each state and recommends the best candidate from each state. If you want to get this recommendation, you’re going to need a strong platform that is visible to the public.
Now, the most important, but tedious part of campaigning is PMing your potential voters. This can be a pain, but necessary to let your voters know you really care about their needs. In order to get a list of voters from your state, go to the info tab>rankings>USA> then your state. From there, PM every voter who is level 6 or above or that looks active and will be level 6 or above by election day. Mention that you are running, give a link to your platform and tell them send a PM back if they have any questions. That way, you a being personable and sending your message to the entire state. This is, by far, the best way you’ll win votes on election day.
The day before elections, your party president will finalize the list of candidates. Don’t worry, you should make it on the ballot unless someone else from your party is running in that state. Be sure to discuss your situation with your party president before the 24th of the month if this is the case for you. If not, its time to put in a last ditch effort to get votes. Put our a short article in your newspaper reminding people to vote on the 25th and put a link to your platform in your article. Make it short, but sweet. Just get your message across. Also, I’d recommend putting out a few shouts to friends to remind them to vote.
Now, on the day of elections, go and vote. When you get to the voter page, you’ll notice that candidates are separated by party. Click on your party and then you should see your name. From there, you can vote. Once voted, you’ll see the vote count in your state thus far. If you are not in first place, you’ll see your name under the “unqualified” list. This does not mean your are unqualified for office. It just means that, as of this time, you do not meet the qualifications to get elected to office (i.e. you don’t have the most votes). If in the event of a tie, the person with the most experience points will be declared the winner. Therefore, if throughout the day there is a tie, the qualified candidate will be the person with the most XP. Keep this in mind when choosing a state. In small states, the XP factor might be the deciding factor in a election.
==Tips for Congressman==
'''Tip 1''': Know the lingo. Make sure you become familiar with common terms such as MPP, DS, or special programs connected to your term such as the Emergency Tax Package.
A '''Mutual Protection Pact''', or MPP, is essentially an alliance with another country. If they are attacked, we are allowed to participate in a war they are involved in without moving. So, if Iran attacked Spain and we had a MPP with them, we'd be able to send out troops to attack from Florida.
A '''Defense System''', or DS for short (not to be confused with the video game system), is a product purchased by the government to increase the defense of a region. The higher quality ones are usually purchased for border regions. The higher the quality of a defense system, the bigger the wall a region has when its attacked.
The '''Emergency Tax Package''' is a series of reforms Congress is trying to pass in response to Franco stealing all the money from the Federal Reserve Org account. This will raise taxes on all goods significantly until enough money is raised to make up for the money stolen. Whether you agree with this measure or not, as a Congressman, it is your responsibility to know the rationale behind the measure in order to give good reasons as to whether you will vote for the package or not.
'''Tip 2''': Know not only the needs of your region, but the needs of the entire country. Sure, you were elected to represent Kansas, but, as I said in the Guide on getting elected to Congress, there is really no such thing as regional politics in eRepublik. You need to think with your head, not your heart. Sure, you can respond to constituent needs, but, you just are not going to get that Q5 DS in Kansas. There's a list to where each hospital and defense system is going next and you're going to have a really rough time trying to get Congress to deviate from this list.
'''Tip 3''': Register for the eUS forums and if possible, get involved with #usa-chat and #congress. Being active on the eUS forums is essential to being a successful Congressman. The forums are where proposals are debated before they are proposed on eRepublik. To get a proposal passed, you need to make a topic stating your proposal and the rationale behind it. Once it gathers 5 approvals, you can go ahead and propose it on the eRepublik site. Your proposal will get voted down on principle if it is not debated on the forums first even if its a good proposal. Remember, you only have 2 proposals per term. Follow procedure or you will lose them needlessly when your silly proposal that wasn't debated is voted down.
As for #Congress, it is not essential for you to be active on IRC, but it helps. There have been many successful Congressman, such as Scrabman from WV, who are not active on IRC. But, sometimes in the case of an emergency, such as when the forums were taken down by Franco, certain proposals are discussed on IRC. Be aware of this when you choose to participate or not participate. Link to the Forums
Guide to IRC
'''Tip 4''': Know about taxes and the rules behind taxes. There are three different types of taxes.
The first is an '''import tax'''. This is a tax on all goods coming into the nation from other countries.
The second is an '''income tax'''. This is a tax where money is deducted from when a GM collects money from a company's account. This is also a tax deducted from each worker's wage. So, for example, if a worker earns 10 dollars a day working at a Food company and the income tax on the food industry is 10%, he'll only take home 9 dollars that day after he works.
The third is a '''Value Added Tax'''. A VAT increases the price of a product on the market by a certain percent. That money goes directly to a country's account. For example, if the price of a Q1 food is 1 dollar at the VAT is 5%, the price of the product on the market will be a 1.05 to the consumer. When sold, the GM takes home 1 dollar and the government taxes home .05 cents.
Understanding these different taxes is essential to being an effective Congressperson.
The US Department of Education's primary mission is to assist new {{SmFlag|USA}} citizens in learning everything they can about the eRepublik in order to become productive members of society. To this end, the DoE publishes a newspaper detailing various aspects of the game and meta-game and maintains a website providing links for further reading on relevant topics and promoting several helpful assistance programs. In addition, the DoE oversees the [[Department of Education/American University|American University]] (a comprehensive mentoring program pairing new citizens with experienced players), the welcome committee (a task force dedicated to contacting new eUS citizens with important information regarding their new lives in the USA {{SmFlag|USA}}), an outreach committee (devoted to bringing new players to the USA {{SmFlag|USA}}), and an IRC rewards program (administered via the department's official IRC channel: [[#eUSA-DoE]]).  
'''Tip 5''': Do not propose to increase Minimum Wage. Every term we have a newbie populist Congressman who thinks its a smart idea to raise minimum wage. It isn't. Minimum wage is the way it is for a reason. With the new citizen fee, new players will have enough money to buy food until they reach skill level 1 after 2 days and be able to afford more goods. Raising minimum wage only puts more dollars into the economy which will not be used as most new players quit after a day or two. This only raises inflation which is not helpful for the economy. So, don't waste your proposal on raising minimum wage. There's only a very slim chance it'll pass.
The DoE often collaborates with various other governmental organizations in order to keep its citizens informed. These include the following institutions: government Military Units, Department of the Interior, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Human Services.
'''Tip 6''': Treat impeachment as you would in the Real Life United States. Impeachment is for high crimes. Impeachment is not a way to show your disapproval for the President. So, the President has ruined the economy or brought us into a unjustified war. You don't agree with him. Impeachment is not the way to show your anger. If you disapprove of him, he's only in office for one month, which is honestly a really short amount of time. If you don't like him, he's probably not going to get elected next term so just wait it out. If he's stolen money from the Federal Reserve or becomes inactive, that's another story. Those cases justify impeachment. Don't waste your proposal unless the President steals, is a multi, or does something truly out there. Remember, it takes 2/3 of Congress to impeach a President. Keep that in mind.
'''Tip 7''': Get involved with a committee. The new Speaker of the House, ProggyPop, has been trying to create committees you can get involved with. This has not reached final approval, but should be passed sometime in the near future. If you're interested in Defense System and Hospital placement, ask to get involved with the Infrastructure committee. If you have a policy area which you are particularly interested in, this a great way to make an impact in Congress.
==Programs and Initiatives==
*Official newspaper, Education Today, contains numerous articles designed to inform and advise the new citizen about various aspects of the game.  
*Mentoring program ([[Department of Education/American University|American University]]) aids new players by guiding them through their first steps in the eRepublik and providing more specific information about the area(s) by which individual citizens find their interest piqued.  
*IRC incentives program encourages players of all ages and experience to visit DoE channel (#eUSA-DoE) and, perhaps, learn something new about the eRepublik.
*Welcome committee contacts new eUS citizens with helpful links and advice for young citizens in order to help them learn to thrive in the eRepublik.
*Outreach committee maintains programs such as eNASA that serve to bring new citizens to the USA.
*Interactive Division: [https://erica.co.nr/ ERICA] to help everyone to get every detail in the USA related to DoE and others.
'''Tip 8''': Subscribe to the Congressional Newspaper. This newspaper will keep you informed on many major events happening in Congress. A link to the newspaper can be found [http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/congressional-corner-181742/1 here].
==Important links==
*On Rizon IRC channel you can ask how to get free stuff. #eUSA-DoE
*Join a government job including the Department of Education: [https://eusagovt.wufoo.com/forms/eunited-states-job-application/]
*Get Educated, Enrollment application for the [[Department of Education/American University|American University]] to receive a mentor by this link: [https://tinyurl.com/kh5vh77] Citizens under level {{Level|30}}.
*Department of Education web site: [https://eusa-doe.co.nr/]
*Department of Education newspaper: {{eLink|newspaper|181113|Education Today|center}}
'''Tip 9''': Keep your constituents informed- Make your voting record public. It is important to keep your constituents informed of your voting record. As such, it would be helpful to publish your voting record on your newspaper. As a Congresswoman, I published my record on my newspaper once a week. In addition to publishing your record on your newspaper, it is also important that you inform Congress of your vote. Do this by reporting it on the threads on the eUS forums. Also, Speaker ProggyPop has recently implemented a new way of reporting voting records via a Google Documents system. For more information on this system, contact Speaker ProggyPop
==Publication list==
'''Tip 10''': Don't be an ass. Decorum is important to a successful Congressional session. Remember the Golden Rule in all Congressional debates- treat others the way you'd like to be treated. We all have feelings and we sometimes feel extremely passionate about a certain issue. Even if you completely disagree with someone's proposal, be nice when disagreeing with them. Remember, this is just a game.
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 20pt;">{{eLink|newspaper|181113|Education Today|center}}</div>
'''Tip 11''': Multipartisanship. Multipartisanship goes a long way when getting things done that are productive for our country. Sure, you maybe vehemently against higher taxes, but, look at it in the long term rather then the short term. Sometimes, you need to make sacrifices in order to make a difference. This goes along with tip #10. Sometimes, compromise is the way to go. Think wisely over each proposal and don't be a hard liner unless absolutely necessary.
{| class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
!colspan=3|Department of Education Published Articles
!width="355pt"| Article title
!width="355pt"| Article title
!width="355pt"| Article title
| <!-- *Day x,xxx - {{eLink|article|xxxxxxx|(DoE) Soon to be published}} -->
| *Day 2,386 - {{eLink|article|2404913|(DoE) Examining Executive Branch}}
| *Day 2,381 - {{eLink|article|2403600|(DoE) The Path to Now}}
| *Day 2,379 - {{eLink|article|2403007|(DoE) Personal Missions II of May}}
| *Day 2,376 - {{eLink|article|2402436|(DoE) Guide to: Congress}}
| *Day 2,374 - {{eLink|article|2401571|(DoE) Explaining War Module}}
| *Day 2,372 - {{eLink|article|2400989|(DoE) Explaining Internet Relay Chat (IRC)}}
| *Day 2,369 - {{eLink|article|2400221|(DoE) Explaining Party Presidentship}}
| *Day 2,367 - {{eLink|article|2399658|(DoE) Guide to Elections}}
| *Day 2,366 - {{eLink|article|2399410|(DoE) Meet the Parties - USWP}}
| *Day 2,365 - {{eLink|article|2399193|(DoE) Meet the Parties - AMP}}
| *Day 2,364 - {{eLink|article|2398932|(DoE) Meet the Parties - The Black Sheep Party}}
| *Day 2,362 - {{eLink|article|2398577|(DoE) Personal Missions I of May}}
| *Day 2,362 - {{eLink|article|2398461|(DoE) Meet the Parties - The Federalist Party}}
| *Day 2,361 - {{eLink|article|2398075|(DoE) Meet the Parties - We The People}}
| *Day 2,359 - {{eLink|article|2397796|(DoE) DoE of May 2014}}
| *Day 2,355 - {{eLink|article|2396419|(DoE) Economic Module}}
| *Day 2,351 - {{eLink|article|2395507|(DoE) Examining Executive Branch}}
| *Day 2,348 - {{eLink|article|2394585|(DoE) Personal Missions II of April}}
| *Day 2,346 - {{eLink|article|2394154|(DoE) Guide to: Congress}}
| *Day 2,344 - {{eLink|article|2393391|(DoE) WoW II Results | WoW III Starts}}
| *Day 2,341 - {{eLink|article|2392686|(DoE) Explaining War Module}}
| *Day 2,339 - {{eLink|article|2392076|(DoE) Party Presidentship Explained}}
| *Day 2,337 - {{eLink|article|2391513|(DoE) WoW I Results | WoW II Starts}}
| *Day 2,336 - {{eLink|article|2390789|(DoE) Guide to Elections}}
| *Day 2,334 - {{eLink|article|2390789|(DoE) FAQ}}
| *Day 2,332 - {{eLink|article|2390421|(DoE) Personal Missions I of April}}
| *Day 2,331 - {{eLink|article|2389838|(DoE) Writer of the Week I}}
| *Day 2,331 - {{eLink|article|2389537|(DoE) Plans, Team and Introducing Erica}}
| *Day 2,331 - {{eLink|article|2384539|(DoE) Guide to: Guerrilla Warfare}}
| *Day 2,306 - {{eLink|article|2382842|(DoE) Personal Missions, Round 3!}}
| *Day 2,301 - {{eLink|article|2363433|(DoE) Welcome, eMerican!}}
| *Day 2,300 - {{eLink|article|2381200|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,298 - {{eLink|article|2380652|(DoE) DoE of March 2014}}
| *Day 2,294 - {{eLink|article|2379079|(DoE) Economic Module}}
| *Day 2,292 - {{eLink|article|2378506|(DoE) Guide to: Congress}}
| *Day 2,290 - {{eLink|article|2377912|(DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts}}
| *Day 2,288 - {{eLink|article|2377220|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,286 - {{eLink|article|2376532|(DoE) Personal Missions! Round 2 of February!}}
| *Day 2,281 - {{eLink|article|2375152|(DoE) Guide to: Understanding Bonuses}}
| *Day 2,279 - {{eLink|article|2374330|(DoE) Party Presidentship Explained}}
| *Day 2,277 - {{eLink|article|2373559|(DoE) FAQ}}
| *Day 2,275 - {{eLink|article|2372975|(DoE) Guide to eRepublik: First Days}}
| *Day 2,273 - {{eLink|article|2372147|(DoE) Personal Missions! Round 1 of February!}}
| *Day 2,271 - {{eLink|article|2371173|(DoE) of February 2014}}
| *Day 2,264 - {{eLink|article|2368886|(DoE) Examining the Executive Branch}}
| *Day 2,262 - {{eLink|article|2368294|(DoE) Personal Missions! Round 3!}}
| *Day 2,260 - {{eLink|article|2367629|(DoE) Economic Module}}
| *Day 2,258 - {{eLink|article|2366974|(DoE) Guide to: Congress}}
| *Day 2,256 - {{eLink|article|2363433|(DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts}}
| *Day 2,253 - {{eLink|article|2364908|(DoE) Personal Missions: Round 2!}}
| *Day 2,250 - {{eLink|article|2364147|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,248 - {{eLink|article|2363433|(DoE) Party Presidentship Explained}}
| *Day 2,246 - {{eLink|article|2362705|(DoE) Guide to:Understanding Bonuses}}
| *Day 2,244 - {{eLink|article|2361970|(DoE) FAQ}}
| *Day 2,242 - {{eLink|article|2361355|(DoE) Personal Missions}}
| *Day 2,240 - {{eLink|article|2360677|(DoE) Guide to eRepublik: First Days}}
| *Day 2,239 - {{eLink|article|2360265|DoE of January 2014}}
| *Day 2,237 - {{eLink|article|2359473|(DoE) The New American University !}}
| *Day 2,221 - {{eLink|article|2354126|(DoE) Military Module-- Presidential View!}}
| *Day 2,221 - {{eLink|article|2353964|(DoE) Updates on eNASA!}}
| *Day 2,214 - {{eLink|article|2354126|(DoE) Military Module-- Presidential View!}}
| *Day 2,214 - {{eLink|article|2351535|(DoE) FAQ}}
| *Day 2,211 - {{eLink|article|2350448|(DoE) eNASA Update & Competition, American University Relaunch, and More!}}
| *Day 2,205 - {{eLink|article|2348169|(DoE) eNASA & MoE Convention!}}
| *Day 2,201 - {{eLink|article|2346941|(DoE) Welcome Committee, Human Resource Collaboration & eNASA!}}
| *Day 2,194 - {{eLink|article|2344123|(DoE) eNASA--It's Back! Commencing Mission: Apollo II}}
| *Day 2,192 - {{eLink|article|2343237|(DoE) Recap-- Raffle Event, American University!}}
| *Day 2,189 - {{eLink|article|2342064|(DoE) Raffle Event, American University, & International MoE Convention!}}
| *Day 2,189 - {{eLink|article|2342085|(DoE) Economic Module: GOLD!}}
| *Day 2,189 - {{eLink|article|2342075|(DoE) Economic Module}}
| *Day 2,187 - {{eLink|article|2341342|(DoE) Guide to eRepublik: First Days}}
| *Day 2,184 - {{eLink|article|2340086|(DoE) Political Module: Executive Branch}}
| *Day 2,182 - {{eLink|article|2342075|(DoE) Political Parties: Party President}}
| *Day 2,181 - {{eLink|article|2339012|(DoE) Political Parties: Choosing the Right One!}}
|*Day 2,180 - {{eLink|article|2338661|(DoE) Congress: In Depth}}
|*Day 2,179 - {{eLink|article|2338300|(DoE) Political Module}}
|*Day 2,179 - {{eLink|article|2338270|(DoE) Hunt Results, A.U., Broadening Horizons!}}
|*Day 2,176 - {{eLink|article|2337202|(DoE) Begin The Hunt!! Go Go Go!}}
|*Day 2,174 - {{eLink|article|2336367|(DoE) Guide to: Moving}}
| *Day 2,174 - {{eLink|article|2336365|(DoE) Announcing Scavenger Hunt and PoTUS Candidates!}}
| *Day 2,171 - {{eLink|article|2335133|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,164 - {{eLink|article|2332870|(DoE) Ambassador Program}}
| *Day 2,160 - {{eLink|article|2331413|(DoE) FAQ}}
| *Day 2,158 - {{eLink|article|2330562|(DoE) Writing Contest Results!}}
| *Day 2,151 - {{eLink|article|2328141|(DoE) October 2013: Branching Out}}
| *Day 2,149 - {{eLink|article|2327246|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,145 - {{eLink|article|2326080|(DoE) Military Units: eUS Flight Training}}
| *Day 2,143 - {{eLink|article|2325268|(DoE) Guide to: Understanding Bonuses}}
| *Day 2,141 - {{eLink|article|2324609|(DoE) Political Parties: The United Republic Party (T.U.R.P.)}}
| *Day 2,139 - {{eLink|article|2323866|(DoE) eUS Ambassador Program}}
| *Day 2,138 - {{eLink|article|2323607|(DoE) September Writing Contest!}}
| *Day 2,132 - {{eLink|article|2321263|(DoE) Current Events: Circle of Trust}}
| *Day 2,129 - {{eLink|article|2320230|(DoE) Guide to: Congress}}
| *Day 2,124 - {{eLink|article|2318335|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,119 - {{eLink|article|2316306|(DoE) September 2013: Revision and Refinement}}
| *Day 2,116 - {{eLink|article|2315059|(DoE) Writing Contest Results!}}
| *Day 2,108 - {{eLink|article|2311854|(DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts}}
| *Day 2,106 - {{eLink|article|2311024|(DoE) Guide to: PTOs and ATOs}}
| *Day 2,102 - {{eLink|article|2309270|(DoE) Writing Contest!}}
| *Day 2,099 - {{eLink|article|2307959|(DoE) Acronyms}}
| *Day 2,096 - {{eLink|article|2306728|(DoE) FAQ}}
| *Day 2,094 - {{eLink|article|2305895|(DoE) New Website}}
| *Day 2,092 - {{eLink|article|2305001|(DoE) Free Moving Money for New Players and How to Spend It}}
| *Day 2,089 - {{eLink|article|2303624|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,086 - {{eLink|article|2302349|(DoE) August 2013: A New Way Forward}}
| *Day 2,067 - {{eLink|article|2292928|(DoE) Guide to Journalism}}
| *Day 2,060 - {{eLink|article|2289521|(DoE) First Days in eRepublik}}
| *Day 2,056 - {{eLink|article|2287360|(DoE) A New Month and a Fresh Start}}
| *Day 2,049 - {{eLink|article|2284138|(DoE) Being a Congressman}}
| *Day 2,046 - {{eLink|article|2282904|(DoE) Library of Links}}
| *Day 2,042 - {{eLink|article|2280814|(DoE) Party Presidentship Explained}}
| *Day 2,039 - {{eLink|article|2279325|(DoE) Resistance Wars}}
| *Day 2,034 - {{eLink|article|2276781|(DoE) War Declarations Explained}}
| *Day 2,031 - {{eLink|article|2275706|(DoE) Library of Links - Reprint}}
| *Day 2,024 - {{eLink|article|2272430|(DoE) S.H.I.E.L.D.}}
| *Day 2,005 - {{eLink|article|2262913|(DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts}}
| *Day 2,003 - {{eLink|article|2261663|(DoE) And the winner of Kody5's avatar is!}}
| *Day 1,997 - {{eLink|article|2258637|(DoE) Guide to: Understanding PTO's and ATO's}}
| *Day 1,996 - {{eLink|article|2258033|(DoE) All about Weapons}}
| *Day 1,994 - {{eLink|article|2257085|(DoE) Kody5 Avatar Auction}}
| *Day 1,989 - {{eLink|article|2254466|(DoE) Guide to: Food Factories}}
| *Day 1,987 - {{eLink|article|2253250|(DoE) Guide to: Understanding Bonuses}}
| *Day 1,985 - {{eLink|article|2252311|(DoE) Guide to: Guerrilla Warfare}}
| *Day 1,984 - {{eLink|article|2251749|(DoE) Guide to: Training Centers}}
| *Day 1,981 - {{eLink|article|2250132|(DoE) Guide to: War Module}}
| *Day 1,979 - {{eLink|article|2249050|(DoE) Ain't Sayin' You're a Gold Digger…}}
| *Day 1,976 - {{eLink|article|2247263|(DoE) Library of Links - Reprint}}
| *Day 1,976 - {{eLink|article|2247490|(DoE) Flight Training}}
| *Day 1,966 - {{eLink|article|2242472|(DoE) The Battle of Wits is Over! Who won? Find out inside}}
| *Day 1,960 - {{eLink|article|2238821|(DoE) Library of Informative Links}}
| *Day 1,955 - {{eLink|article|2236493|(DoE) Ebabies - Battle of Wits!}}
| *Day 1,946 - {{eLink|article|2231310|(DoE) Acronyms all in a row}}
| *Day 1,941 - {{eLink|article|2228609|(DoE) eBabies, Mentors and Reading. Oh My!}}
| *Day 1,929 - {{eLink|article|2221372|(DoE) VMA-214 The Black Sheep}}
| *Day 1,929 - {{eLink|article|2221358|(DoE) Cannon Cockers}}
| *Day 1,928 - {{eLink|article|2221152|(DoE) Ultramarines}}
| *Day 1,928 - {{eLink|article|2221154|(DoE) The Special Forces}}
| *Day 1,928 - {{eLink|article|2221163|(DoE) The American MU Guide}}
| *Day 1,928 - {{eLink|article|2221153|(DoE) Seal Team 6}}
| *Day 1,928 - {{eLink|article|2221151|(DoE) Rogue Squadron}}
| *Day 1,928 - {{eLink|article|2221156|(DoE) Easy Company}}
| *Day 1,928 - {{eLink|article|2221150|(DoE) Air Force}}
| *Day 1,918 - {{eLink|article|2215485|(DoE) We the People}}
| *Day 1,918 - {{eLink|article|2215486|(DoE) Vox Populi}}
| *Day 1,918 - {{eLink|article|2215484|(DoE) The United States Workers Party}}
| *Day 1,918 - {{eLink|article|2215561|(DoE) The Political Guide for New Players}}
| *Day 1,918 - {{eLink|article|2215483|(DoE) The Federalist Party}}
| *Day 1,918 - {{eLink|article|2215481|(DoE) The American Military Party}}
| *Day 1,907 - {{eLink|article|2209078|(DoE) Introductions and Formalities}}
| *Day 1,897 - {{eLink|article|2203251|(DoE) Sample Instructional Videos}}
| *Day 1,892 - {{eLink|article|2200018|(DoE) New Staff and New Goals}}
| *Day 1,887 - {{eLink|article|2197191|(DoE) Department of Defense}}
| *Day 1,880 - {{eLink|article|2192715|(DoE) Training and Working with the DoE}}
| *Day 1,872 - {{eLink|article|2187898|(DoE) Back to the Basics}}
| *Day 1,853 - {{eLink|article|2176734|(DoE) Department Summaries: DHS}}
| *Day 1,834 - {{eLink|article|2165495|(DoE) Pen, Paper and Possibilities}}
| *Day 1,821 - {{eLink|article|2156953|(DoE) Examining the Executive Branch}}
| *Day 1,819 - {{eLink|article|2155827|(DoE) A Look at the Legislative Branch}}
| *Day 1,813 - {{eLink|article|2152476|(DoE) New Leadership and New Opportunities}}
| *Day 1,801 - {{eLink|article|2145276|(DoE) Political Parties: The AMP}}
| *Day 1,796 - {{eLink|article|2142174|(DoE) Political Parties: The AFA}}
| *Day 1,792 - {{eLink|article|2139921|(DoE) What's with Political Parties?}}
| *Day 1,785 - {{eLink|article|2135512|(DoE) A new term approaches!}}
| *Day 1,773 - {{eLink|article|2128281|(DoE) Scavenger Hunt Results}}
| *Day 1,769 - {{eLink|article|2126094|(DoE) Let the Scavenger Hunt Begin!}}
| *Day 1,763 - {{eLink|article|2122531|(DoE) News and Scavenger Hunt Announcement!}}
| *Day 1,757 - {{eLink|article|2119045|New Term in the DoE!}}
| *Day 1,751 - {{eLink|article|2115662|(DoE) Term Closure}}
| *Day 1,747 - {{eLink|article|2113405|American University Honors Roll}}
| *Day 1,747 - {{eLink|article|2113409|(DoE) American University Amends and Exam Results}}
| *Day 1,742 - {{eLink|article|2110368|(DoE) American University Graduation Exam Results week 1}}
| *Day 1,734 - {{eLink|article|2105083|Department of Education - American University}}
| *Day 1,724 - {{eLink|article|2098924|(DoE) eUS MU's: Which one is right for you?}}
| *Day 1,723 - {{eLink|article|2098513|Department of Education - Staff recruitment}}
| *Day 1,712 - {{eLink|article|2091300|(DoE) Top 5 Party Overview/DoE Programs}}
| *Day 1,694 - {{eLink|article|2078968|(DoE) Political Module}}
| *Day 1,692 - {{eLink|article|2077746|(DoE) Alliances & War System}}
| *Day 1,681 - {{eLink|article|2069972|To Rocket or Not to Rocket?}}
| *Day 1,678 - {{eLink|article|2067193|Congress: A how to guide}}
| *Day 1,675 - {{eLink|article|2065397|Erepublik Bible: Part One}}
| *Day 1,670 - {{eLink|article|2061280|Getting Started in the Economic Module}}
| *Day 1,665 - {{eLink|article|2057601|New War Module Analysis, and Mentor Program Update}}
| *Day 1,662 - {{eLink|article|2054633|Mentor Program Reboot: Looking for Mentors & Mentees}}
| *Day 1,658 - {{eLink|article|2051380|How To IRC}}
| *Day 1,654 - {{eLink|article|2048436|An International Trivia Contest, and Department of Education Update}}
| *Day 1,650 - {{eLink|article|2045086|Quick-start Guide to eRepulik}}
| *Day 1,650 - {{eLink|article|2045053|Help Wanted, Article Contest Results, & a Chance to Win Free Gold}}
| *Day 1,645 - {{eLink|article|2040534|Politics 101: Running for Congress}}
| *Day 1,642 - {{eLink|article|2038138|Politics 101}}
| *Day 1,640 - {{eLink|article|2036572|Department of Education update, article contest, and new player survey}}
| *Day 1,590 - {{eLink|article|1996779|All New Players Enter Here!!}}
| *Day 1,491 - {{eLink|article|1928665|EDU+INT Department of Human Resources}}
| *Day 1,470 - {{eLink|article|1914820|EDU New World Academy}}
| *Day 1,462 - {{eLink|article|1908537|EDU The FAQ Edition - Ask Questions, Get Answers!}}
| *Day 1,453 - {{eLink|article|1902781|EDU The Path of War}}
| *Day 1,450 - {{eLink|article|1901032|New Citizen Information: Getting the Ball Rolling}}
| *Day 1,442 - {{eLink|article|1895522|Dept. of Education - Parties of America}}
| *Day 1,415 - {{eLink|article|1876162|Dept. of Education - Battle Types}}
| *Day 1,404 - {{eLink|article|1869839|The U.S. Department of Education Information Web}}
| *Day 1,390 - {{eLink|article|1860957|Dept. of Education - The Basics of Battle}}
| *Day 1,367 - {{eLink|article|1845347|New Citizen Information: First Steps}}
| *Day 1,311 - {{eLink|article|1805947|New Citizen Information: How To Fight}}
| *Day 1,301 - {{eLink|article|1797626|New Citizen Information: Buildings for Beginners}}
| *Day 1,291 - {{eLink|article|1789936|The U.S. Department of Education Information Web}}
| *Day 1,283 - {{eLink|article|1783575|New Citizen Information: All About Resources}}
| *Day 1,275 - {{eLink|article|1776282|New Player FAQ}}
| *Day 1,266 - {{eLink|article|1769515|New Citizen Education: Your First Days in eRepublik}}
| *Day 1,254 - {{eLink|article|1759793|New Citizen Education : How to Create and Operate a Company}}
| *Day 1,246 - {{eLink|article|1752588|New Citizen Information: How to Win Wars and Influence Bars}}
| *Day 1,240 - {{eLink|article|1746881|New Citizen Education: First Days in eRepublik}}
| *Day 1,235 - {{eLink|article|1740492|[(DoE) Now Hiring}}
| *Day 1,232 - {{eLink|article|1737022|New Citizen Information: Fighting Efficiently}}
| *Day 1,228 - {{eLink|article|1731459|New Citizen Information: Politics and PTOs}}
| *Day 1,223 - {{eLink|article|1725878|(DoE) The Papers of America}}
| *Day 1,219 - {{eLink|article|1721282|(DoE) Alliances and America}}
| *Day 1,189 - {{eLink|article|1686423|New Citizen Education: Media And Journalism}}
| *Day 1,172 - {{eLink|article|1665404|New Citizen Education: New Player FAQ}}
| *Day 1,161 - {{eLink|article|1651572|The U.S. Department of Education Information Web}}
| *Day 1,156 - {{eLink|article|1646101|New Citizen Education: Companies and Resources for Beginners}}
| *Day 1,148 - {{eLink|article|1633866|New Citizen Education: Political Mechanics}}
| *Day 1,137 - {{eLink|article|1622056|New Citizen Education: Your First Days in eRepublik}}
| *Day 1,121 - {{eLink|article|1604774|New Citizen Education: Fighting and Healing}}
| *Day 1,110 - {{eLink|article|1594423|Under the Hood of America, Part 2: Parties of America}}
| *Day 1,106 - {{eLink|article|1590367|Education Today Update: New Raw Materials}}
| *Day 1,104 - {{eLink|article|1588168|Under the Hood of America, Part 1: The Executive}}
| *Day 1,096 - {{eLink|article|1579335|New Citizen Education: Organizations and Companies}}
| *Day 1,091 - {{eLink|article|1574325|New Citizen Education: The Art of War}}
| *Day 1,085 - {{eLink|article|1568100|New Citizen Education: New Player FAQ}}
| *Day 1,083 - {{eLink|article|1565739|Education Today Update: Training and Ranks}}
| *Day 1,077 - {{eLink|article|1559944|The U.S. Department of Education - The Information Web}}
| *Day 1,075 - {{eLink|article|1558163|New Citizen Education: Your First Days in eRepublik}}
| *Day 1,071 - {{eLink|article|1555214|New Citizen Education: Fighting, Battles, and Healing}}
| *Day 1,064 - {{eLink|article|1548276|New Citizen Education: U.S. Politics}}
| *Day 1,058 - {{eLink|article|1543463|New Citizen Education: IRC Beginners Guide and Directory}}
| *Day 1,056 - {{eLink|article|1541744|New Citizen Education: Building Your eRepublik Career}}
| *Day 1,048 - {{eLink|article|1533327|New Citizen Education: How To Guide to eRepublik Journalism}}
| *Day 1,047 - {{eLink|article|1532396|New Citizen Education: An Unwritten History}}
| *Day 693 - {{eLink|article|981542|North American University is back!}}
| *Day 679 - {{eLink|article|963192|Q2 House Raffle}}
| *Day 670 - {{eLink|article|948650|Mentoring 101 - First Message}}
| *Day 668 - {{eLink|article|945478|Department of Education Sponsored Raffle}}
| *Day 659 - {{eLink|article|932430|Citizenship Module v1.1}}
| *Day 658 - {{eLink|article|931085|For The Love of God think of the Children}}
| *Day 591 - {{eLink|article|847233|Department of Education Update: NAU and Free Moving Tickets for New Citizens}}
| *Day 587 - {{eLink|article|843595|Department of Education Guide: Construction Spending and the Military}}
| *Day 567 - {{eLink|article|825089|Department of Education: Guide to Party Donations and Various Updates}}
| *Day 559 - {{eLink|article|817854|Getting more bang for you buck- A Dept. of Education guide to tanking}}
| *Day 523 - {{eLink|article|787172|The Do's and Don'ts of Buying a Company}}
| *Day 520 - {{eLink|article|784175|(DoE) Citizen Mentorship Program Update}}
| *Day 517 - {{eLink|article|782147|Department of Education Recruitment}}
| *Day 480 - {{eLink|article|754470|Department of Education Guide: How to join the military}}
| *Day 462 - {{eLink|article|741315|Department of Education: Party Belief Survey Round 1: UIP}}
| *Day 462 - {{eLink|article|741268|Department of Education Mentor Program}}
| *Day 448 - {{eLink|article|733358|Department of Education Guide: Using Google Documents with eRepublik}}
| *Day 447 - {{eLink|article|732882|Department of Education Update and Surveys Galore}}
| *Day 439 - {{eLink|article|729563|Department of Education: 12 Tips for a Newbie Congressman}}
| *Day 436 - {{eLink|article|728568|Department of Education: Pricing Products}}
| *Day 435 - {{eLink|article|728163|Department of Education: United States Productivity Guide v1.1}}
| *Day 435 - {{eLink|article|728256|Department of Education: Two Ways of Mass PMing v1.0}}
| *Day 431 - {{eLink|article|726125|Department of Education Guide: How to run a business v1.0}}
| *Day 428 - {{eLink|article|725310|Department of Education Resource Guide v 1.0}}
| *Day 424 - {{eLink|article|723657|Department of Education Guide: How to Choose a Party, Congress}}
| *Day 422 - {{eLink|article|722484|(DoE) Pre-Publication}}
=Other Important External Links=
*[http://tinyurl.com/MoW2011 Meals on Wheels]
Department of Education Staff for revising the articles and contents.
*[http://goo.gl/puD6X ~bewbs4newbs~]
*Modified last by: --[[User:Jmurrib21|Jmurrib21]] 02:53, 9 April 2014 (UTC)
*[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dHRxSDBmOGZfZkZ3bW1TY1paazlDVUE6MA eUS Mentor Application Form]
*[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dGIwWVg0X2pneUpQLTZTLVBlaDhvZnc6MQ#gid=3 eUS Immigration Form]
[[Category:United States of America]]
[[Category:United States of America]]

Latest revision as of 20:44, 20 April 2020

Department of Education (USA).jpg  

US Department of Education (abbr. DoE, DeptEd)


The US Department of Education's primary mission is to assist new Flag-USA.png citizens in learning everything they can about the eRepublik in order to become productive members of society. To this end, the DoE publishes a newspaper detailing various aspects of the game and meta-game and maintains a website providing links for further reading on relevant topics and promoting several helpful assistance programs. In addition, the DoE oversees the American University (a comprehensive mentoring program pairing new citizens with experienced players), the welcome committee (a task force dedicated to contacting new eUS citizens with important information regarding their new lives in the USA Flag-USA.png), an outreach committee (devoted to bringing new players to the USA Flag-USA.png), and an IRC rewards program (administered via the department's official IRC channel: #eUSA-DoE).

The DoE often collaborates with various other governmental organizations in order to keep its citizens informed. These include the following institutions: government Military Units, Department of the Interior, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Human Services.



Programs and Initiatives

  • Official newspaper, Education Today, contains numerous articles designed to inform and advise the new citizen about various aspects of the game.
  • Mentoring program (American University) aids new players by guiding them through their first steps in the eRepublik and providing more specific information about the area(s) by which individual citizens find their interest piqued.
  • IRC incentives program encourages players of all ages and experience to visit DoE channel (#eUSA-DoE) and, perhaps, learn something new about the eRepublik.
  • Welcome committee contacts new eUS citizens with helpful links and advice for young citizens in order to help them learn to thrive in the eRepublik.
  • Outreach committee maintains programs such as eNASA that serve to bring new citizens to the USA.
  • Interactive Division: ERICA to help everyone to get every detail in the USA related to DoE and others.

Important links

  • On Rizon IRC channel you can ask how to get free stuff. #eUSA-DoE
  • Join a government job including the Department of Education: [1]
  • Get Educated, Enrollment application for the American University to receive a mentor by this link: [2] Citizens under level 30.
  • Department of Education web site: [3]
  • Department of Education newspaper: Education Today

Publication list

Education Today
Department of Education Published Articles
Article title Article title Article title
*Day 2,386 - (DoE) Examining Executive Branch *Day 2,381 - (DoE) The Path to Now
*Day 2,379 - (DoE) Personal Missions II of May *Day 2,376 - (DoE) Guide to: Congress *Day 2,374 - (DoE) Explaining War Module
*Day 2,372 - (DoE) Explaining Internet Relay Chat (IRC) *Day 2,369 - (DoE) Explaining Party Presidentship *Day 2,367 - (DoE) Guide to Elections
*Day 2,366 - (DoE) Meet the Parties - USWP *Day 2,365 - (DoE) Meet the Parties - AMP *Day 2,364 - (DoE) Meet the Parties - The Black Sheep Party
*Day 2,362 - (DoE) Personal Missions I of May *Day 2,362 - (DoE) Meet the Parties - The Federalist Party *Day 2,361 - (DoE) Meet the Parties - We The People
*Day 2,359 - (DoE) DoE of May 2014 *Day 2,355 - (DoE) Economic Module *Day 2,351 - (DoE) Examining Executive Branch
*Day 2,348 - (DoE) Personal Missions II of April *Day 2,346 - (DoE) Guide to: Congress *Day 2,344 - (DoE) WoW II Results
*Day 2,341 - (DoE) Explaining War Module *Day 2,339 - (DoE) Party Presidentship Explained *Day 2,337 - (DoE) WoW I Results
*Day 2,336 - (DoE) Guide to Elections *Day 2,334 - (DoE) FAQ *Day 2,332 - (DoE) Personal Missions I of April
*Day 2,331 - (DoE) Writer of the Week I *Day 2,331 - (DoE) Plans, Team and Introducing Erica *Day 2,331 - (DoE) Guide to: Guerrilla Warfare
*Day 2,306 - (DoE) Personal Missions, Round 3! *Day 2,301 - (DoE) Welcome, eMerican! *Day 2,300 - (DoE) Library of Links
*Day 2,298 - (DoE) DoE of March 2014 *Day 2,294 - (DoE) Economic Module *Day 2,292 - (DoE) Guide to: Congress
*Day 2,290 - (DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts *Day 2,288 - (DoE) Library of Links *Day 2,286 - (DoE) Personal Missions! Round 2 of February!
*Day 2,281 - (DoE) Guide to: Understanding Bonuses *Day 2,279 - (DoE) Party Presidentship Explained *Day 2,277 - (DoE) FAQ
*Day 2,275 - (DoE) Guide to eRepublik: First Days *Day 2,273 - (DoE) Personal Missions! Round 1 of February! *Day 2,271 - (DoE) of February 2014
*Day 2,264 - (DoE) Examining the Executive Branch *Day 2,262 - (DoE) Personal Missions! Round 3! *Day 2,260 - (DoE) Economic Module
*Day 2,258 - (DoE) Guide to: Congress *Day 2,256 - (DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts *Day 2,253 - (DoE) Personal Missions: Round 2!
*Day 2,250 - (DoE) Library of Links *Day 2,248 - (DoE) Party Presidentship Explained *Day 2,246 - (DoE) Guide to:Understanding Bonuses
*Day 2,244 - (DoE) FAQ *Day 2,242 - (DoE) Personal Missions *Day 2,240 - (DoE) Guide to eRepublik: First Days
*Day 2,239 - DoE of January 2014 *Day 2,237 - (DoE) The New American University ! *Day 2,221 - (DoE) Military Module-- Presidential View!
*Day 2,221 - (DoE) Updates on eNASA! *Day 2,214 - (DoE) Military Module-- Presidential View! *Day 2,214 - (DoE) FAQ
*Day 2,211 - (DoE) eNASA Update & Competition, American University Relaunch, and More! *Day 2,205 - (DoE) eNASA & MoE Convention! *Day 2,201 - (DoE) Welcome Committee, Human Resource Collaboration & eNASA!
*Day 2,194 - (DoE) eNASA--It's Back! Commencing Mission: Apollo II *Day 2,192 - (DoE) Recap-- Raffle Event, American University! *Day 2,189 - (DoE) Raffle Event, American University, & International MoE Convention!
*Day 2,189 - (DoE) Economic Module: GOLD! *Day 2,189 - (DoE) Economic Module *Day 2,187 - (DoE) Guide to eRepublik: First Days
*Day 2,184 - (DoE) Political Module: Executive Branch *Day 2,182 - (DoE) Political Parties: Party President *Day 2,181 - (DoE) Political Parties: Choosing the Right One!
*Day 2,180 - (DoE) Congress: In Depth *Day 2,179 - (DoE) Political Module *Day 2,179 - (DoE) Hunt Results, A.U., Broadening Horizons!
*Day 2,176 - (DoE) Begin The Hunt!! Go Go Go! *Day 2,174 - (DoE) Guide to: Moving *Day 2,174 - (DoE) Announcing Scavenger Hunt and PoTUS Candidates!
*Day 2,171 - (DoE) Library of Links *Day 2,164 - (DoE) Ambassador Program *Day 2,160 - (DoE) FAQ
*Day 2,158 - (DoE) Writing Contest Results! *Day 2,151 - (DoE) October 2013: Branching Out *Day 2,149 - (DoE) Library of Links
*Day 2,145 - (DoE) Military Units: eUS Flight Training *Day 2,143 - (DoE) Guide to: Understanding Bonuses *Day 2,141 - (DoE) Political Parties: The United Republic Party (T.U.R.P.)
*Day 2,139 - (DoE) eUS Ambassador Program *Day 2,138 - (DoE) September Writing Contest! *Day 2,132 - (DoE) Current Events: Circle of Trust
*Day 2,129 - (DoE) Guide to: Congress *Day 2,124 - (DoE) Library of Links *Day 2,119 - (DoE) September 2013: Revision and Refinement
*Day 2,116 - (DoE) Writing Contest Results! *Day 2,108 - (DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts *Day 2,106 - (DoE) Guide to: PTOs and ATOs
*Day 2,102 - (DoE) Writing Contest! *Day 2,099 - (DoE) Acronyms *Day 2,096 - (DoE) FAQ
*Day 2,094 - (DoE) New Website *Day 2,092 - (DoE) Free Moving Money for New Players and How to Spend It *Day 2,089 - (DoE) Library of Links
*Day 2,086 - (DoE) August 2013: A New Way Forward *Day 2,067 - (DoE) Guide to Journalism *Day 2,060 - (DoE) First Days in eRepublik
*Day 2,056 - (DoE) A New Month and a Fresh Start *Day 2,049 - (DoE) Being a Congressman *Day 2,046 - (DoE) Library of Links
*Day 2,042 - (DoE) Party Presidentship Explained *Day 2,039 - (DoE) Resistance Wars *Day 2,034 - (DoE) War Declarations Explained
*Day 2,031 - (DoE) Library of Links - Reprint *Day 2,024 - (DoE) S.H.I.E.L.D. *Day 2,005 - (DoE) Guide to: Shortcuts
*Day 2,003 - (DoE) And the winner of Kody5's avatar is! *Day 1,997 - (DoE) Guide to: Understanding PTO's and ATO's *Day 1,996 - (DoE) All about Weapons
*Day 1,994 - (DoE) Kody5 Avatar Auction *Day 1,989 - (DoE) Guide to: Food Factories *Day 1,987 - (DoE) Guide to: Understanding Bonuses
*Day 1,985 - (DoE) Guide to: Guerrilla Warfare *Day 1,984 - (DoE) Guide to: Training Centers *Day 1,981 - (DoE) Guide to: War Module
*Day 1,979 - (DoE) Ain't Sayin' You're a Gold Digger… *Day 1,976 - (DoE) Library of Links - Reprint *Day 1,976 - (DoE) Flight Training
*Day 1,966 - (DoE) The Battle of Wits is Over! Who won? Find out inside *Day 1,960 - (DoE) Library of Informative Links *Day 1,955 - (DoE) Ebabies - Battle of Wits!
*Day 1,946 - (DoE) Acronyms all in a row *Day 1,941 - (DoE) eBabies, Mentors and Reading. Oh My! *Day 1,929 - (DoE) VMA-214 The Black Sheep
*Day 1,929 - (DoE) Cannon Cockers *Day 1,928 - (DoE) Ultramarines *Day 1,928 - (DoE) The Special Forces
*Day 1,928 - (DoE) The American MU Guide *Day 1,928 - (DoE) Seal Team 6 *Day 1,928 - (DoE) Rogue Squadron
*Day 1,928 - (DoE) Easy Company *Day 1,928 - (DoE) Air Force *Day 1,918 - (DoE) We the People
*Day 1,918 - (DoE) Vox Populi *Day 1,918 - (DoE) The United States Workers Party *Day 1,918 - (DoE) The Political Guide for New Players
*Day 1,918 - (DoE) The Federalist Party *Day 1,918 - (DoE) The American Military Party *Day 1,907 - (DoE) Introductions and Formalities
*Day 1,897 - (DoE) Sample Instructional Videos *Day 1,892 - (DoE) New Staff and New Goals *Day 1,887 - (DoE) Department of Defense
*Day 1,880 - (DoE) Training and Working with the DoE *Day 1,872 - (DoE) Back to the Basics *Day 1,853 - (DoE) Department Summaries: DHS
*Day 1,834 - (DoE) Pen, Paper and Possibilities *Day 1,821 - (DoE) Examining the Executive Branch *Day 1,819 - (DoE) A Look at the Legislative Branch
*Day 1,813 - (DoE) New Leadership and New Opportunities *Day 1,801 - (DoE) Political Parties: The AMP *Day 1,796 - (DoE) Political Parties: The AFA
*Day 1,792 - (DoE) What's with Political Parties? *Day 1,785 - (DoE) A new term approaches! *Day 1,773 - (DoE) Scavenger Hunt Results
*Day 1,769 - (DoE) Let the Scavenger Hunt Begin! *Day 1,763 - (DoE) News and Scavenger Hunt Announcement! *Day 1,757 - New Term in the DoE!
*Day 1,751 - (DoE) Term Closure *Day 1,747 - American University Honors Roll *Day 1,747 - (DoE) American University Amends and Exam Results
*Day 1,742 - (DoE) American University Graduation Exam Results week 1 *Day 1,734 - Department of Education - American University *Day 1,724 - (DoE) eUS MU's: Which one is right for you?
*Day 1,723 - Department of Education - Staff recruitment *Day 1,712 - (DoE) Top 5 Party Overview/DoE Programs *Day 1,694 - (DoE) Political Module
*Day 1,692 - (DoE) Alliances & War System *Day 1,681 - To Rocket or Not to Rocket? *Day 1,678 - Congress: A how to guide
*Day 1,675 - Erepublik Bible: Part One *Day 1,670 - Getting Started in the Economic Module *Day 1,665 - New War Module Analysis, and Mentor Program Update
*Day 1,662 - Mentor Program Reboot: Looking for Mentors & Mentees *Day 1,658 - How To IRC *Day 1,654 - An International Trivia Contest, and Department of Education Update
*Day 1,650 - Quick-start Guide to eRepulik *Day 1,650 - Help Wanted, Article Contest Results, & a Chance to Win Free Gold *Day 1,645 - Politics 101: Running for Congress
*Day 1,642 - Politics 101 *Day 1,640 - Department of Education update, article contest, and new player survey *Day 1,590 - All New Players Enter Here!!
*Day 1,491 - EDU+INT Department of Human Resources *Day 1,470 - EDU New World Academy *Day 1,462 - EDU The FAQ Edition - Ask Questions, Get Answers!
*Day 1,453 - EDU The Path of War *Day 1,450 - New Citizen Information: Getting the Ball Rolling *Day 1,442 - Dept. of Education - Parties of America
*Day 1,415 - Dept. of Education - Battle Types *Day 1,404 - The U.S. Department of Education Information Web *Day 1,390 - Dept. of Education - The Basics of Battle
*Day 1,367 - New Citizen Information: First Steps *Day 1,311 - New Citizen Information: How To Fight *Day 1,301 - New Citizen Information: Buildings for Beginners
*Day 1,291 - The U.S. Department of Education Information Web *Day 1,283 - New Citizen Information: All About Resources *Day 1,275 - New Player FAQ
*Day 1,266 - New Citizen Education: Your First Days in eRepublik *Day 1,254 - New Citizen Education : How to Create and Operate a Company *Day 1,246 - New Citizen Information: How to Win Wars and Influence Bars
*Day 1,240 - New Citizen Education: First Days in eRepublik *Day 1,235 - [(DoE) Now Hiring *Day 1,232 - New Citizen Information: Fighting Efficiently
*Day 1,228 - New Citizen Information: Politics and PTOs *Day 1,223 - (DoE) The Papers of America *Day 1,219 - (DoE) Alliances and America
*Day 1,189 - New Citizen Education: Media And Journalism *Day 1,172 - New Citizen Education: New Player FAQ *Day 1,161 - The U.S. Department of Education Information Web
*Day 1,156 - New Citizen Education: Companies and Resources for Beginners *Day 1,148 - New Citizen Education: Political Mechanics *Day 1,137 - New Citizen Education: Your First Days in eRepublik
*Day 1,121 - New Citizen Education: Fighting and Healing *Day 1,110 - Under the Hood of America, Part 2: Parties of America *Day 1,106 - Education Today Update: New Raw Materials
*Day 1,104 - Under the Hood of America, Part 1: The Executive *Day 1,096 - New Citizen Education: Organizations and Companies *Day 1,091 - New Citizen Education: The Art of War
*Day 1,085 - New Citizen Education: New Player FAQ *Day 1,083 - Education Today Update: Training and Ranks *Day 1,077 - The U.S. Department of Education - The Information Web
*Day 1,075 - New Citizen Education: Your First Days in eRepublik *Day 1,071 - New Citizen Education: Fighting, Battles, and Healing *Day 1,064 - New Citizen Education: U.S. Politics
*Day 1,058 - New Citizen Education: IRC Beginners Guide and Directory *Day 1,056 - New Citizen Education: Building Your eRepublik Career *Day 1,048 - New Citizen Education: How To Guide to eRepublik Journalism
*Day 1,047 - New Citizen Education: An Unwritten History *Day 693 - North American University is back! *Day 679 - Q2 House Raffle
*Day 670 - Mentoring 101 - First Message *Day 668 - Department of Education Sponsored Raffle *Day 659 - Citizenship Module v1.1
*Day 658 - For The Love of God think of the Children *Day 591 - Department of Education Update: NAU and Free Moving Tickets for New Citizens *Day 587 - Department of Education Guide: Construction Spending and the Military
*Day 567 - Department of Education: Guide to Party Donations and Various Updates *Day 559 - Getting more bang for you buck- A Dept. of Education guide to tanking *Day 523 - The Do's and Don'ts of Buying a Company
*Day 520 - (DoE) Citizen Mentorship Program Update *Day 517 - Department of Education Recruitment *Day 480 - Department of Education Guide: How to join the military
*Day 462 - Department of Education: Party Belief Survey Round 1: UIP *Day 462 - Department of Education Mentor Program *Day 448 - Department of Education Guide: Using Google Documents with eRepublik
*Day 447 - Department of Education Update and Surveys Galore *Day 439 - Department of Education: 12 Tips for a Newbie Congressman *Day 436 - Department of Education: Pricing Products
*Day 435 - Department of Education: United States Productivity Guide v1.1 *Day 435 - Department of Education: Two Ways of Mass PMing v1.0 *Day 431 - Department of Education Guide: How to run a business v1.0
*Day 428 - Department of Education Resource Guide v 1.0 *Day 424 - Department of Education Guide: How to Choose a Party, Congress *Day 422 - (DoE) Pre-Publication


Department of Education Staff for revising the articles and contents.

  • Modified last by: --Jmurrib21 02:53, 9 April 2014 (UTC)