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The Philosophy of the Righteous Nation is the National Ideology of Japan. It is currently defined by Article 13 of Chapter 1 of the Constitution of Japan. It was founded by Reiji Mitsurugi.


 The philosophy is derived from my perceptions of what the spirit of Japan is, heavily influenced by the policies of the Kokawayoshi administration 
(Reiji modestly reveals the inspiration behind this groundbreaking philosophy in an interview)

The Philosophy of the Righteous Nation, is a political and ideological concept that written by the nationalist philospher Reiji Mitsurugi. Feeling that something was amiss within the often chaotic no-man's-land that was the Japanese political scene, Reiji Mitsurugi often left the tedious and aimless sessions of the Imperial Diet feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied. After one such session closed on a sweltering Friday in June 2009, Reiji retreated to his ancestral home in Matsuyama, Shikoku for a much needed weekend of relaxation. However, once he arrived later that evening, he was beset with a backlog of troublesome financial reports regarding his investments into the local grain market.

His usual pre-slumber pursuits of calligraphy and music failed to bring him any peace of mind that night. His favourite shodou brush frayed, the ink feathered upon the paper, and his kanji were misshapen. The music from his gramophone records sounded dull, dreary and muted. Unable to relax, he was now unable to sleep, and Reiji collapsed in a zaisu in his study and despaired. As he pondered upon his recent ill-fortune, his thoughts strayed and he was soon deep in contemplation. Secluded away from the world in his study, he mulled for twenty two hours and twenty two minutes. So solemn was his face while deep in thought, that his housekeeper dared not disturb his ruminations, whether for meals, visitors or to warn him of a fire breaking out in the kitchen. Eventually, the housekeeper simply settled in the corner of the study, dutifully content to quietly keep watch over his master.

This event came to be known as the Mitsurugi Meditations or Mitsurugi Contemplations.

The next evening, Reiji suddenly smiled and with a look of satisfaction, drifted off at last into a deep and restful sleep. He awoke early on Sunday morning and spent the day writing up what would soon come to be known as the Righteous Nation Philosophy, which was published in the Ashigaru Taishou where it was favourably received[1]. This fundamental set of principles would eventually lead to the drafting of the Constitution of Japan[2]. Later, with the ratification of the constitution by the Imperial Diet in September 2009, so too was the Philosophy of the Righteous Nation officially embraced by the nation.

Precepts of the Righteous Nation

  1. The Righteous Nation is not a conqueror
    While by no means a pacifist, the Righteous Nation exists only within its own borders. The spread of righteousness happens through diplomacy, cultural exports and trade, never through strength of arms. The Righteous Nation is proud of its culture, its language and its people. It has no need to absorb others.

  2. The Righteous Nation is a guardian
    When one nation seeks to annex another through force of arms or otherwise infringe on the sovereign rights of an independent state, the Righteous Nation has a duty to stand as that nation's guardian. A key aspect of righteousness is the resistance of wickedness at every turn. Whether through diplomacy, economic embargo or strength of arms, the Righteous Nation will stand against a wicked nation.

  3. The Righteous Nation maintains a strong military
    The defense of righteousness requires a great standing army. The ultimate goal of the Righteous Nation is to have a military so mighty, it need never be used. The strength of the Righteous Nation's military is such that its very existence is a deterrent to the forces of wickedness

  4. The Righteous Nation maintains a proud culture
    The formation of national righteousness requires national unity. True national unity comes from a unity of culture. When the people of the Righteous Nation see one another as brothers, they will acknowledge the righteousness of their existence and join together in national unity. A national culture of music, poetry, prose and other arts are critical to the Righteous Nation.

  5. The Righteous Nation respects foreign culture
    The Righteous Nation is never self-righteous. As the Righteous Nation, it adheres fully to the Righteous Nation Philosophy, but recognizes that there is no One True Way of governance or action. Foreigners and their way of life are to be respected, regardless of how it corresponds to the Righteous Nation Philosophy. The only culture that is truly abhorrent is the culture of wickedness. The only culture against which the Righteous Nation will always stand is the culture of wickedness.


Influence on Domestic Policy

Influence on Foreign Policy
