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   controlledby=Akasuna Itachi|
   2ndcommander=Santiago azul|
   captain=Eluxhoro te vo a pegarte|

Revision as of 16:20, 9 May 2012


Por la razón o la fuerza

General Information
Country Flag-Chile.jpg Chile
Total Soldiers 13
Commanded by Daanitha
2nd Commander Santiago azul
1st Regiment Captain Eluxhoro te vo a pegarte

Creation of Imperio

Background story of Imperio

- Imperio is unit created by soldiers of ex 5th brigade of Serbian Panteri army. The 5th brigade was made of solely Chilean soldiers. During the 3 month period its members spent in brigade, they created close bonds, and a good sense of organization. Although the time spent in the brigade was more than good, members wished more. Although large majority of them was labeled as traitors, they were longing for their homeland... In late may of the year 2011, members discussed about the idea of leaving panteri, and creating their own unit, where they will give everything they learned in previous period. Create a strong and well trained fighting force that will represend Chile in best way possible.

The birth of the unit

- Unit's creation was announced on day 1320 by this article in the newspaper of its founder, Akasuna Itachi. As it can be read there, units first plan was to gather players from ONE and pro - ONE countries, and create a international unit based in Chile, that will fight for Chile as its homeland. The founders of the unit were pro - ONE oriented players, so with this move, aside from giving more power to the unit, they had in mind bringing ONE closer to Chile. Even though for the great response from the public, which gave the article 450+ votes, this plan was halted due to 2 reasons. First was a fight between unit's founder, Akasuna, with the current SG of ONE alliance in that time, AThompson. AThompson stated his negative stance on the topic, suggesting that promoting an unit in that way would make people think that its an official alliance's army, which may cause problems for ONE. After taking little time to explain him the obvious, that a unit that wear a large Chilean flag wouldn't lead anything towards misjudging Imperio with ONE HQ controlled army, Akasuna lost its nerve and decided to halt the project. The second reason was that in just 2 days from that incident, Akasuna encountered major RL issues that looked almost impossible to fix. He decided to leave the game, and he left as his last wish to his friends, and co-founders of the unit, a wish that unit doesn't die.

The re-birth of the unit

- In period described so far, Imperio was just in forming phase, so its leader left the members in the worst period he could pick. The weight of managing and organizing the unit fell on the backs of his friends. People who took charge of the unit were Daanitha, ChilenoPe, NarutoYagami and jtpeba. They didnt give up on the idea, and worked hard to make it happen. NarutoYagami helped by a little percentage donated by dragon_azul_05, created unit's MU with his own money, and dragon_azul_05 enebled members to work in his q5 tank companies. Unit began taking shape. Around 10 days after the event mentioned above, Akasuna returned to game, and came back to participating in unit's development. With time, unit started to grow in every way. The 6 member base was quickly doubled, and new members were incorporated as equal participants in the unit's functioning. Unit is specialized in night - round actions, due to time difference between Europe and South America, so even though the low number of members, the actions were more than successful, and quickly noticed.

Marks of the unit


- Unit's avatar was created by probably the best avatar maker that plays this game, hungarian graphic designer SuperDodo. Members didnt want just another avatar, similar to all the units, but something unique. That was asked from SuperDodo, and that was made by SuperDodo. After 2 weeks of bothering him with minor changes, the avatar was finished and ready. The image created by Dodo is used as mark of unit, and new recruits, but full members are alowed to ask for personalized avatar which are done by our member NarutoYagami. Here are some examples of our members personalized avatars:

Some of IMPERIO avatars.