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Revision as of 22:35, 2 June 2018



Clicking the “train” button on the tutorial takes you to the training grounds. This can also be accessed by selecting “my places” and “training grounds” from the main menu bar across the top of the screen.


When you first start playing your training ground will look like this. You will see that the cost of training is “free”, that you will gain “5 strength” and that your current strength is “0/250”.

When you click train, your character will gain 5 strength. When you reach 250 strength you get a medal called a Super Soldier Medal and 5 gold as a reward. You will get a lot of these medals!


When you click the next option on the tutorial, “fight” you will be taken to a page listing the active wars your country is involved in:


This can also be reached simply by clicking “Wars” on the blue bar at the top of the screen. The most important war is identified by the government and will be at the top of your list, the “Campaign of the Day”. You can also see by hovering your mouse over the different buttons on the screen that Serbia is in this case allied to our test character’s country (United Kingdom), that it has 71 campaign points (the enemy country, Hungary, has 0) and that there are “combat orders” active for the battle. Combat orders allow your citizen to gain money for fighting. This will be discussed in more detail in a separate article, but for now click “fight” to go to the battle screen.

Note: If there is a small ticket next to the country this means you need to move their to fight for them. Moving costs money, so as a new player you do not want to do that. Simply choose a battle without the ticket symbol next to it and fight there.


This is what the battle screen looks like. [I’ll edit this image to have numbers on key areas]

[img]https://image.ibb.co/h5u7gc/Screenshot_2018_04_08_at_17_39_49.png[/img] Battle heroes

[img]https://preview.ibb.co/dEvr7H/Screenshot_2018_04_08_at_17_42_15.png[/img] Battle stats

[img]https://image.ibb.co/bPRsEx/Screenshot_2018_04_08_at_17_47_36.png[/img] The fight button will allow you to add your damage to the battle. To the right of it you will notice an icon, which signifies the weapon currently being used. For the time being, you should fight without weapons to avoid bankrupting yourself. Weapons increase the amount of damage that you do, but as you are a new player, even the strongest weapon will still lead to you doing small amounts of damage, as damage is calculated based on your strength: of which you only have 5!

[img]https://image.ibb.co/hjVV1c/Screenshot_2018_04_08_at_17_48_42.png[/img] Clicking fight will kill one soldier on the enemy side. Different kills will require different amounts of energy, based on the difference in strength between you and your enemy: sometimes it is 1, sometimes it can be as many as 4. For each ‘hit’ that a kill requires to be completed, you will use up 10 energy. As well as adding damage to the battlefield for your side, you will also receive prestige points. Every Tuesday a new ‘weekly challenge’ starts, which will offer various rewards at certain milestones, based on the number of prestige points you earn.