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'''Article 16.-''' General Secretary of the Party. It is the person elected in game by the Party President for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. He is the representative of the Party before international instances. Responsible for executing the policies of the party, and establishing the agreements approved by the same. In conjunction with the PP, it will establish the necessary committees to review and / or adopt new provisions, projects and regulations. In union with the Party Spokesman, he will carry out all the media communication, approved by the institution.
'''Article 16.-''' General Secretary of the Party. It is the person elected in game by the Party President for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. He is the representative of the Party before international instances. Responsible for executing the policies of the party, and establishing the agreements approved by the same. In conjunction with the PP, it will establish the necessary committees to review and / or adopt new provisions, projects and regulations. In union with the Party Spokesman, he will carry out all the media communication, approved by the institution.
'''Article 17 .-''' Party Counselor. It is the person elected in game by the Party President for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. Its main function is to advise the President of the Party in whatever is necessary. He will be an Ad Hoc member of each commission that has the Party. It will preside over the Congress of Representatives that represents the Party in the National Congress.
'''Article 17.-''' Party Counselor. It is the person elected in game by the Party President for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. Its main function is to advise the President of the Party in whatever is necessary. He will be an Ad Hoc member of each commission that has the Party. It will preside over the Congress of Representatives that represents the Party in the National Congress.
'''Article 18.-''' Party Spokesman. It is the person elected in game by the President of the Party for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. He will be responsible for publishing any communication endorsed and / or requested by the President and / or the Party Directorate. In coordination with the Secretary General, he will carry out the media communication of the Party, approved by the Party Directorate. He will direct the official organ of the PPD in the press.
'''Article 18.-''' Party Spokesman. It is the person elected in game by the President of the Party for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. He will be responsible for publishing any communication endorsed and / or requested by the President and / or the Party Directorate. In coordination with the Secretary General, he will carry out the media communication of the Party, approved by the Party Directorate. He will direct the official organ of the PPD in the press.

Revision as of 14:17, 23 January 2019

                   ==.The movement to Grow!!! Union, Welfare and Progress!.==



Partido Popular Democratico

Error: Image is invalid or non-existent.

General Information
Country Flag-Cuba.jpg Cuba
Abbreviation PPD
National rank 5
Colors red and white
Founded 2017
President Carlos R. Guzman
Vice President Conny Island
Secretary General MaximDurrutia
Councillor Nicolas Furia
Spokesman eCristianQ
Members 21
Congress Occupancy 3/40 seats, 8%
Orientation Center, Totalitarian
Ideology Libertarian



Article 1.- Denomination. In accordance with the legitimacy granted by the people of the Republic of eCuba, the DEMOCRATIC POPULAR PARTY is constituted, having logo symbol and representative colors that identify it.

Article 2.- Definition. The orientation of the DEMOCRATIC POPULAR PARTY (hereinafter, the PDD) is democratic center-left, committed to the sovereignty, unity, political and economic democracy, welfare and happiness of eCubans. The PPD recognizes the legitimate right of peoples to defend their integrity and survival. The PPD promotes the political and social mobilization of the Citizenship for the achievement of the full validity of citizens' rights, political and civil guarantees and emancipation.

Article 3.- Identification. The red color symbolizes the basis of the ideology of the PPD (democratic center-left). The jibaro (woman and man), which means in our land the man of the field (or peasant) who worked his land and was cunning, brave, courageous in his attempt to achieve his own in times of poverty, always walked with his machete, the same on the village, or in the city, and if he had to draw a jigsaw he goes ... worker, early riser, especially woman and family man ... patriot, looking for food, have his little house, and the independence of the country ... This symbol is generic to identify the Citizens who work hard and work for a better eCuba every day!


Article 4.- Mission: To be inclusive, facilitators and provocateurs; of a planned eCubana Nation, and that it manages to provide opportunities to each Citizen and Citizen.

Article 5.- Vision: Consolidate a democratic and social political project that can integrate the entire eCuba community, to aspire to power from the base of society without elitism, respecting and taking advantage of the experience of all eCiudadanas and eCiudadanos, breaking the stigmatization and reaching great national consensus, without going to the detriment of the healthy criticism of the political economic, social and military aspects in the country, in favor of the attainment of power.

Article 6.- Motto: UNITY, WORK, PROSPERITY.


Article 7.- Affiliates. Affiliates of the PPD are those who join in game, and who express their will to belong to it, commit themselves to its principles and comply with its Statutes.

Article 8.- Rights. The rights of affiliates of the PPD are:

Participate in PPD activities, within the instances provided for affiliates. To elect and be elected, to be part of the governing bodies of the PPD. Supervise the management of its leadership and activities. Receive timely, accurate information and political training. Receive food and support, when the subsidy plans for membership of the PPD are implemented. Disenroll freely from the PPD.

Article 9.- Duties. The duties of affiliates of the PPD are:

Attend assemblies convened by social networks enabled for this purpose. Respond to internal emails, whenever they are asked about an issue. Represent the PPD worthily and honestly. Build, support and promote the PPD's ideas and plans. Respect the rights of the other members of the PPD and society in general, without detriment to sound criticism. Support the candidates of the Party chosen in accordance with these Statutes. Participate in events, mobilizations and activities called by the PPD. Contribute financially, voluntarily and according to their actual capacity, to the PPD, when required. Make good use of PPD assets, emblems and resources. Every member of the PPD that participates in the public administration must give an example of rectitude, honesty, transparency and suitability, within the framework of the values ​​of the left, the Statutes and the aims of the Party. Respect, welcome and promote the decisions legitimately adopted by the Party, in all its instances. For those elected to Congress, act as a bench. Abide by the present Statutes. Be active members.


Article 10.- Organic structure of the PPD. The party is made up of the members' assembly, the Executive Committee, the Party Direction, the Congress Committee and the committees that decide to create.

Article 11.- Assembly of members. It is the set of all the affiliates of the PPD.

Article 12.- Party Management. To ensure democratic participation, the Party Directorate is created, which is the highest decision-making body within the party. The Bank of Congress is subject to this. The Party Directorate is made up of the Executive Committee, the President of the Party, the Vice President, the General Secretary, the Counselor and the Spokesman.

Its functions will be the following:

Be the highest instance in the decision making of the PPD, and direct it. Ensure the proper functioning of the Party. Evaluate, approve or disapprove objectively, the people endorsed by the Party to the presidential elections of political party, Congress and Presidency of the Republic. Act as an Ethics Committee, in its own right, when imposing sanctions. Modify the present Statutes, as long as all the members of the Directorate are assembled. The others demanded by the fact that it is the highest instance of the Party, without going against the Statutes.

Article 13.- Executive Committee. It is the Main Body of the PPD, which is formed by its founding members. To this Committee, members who have served as President of the Party may belong, after evaluation and qualification of entry by the Committee. Its function is to advance the programmatic execution of the Party. The Executive Committee will appoint three of its members to form the Party Directorate.

Article 14.- Party President(PP). It is the person elected in game by the Assembly of affiliates for this dignity. He is in charge of managing the Party, implementing its postulates, philosophy and strategic projection. He will appoint the remaining positions with the approval of the Executive Committee. You can modify the in game parameters of the Party, after consulting the Executive Committee. Establish the relevant contacts and relationships with the other political leaders of eCuba. Will be chosen according to the rules of the Party. It will coordinate the elections for positions of Congressmen and candidates for President of the Republic (CP). Manage recruitment campaigns for new members. In case of being elected as CP, you must appoint the vPP, to assume the position and direct the work in the election of a new PP.

Article 15.- Vice President of the Party (vPP). It is the person elected in game by the Party President for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. The VPP will be in charge of everything related to the implementation of the in game and out game communication of the members of the Party; This includes chain messages (mass), use of agreed channels and other mechanisms. It will assume any delegation entrusted by the PP; and in his absence, he assumes his responsibilities and duties. He will be responsible for the finances of the party, as well as the mechanisms that facilitate its exercise.

Article 16.- General Secretary of the Party. It is the person elected in game by the Party President for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. He is the representative of the Party before international instances. Responsible for executing the policies of the party, and establishing the agreements approved by the same. In conjunction with the PP, it will establish the necessary committees to review and / or adopt new provisions, projects and regulations. In union with the Party Spokesman, he will carry out all the media communication, approved by the institution.

Article 17.- Party Counselor. It is the person elected in game by the Party President for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. Its main function is to advise the President of the Party in whatever is necessary. He will be an Ad Hoc member of each commission that has the Party. It will preside over the Congress of Representatives that represents the Party in the National Congress.

Article 18.- Party Spokesman. It is the person elected in game by the President of the Party for this dignity, after having received Good Seal from the Executive Committee. He will be responsible for publishing any communication endorsed and / or requested by the President and / or the Party Directorate. In coordination with the Secretary General, he will carry out the media communication of the Party, approved by the Party Directorate. He will direct the official organ of the PPD in the press.

Article 19.- Party Treasurer. It is the person elected out game by the Executive Committee of the Party. It can be any member of the Party Directorate. He is in charge of managing the Party inventory. After coordination of the Executive Committee, donations of inventory will be made to the favored members of the Party's aid. Coordinate with other Party members the delivery of financial donations to players who are beneficiaries of the Party Grants Plan


Article 20.- Banking Regime. For those who represent the PPD in Congress, the Banking Rules will be applied, which is an integral part of these Statutes. This Regime seeks that the Party is not only a party of political guarantees, where its parliamentarians do not bring any representation to the Congress, but on the contrary the coalition of the parliamentarians of the party, acting in block strengthen the positions in the Congress and represent the ideas of affiliates in defense of eCubana citizenship:

When a block action is declared before voting on any proposal within the Congress, the parliamentary caucus will be summoned to meet with the party's leadership and will make a discussion of the issues, where a decision will be reached which will be respected and will vote in the Senate as the collective will of the party. The Party Directorate can declare the full autonomy of the congressmen to make decisions and will try to maintain it, but it is of priority to comply with the PPD directive when it declares to act in block or caucus, before any position in the Congress.

Be active members when joining the Congress.

Article 21.- Alliances and coalitions. Alliances or electoral coalitions may be made with other parties, movements or significant groups of citizens, by decision of the Party Directorate. These alliances can include holding joint popular consultations with other political groups or citizens to choose a common candidate.


Article 22.- Requirements for candidates. Regarding the elective positions within the PPD and at the National level, the following is established:

Each PP candidate must have been an uninterrupted member for a period of at least 30 days. Each eCuba CP candidate must have been an uninterrupted member for a period of 30 minimum days. It will comply with the publication of its Government Program in a term not less than seven days, before elections, before the Party Directorate, and for a term of not less than four days, before the national elections in a public manner. Each congressional candidate must have been an uninterrupted member for a period of at least 14 days. Comply with the internal selection and primary processes. Once their participation is determined, they must comply with the institutional order and represent the projects sanctioned by the Party, if elected to the National Congress. Public Offices and Ministries may be occupied by members of the party, with the endorsement of the Party Management, after consultation, provided they are not in contradiction with the institutional aspirations.

Every member of the party can participate in these processes once the different requirements, previously contemplated, have been met.

Article 23.- Inhabilities. They can not represent the PPD in any position:

Who have starred in corruption scandals. Those who have not disengaged from another party three weeks before the application (except for extraordinary and public alliance of more than one member of another party). Those who have been reprimanded by the Party Directorate for breaches of the ethics or violation of these Statutes.

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  .VOTE: The vote in eReublik resembles the LIKE, we must be aware that it is an ethical obligation to vote as many times as necessary, whether to comments on articles, on the wall or where a friend, friend or collaborator needs it. It is very common that this fact is ignored because it requires constant attention, but it is part of our obligations and must become a habit.
  .COMENT: In solidarity, every member of the PPD is morally obliged to comment on any article published by another member of the party, if you do not want to express an idea in the content of the commentary it is enough to put a symbol.
  .RESHOUT: When a member of the party publishes an article or a comment, we must make an effort to put the link from our account so that it has more resonance.
  .RESPECT: A member of the PPD must never utter insults, expressions that denote racism or any type of discrimination, any discussion must be carried out with height and respect.
