UK Tutorial Day2 Task3

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One free energy bar and three Q5 weapons for the next free mission. My next two missions are the ones above: Defeat 5 enemies (I’ve defeated 3) and reach level 5. This mission is the only time that we will be rewarded for completing this requirement, but, if we ever change our military unit in the future, we’ll need to kill a certain number of enemies before we are classed as a full member of our new unit.

Head back to the battlefield, further fighting will then result in enough experience points being gained to level up once again. For the early levels, you’ll notice that I get three rewards: an increase in my energy bank (which is technically a double reward, because the limit of the ‘potential’ energy in my energy pool is the same as the limit of the ‘actual’ energy in my energy bank). However these free upgrades will not last forever! In the very near future we’ll hit our free energy limit, and future level ups will only give us an energy bank refill, and 1 gold.

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1000 free storage, useful for later on. Back to fighting and I get one extra kill and rank up again (Private**) and level up to Level 6. We don’t need to worry too much about the size of our inventory for now, but, in the future we will need a reasonable amount of storage. The game will give us free storage for completing later missions, and there’s many opportunities to get free storage from the weekly events, so whilst it may seem tempting to spend currency or gold to upgrade our paltry storage: we really don’t need to: we’ll get free upgrades later.

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All possible missions have for the moment been completed, thus today is a good time to end our activity for the day. Note that whilst today's fighting took place in a UK battle, these missions do not require us to fight just for the UK. If you remember yesterday, we looked at the war page and found a way to find battles we can fight in directly without moving: fighting in any of these battles will count, so do not feel you need to move to fight for a certain country, or only fight for the UK. Helping allies is often just as important as helping ourselves!

Further reading: Fighting tutorial

Task: Post on the wall of your military unit to introduce yourself, then PM the commander of your MU to ask for supplies.

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