Miyagi Kesuke

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Miyagi Kesuke

24 Message

Miyagi Kesuke.jpg
Nationality Flag-Japan.jpg Japanese
Date of birth 03 June 2009
Date of death 2010
Congressman of Japan
Military rank Icon rank Commander**.png Commander**
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman
Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Miyagi Kesuke was a resident of Japan.

He was born and raised there. He actively supports his country through military service, being a hard worker, and being an aspiring politician.


Miyagi Kesuke actively participates as a member of the Japanese Diet. He believes that he can make a difference by helping to promote new ideas that will benefit the people of Japan.

He has experienced first hand how the decisions of few can effect many. When the Japanese government decided to cede Kyushu to Indonesia in July 2009 under the pretense of war games, the company located in that region that he was working for failed. He, along with his coworkers and the other displaced land workers in the region were forced into an already struggling job market. The grain market was flailing, and the job market was at an all time low. Miyagi Kesuke was forced into a career change, away from his family's traditional occupation of fishing. This new career compounded with the lack of available military training in the way of war games quickly led to health problems. Only with persistence, the assistance of his friends, and kindness of his employer did he recover.

Miyagi Kesuke is interested in political office to uphold the simple, honest values of the Imperial Sun Party and represent the average Japanese citizen. He believes the government is a tool meant to protect and support the people of Japan, and that it should make decisions and promote actions that would benefit the people of Japan. He believes actions could have been taken to prevent situations like the one he was forced into.

His political priorities are:

  • Jobs and Economic Growth
  • Homeland Security and Defense

These two issues have been discussed to a large degree in congress, but little action has been taken. As a congressman, Miyagi Kesuke intends to promote these priorities, pressing action where before there were only words. He would like to see: an organized military, with steady funding; incentives to companies offering jobs to low skill workers; incentives to grain companies that export their products; continuation of war games to improve citizen strength, morale, and health.