Horizon Loan Ltd

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Horizon Loan Ltd.
Logo of Horizon Loan Ltd.
Owner Derek Apollyon
Country Flag-UK.jpg UK
Headquarters Scotland
Founded November 25, 2008
Founder Derek Apollyon
Services Investing/Loans

Mission Statement

Horizon Loan Ltd is dedicated to bringing to eRepublik a loan service that is focused on customer service; it is here to help the citizens/businesses who require funding for the little things, such as getting starting in investing themselves, or export license(s).

The Owner

Horizon Loan Ltd. is owned and operated by Derek Apollyon, who is a strong believer is "power of the proletariat" and is a member of the (soon to be created) Australian Social Democrats.

The Newspaper

Horizon Loan Ltd. operates the newspaper Money Matters.

IRC Channel

The owner, Derek Apollyon, uses IRC chat for most of his business dealings.
Server: irc.rizon.net
Channel: #horizon

Contract Terms

Contracts are made on a per-user basis with lots of input from the individual concerned in regards to timeframes, interest charged, amount needed, etc.

A Sample Contract


"Horizon Loan Ltd" (ORG owned/operated by "Derek Apollyon", hereby known as "Horizon") agrees to loan "---INSERT NAME HERE---" (ORG operated by "---INSERT CITIZEN NAME HERE---", hereby known as "---INSERT NAME HERE---") the sum of 15 GOLD under the following conditions

Condition 1 (Sum of Loan)
The 15 GOLD loaned will have an additional 2 GOLD attached to it the moment it is received by ---INSERT NAME HERE---.
Bringing the sum to be repaid to 17 GOLD.

Condition 2 (Purpose of Loan)
GOLD loaned is to be used for the creation a ---INSERT Q--- ---INSERT INDUSTRY--- company, to be called "---INSERT COMPANY NAME---".

Condition 3 (Repayment Time-Frame)
GOLD loaned is to be repaid in half (8.5 GOLD) in 30 Days time from the moment it is received by ---INSERT NAME HERE---, with the remaining half (8.5 GOLD) in another 30 Days.
If ---INSERT NAME HERE--- does not pay the full amount by the due date, ---REFER TO DATE OF LOAN---, then ---INSERT NAME HERE--- will be in arrears of the loan.

Condition 4 (Terms of Arrears)
If ---INSERT NAME HERE--- is in arrears, the following will happen:

  • The GOLD owed will not required as repayment.
  • Instead of the 17 GOLD repayment, ---INSERT NAME HERE--- agrees to transfer ownership of "---INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE---" to Horizon.

Condition 5 (Admin Involvement)
Admin will be required to sign this contract before GOLD is loaned.
Admin will also be notified in the event of ---INSERT NAME HERE--- going into arrears.