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eSpeedway v1.5

eŻużel wersja 1.5

Year of establishment XI 2010
Founder Phor Cillic
Previous eSpeedway 1.0

eSpeedway (pl. eŻużel) is a player initiative, called also eRepublik Sport. Currently, newest version 1.5 is administrated by Phor Cillic.


Each player, who have been registered in this eSport, has value called "Skill". During the competition, program gets skill (from eSpeedway spreadsheet) and Health (from eRepublik) values and calculate Overall Skill, used in this competition

O=(20+H* 0.9)*S/100 O - Overall Skill H - Health Value S - Skill Value

First list stadiums has 140 arenas placed in different places of the world. In next season players will can create their own stadiums. Players can create their own events with different requirements to compete.

Players Actions

For now, Main Place of this eRepSport is eRepublik newspaper called eSports News. Players are writing their actions as a comment in newest article or by PM to eSpeedway admin, Phor Cillic. There are full actions list

  • Training - Available, when Training option is announced. Player can select between three different Intensivities: Low, Medium and High. Each Intensivity has different injury chance (Injury will be acivated in next week after event) and different Skill advance chart. Manager can register all players in his team to training with Intensivity selected by him.
  • Create an Event - Available always. Player can create his own eSpeedway Event. If he wants to create that, he must send informations about: Name of Event, Location, Requirements (ex. minimum Skill, nationality, region) and Type (Individual, Pair [2+1], Team [4+1])
  • Join to event - Available once per week. Player can join to other player's existing Event, if he has completed Requirements.
  • Create a Stadium - Available when there are free stadium places in player's country. Player can found an eStadium, in which will be events (made by player or by Federation). For now, only two players have built their own stadiums.


Players can form a team, if they want to participate in league. Teams are groups containing 2-8 players with selected Leader. There are currently Active teams

Nat. Club Name League Status Current Leader Previous Leaders Trophies
Icon-South Africa.png Bad Demons (Złych Demonów) PWLeague Joseph Rich none
Icon-Poland.png Budowlani Olsztyn PWLeague Phor Cillic none
Icon-Bulgaria.png CrazzyBoyz none crazzybg none
Icon-Greece.png Doyrios Ippos none markos28 none
Icon-Slovakia.png eSpeedway Bratislava PWLeague bartas9821 none
Icon-Poland.png lukasznaw eSpeedway PWLeague lukasznaw none
Icon-Macedonia.png Macedonia none Pero MMK none
Icon-Montenegro.png Pizza Party Team none Pizza the Hut none
Icon-Bolivia.png * Polski Korpus Polityczny PWLeague Wolin none
Icon-Bolivia.png * Polski Korpus Polityczny II PWLeague DaroslaV none
Icon-Ireland.png Rebels none Arm 103 none
Icon-USA.png Team America PWLeague Cold Hearted Snake none


Huge list of 140 stadiums was cutted to 61. Players can build their own stadiums, but there must pay 0.01G per 1 meter. Stadium must have minimum 260 and maximum 440 meters. If in Nation will be more players, Available Stadium Places will grow for this nation.

Country Existing Stadiums Available SP Country Existing Stadiums Available SP
Icon-Argentina.png ARG 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Montenegro.png MNE 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Australia.png AUS Brisbane, Gillman, Mildura, Sydney 0 (Next at 10 players) Icon-New Zealand.png NZL 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Belgium.png BEL 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Pakistan.png PAK 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Bolivia.png BOL 0 1 (Next at 10 players) Icon-Philippines.png PHI 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Brazil.png BRA 0 1 (Next at 10 players) Icon-Poland.png POL Bydgoszcz, Częstochowa, Gdańsk, Kraków, Krosno, Leszno, Łódź, Olsztyn, Toruń, Warsaw, Wrocław 2 (Next at 40 players)
Icon-Bulgaria.png BUL 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Macedonia.png MKD 0 1 (Next at 10 players)
Icon-Canada.png CAN 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Romania.png ROM 0 1 (Next at 10 players)
Icon-China.png CHN 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Russia.png RUS Cherkiesk, Oktabriskiy, Stierlitamark, Vladivostok 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Croatia.png CRO Gorican 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Serbia.png SRB 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Czech Republic.png CZE Plzen, Prague 0 (Next at 10 players) Icon-Slovakia.png SVK Brezolupy 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-France.png FRA Marmande 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Slovenia.png SLO Gyula, Krsko, Lendava, Lublana 0 (Next at 10 players)
Icon-Germany.png GER Abensberg, Berlin, Diederbergen, Guestrow, Herxheim, Stralsund 0 (Next at 15 players) Icon-South Africa.png SAF Polokwane 0 (Next at 10 players)
Icon-Greece.png GRE 0 1 (Next at 10 players) Icon-Spain.png ESP 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Hungary.png HUN Debrecen, Miskolc 0 (Next at 10 players) Icon-Sweden.png SWE Avesta, Goteborg, Malmo, Orebro, Stockholm 0 (Next at 10 players)
Icon-Indonesia.png IND 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Switzerland.png SUI 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Ireland.png IRL 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-Turkey.png TUR 0 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Italy.png ITA Badia Calavena, Montello, Terenzano 0 (Next at 10 players) Icon-Ukraine.png UKR Rowne 0 (Next at 5 players)
Icon-Latvia.png LAT Daugavpils 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-UK.png GBR Cardiff, Edinburgh, Ipswich, Manchester 0 (Next at 10 players)
Icon-Malaysia.png MAL 0 0 (Next at 5 players) Icon-USA.png USA Costa Mesa 0 (Next at 10 players)

Also - they are stadiums in countries without players: Austria (Wiener Neustadt) and Norway (Elgane, Oslo)


First event in eRider history is eSpeedway Licence Exam. Players (max.17 in each group) are riding versus each other to gain points. Each point in exam is converted to +0,4 Skill. After examination, player has free hand in joining individual tournaments, if he has complete requirements. In Team and Pair competitions may starts only regstered teams with minimum 2 (Pairs) or 5 (Teams) eRiders.

Also, if player wants to take part in competition, writes a comment with info about it in eSportsNews article. Players can create their own tournaments with different requirements to compete.

Season Location Name Organisator Type Winner
01 Szynpol's Memorial Icon-Poland.png Kraków Icon-Poland.png Phor Cillic Individual Icon-Poland.png norbipal
01 Criterium of the Aces Icon-Russia.png Octabriskiy Icon-Russia.png pierogowaty Individual Icon-Bolivia.png Wolin
01 Slavic Cup Icon-Slovakia.png Brzeolupy Icon-Slovakia.png bartas9821 Individual
01 eSouth African eSpeedway Cup Icon-South Africa.png Polokwane Icon-South Africa.png Joseph Rich Individual
01 Fort Roughs Double Challenge Icon-United Kingdom.png Fort Roughs/Sealand Icon-Poland.png Phor Cillic Team Pairs (2+1)
01 eSpeedway PWLeague Series World PeSF with PWL patronate Teams (4+1)
01 eSpeedway Individuial World Cup World PeSF Individual
01 eSpeedway Pair World Cup World PeSF National Pairs (2+1)
