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The Speaker is the presiding officer of the Senate of Australia and stems from the RL equivalent to care for the body of the Senate, officiate over Bill hearings and votes, conduct the process of nominations and ballots for the office of Speaker for the incoming term of the Senate regardless of their re-election, communicate with the Prime Minister on matters of policy and act as the Senate's representative to the people. In the Australian system, the Speaker is the head of the legislative branch of the government.

In practice, the Speaker is also Moderator of the Senate forum and can issue, modify and warn guidance to its members. In good service, the Speaker would not procedurally vote so as to uphold the impartiality of their office, above party politics and personalities, yet stand in to break any tie. However, there is no current law in Australia to regulate how the Speaker's vote is exercised on Bills/Proposals of Law.

The current Speaker is Senator TJ Norton and the Deputy Speaker is Wally Wilson - elected 29th December 2011.