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Revision as of 07:53, 15 January 2012 by Terribletiger (Talk | contribs) (In-Game Awards)

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Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-UK.jpg British
National rank 232
Date of birth 18 February 2010
Residence London, UK
Sex Male
Political party United Kingdom Reform Party
Faith Bobloism
Newspaper The Tiger
Military rank Icon rank Recruit.png Recruit
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman


Terribletiger joined eRepublik on Day 821 of the New World. Since then he has held numerous positions in government and his party.

His enthusiasm has helped him learn faster, he is always ready and willing to do jobs for his party or the government. He was the United Kingdom Reform Party Party President once until he went over to the British Democratic Party due to the current state that the UKRP were in. He became Congressional Director and led the British Democratic Party to a new congressional record. He was the Vice Party President of the British Democratic Party in November 2010 during John Rupert Miranda's term, and then in December 2010 he was elected Party President.

Terribletiger has been a Congress member many times by gaining the trust from each eUK citizen that has voted for him, though he was unsuccessful in the November elections, coming 1 vote short of getting in in West Midlands. In December 2010 he was elected as a Wild-card in London. He left eRepublik at the end of 2010 and rejoined again in April 2011.

His newspaper is called 'The Tiger' and has 212 subscribers.

In-Game Awards

Worked 30 days in a row Hard Worker (x19) Won the Congress elections Congress member (x5)
Win the Presidential elections Country President (x0)
Reach 1000 subscribers to your newspaper Media Mogul (x0)
Reach the highest total damage in one battle Battle Hero (x0)
Start a resistance war and liberate that region Resistance Hero (x0)
Advanced 5 strength levels Super Soldier (x4)
Invite 10 people to eRepublik and help them reach level 6 Society Builder (x0)