The Privateers

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The Privateers

Freedom virtute pugnare victores

General Information
Country Flag-UK.jpg UK
Total Soldiers 30
Commanded by Eno Live

The Privateers

The Privateers is a Militia Unit of active fighters that tend to fend for themselves. We are the forgotten few whom like to the freedom of fighting where we wish but will always come to the nation’s aide when needed to the best of our ability.

So why the name Privateers how it was chosen, well the name itself should answer that but taken from wiki you’ll see why it was chosen.

“A privateer is a private person or ship authorized by a government by letters of marque to attack foreign shipping during wartime. Privateering was a way of mobilizing armed ships and sailors without having to spend public money or commit naval officers. They were of great benefit to a smaller naval power or one facing an enemy dependent on trade: they disrupted commerce and pressured the enemy to deploy warships to protect merchant trade against commerce raiders. The cost was borne by investors hoping to profit from prize money earned from captured cargo and vessels. The proceeds would be distributed among the privateer's investors, officers and crew. It has been argued that privateering was a less destructive and wasteful form of warfare, because the goal was to capture ships rather than to sink them.”

Just a shame you can’t loot on this game lol

The Privateers started of small, till now we have been accepting anyone whom wished to join us into our ranks and dispelling the inactive fighters after a 7 day grace of inactive fighting, but as the sands of time are always running so do the terms of enlistment.

All are welcome in this band of waifs and strays


The Privateers main aim is to become one of the more formidable military units on the world stage over time.

So slip the anchor, splice the main brace, haul, out the yardarm, get the cannons at the ready for a broadside, The Privateers are on the prowl for plunder Arghhh!!!!!

|anthem= THE PRIVATEER <video type="youtube" id="e1anVuRXj2g&autoplay=0&loop=1" width="100%" height="25px" frame="false" position="center" />

The privateer is watching, the moon provides the only light Roaring winds are blowing, a flag appears out of the night

Guns are spitting fire, the cannonball tears up the rail The vessel's changing course, the thunderstorm blows up the sail

A furious fight is raging, red-hot cannon's shooting hard Iron balls are flying, tearing all the planks apart

His all seeing spy-glass is aiming at the sea No mariner has the slightest chance to flee His crystal-ball's revealing where he has to steer He fights the covered evil without fear

Oh, the privateer

The sea-dog's reamed in legends, it said he had the second sight His assignment must be holy, he fought the fight with power and pride The key to ancient wisdom, the power to have seen the truth He'll return to holy ground, where his tortured soul had died in youth

His all seeing spy-glass is aiming at the sea No mariner has the slightest chance to flee His crystal-ball's revealing where he has to steer He fights the covered evil without fear

Oh, the privateer

His all seeing spy-glass is aiming at the sea No mariner has the slightest chance to flee His crystal-ball's revealing where he has to steer He fights the covered evil without fear