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Revision as of 04:51, 25 October 2012 by Longleyy (Talk | contribs) (Politics)

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Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Hungary.jpg Hungarian
National rank 146
Date of birth February, 2009
Sex male
Political party Nemzeti Ebredes Partja
Military unit Kinizsi század
Military rank Icon rank Field Marshal.png Field Marshal
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman
Longleyy was born in Central Transdanubia in Hungary, In early February, 2009 ( Day 448 of the New World )

I come from the Central Transdanubia, then a month after I left for Mexico and smuggled it on bread of Hungary. Then I returned to Hungary and joined the army. I got a small fortune in the monataryn.


I've got a newspaper, the http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/kinizsi-huszar-184816/1


I was a member of the Party MKKP Zombipart, I committed I Big Zsizsik King and juccer Lady pusziltassékolom! One week I led this party! And renamed on Party MKKP Lovagpart. Serious political career began in the Hungarian Association of Soldiers. The party was a small party, which was founded on Miklos Zrinyi Regiment, and the e-world's 1331st day of re-formed, and became a strong top party. I was a party president. I have tried to get into congress several party. (Kisgazdapárt, Nemzeti Ébredés Pártja). But here I became Party President, Congressmember and later Country President.

Now I am a Magyar Katonák Szövetsége member and vice president!


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 42x Hard Worker

Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 80x Super Soldier