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Revision as of 01:29, 3 December 2012 by Kide83 (Talk | contribs) (Achievements)

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52 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Poland.jpg Polish
National rank 200
Date of birth Jun 06, 2009.
Residence Great Poland
Sex Male
Congressman of Norway
Military rank Icon rank God of War*.png God of War*
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman


Kide83 was born on June 6th 2009, but after day or two he was missing, presumed dead. He has returned about month later and stayed active since then.

Early Beginnings and Society Medals Period

After few months of learning game basics kide83 became interested into helping Serbian community grow. Serbia was a rising force at that time with hundreds of new players joining weekly as a result of Lipec's baby booms... Kide83 used his web design and marketing knowledge to promote eRepublik and bring more new players into game.

Basic plan was to use Facebook groups and promote eRepublik that way. Simple text with details and instructions was prepared and then sent to all members of few groups as starting sample. Action became immediate success and first Society Builder medals appeared in kide83's profile.

Encouraged by this he improved text even more, he became admin of over 50 new Facebook groups (by using small bug he discovered) and then mass messaged all members (over 25000 of them). Kide83 targeted only Facebook groups in Serbian which would guarantee most of new players will join Serbia.

Combined results of both invitation waves were great - over 15000 people read those messages and visited special landing page he made... Around 700-800 new players registered eRepublik accounts but only 120-130 of them continued playing...

eRepublik Tools and Congress Member

After second wave many Serbian players noticed raising number of SB medals so they became curious... Instead of explaining whole process to each person who asked for tips kide83 took some time and created dynamic web page that was meant to help any player from Serbia to bring new players and maybe earn SB medal(s)... - This Link leads to English version of page kide83 created (original page was made in Serbian but players from allied Countries asked for English version of page)... At it's peak, this tool-page was receiving over 3500 visits a day from various forums, web sites, FaceBook groups, etc... Lots of new players came as a result of this action, lots of Serbian players earned gold and some took their first SB medals in this period.

About the same time, kide83 became active member of SeS party (back then SeS was the most powerful party in all eRepublik). Since he was pretty popular because of tools he made (invitation page and small tool that could be embedded into newspapers articles which rotated daily advices for Babies) he run for congress and won without any help of party or buying votes. He hoped that from congressman position he would be able to help Serbia even more... Kide83 was candidate and became Serbia congress member 3 more times...

Disappointment and 2-Click Mode

However, in these 3-4 months kide83 became very disappointed in many other congress members... Politics became too dirty in that period, people were insulting each others almost on a daily basis, there were many articles where members of one party were trash-talking about others... Peak of all that happened at the day of Jan 2012 president elections. Candidates were Kukee in front of SeS and RavenSerbia in front of UeS...

Quoting kide83's words that are describing that day through his eyes: "On that day i read so much trash, so many insults, so many people were hitting on other ones... and all that in order to gain votes for presidential elections IN A GAME !!!! :( I personally was pissed off and all i watched that day climaxed in few messages i exchanged with one younger player (Dejan J.) whom i told i'll beat him if i ever see him at some eRepublik gathering, followed with not nice words by both sides (not something i am proud to write about at all)... Later that day, i wrote article that i am quitting with actively playing eRep and that i'm moving to 2-click mode until i get bored and quit forever. ( , article was written in Serbian)."

Slow Comeback

For 1.5 years kide83 was in deep 2-click mode... He wasn't reading, commenting or writing news, he never visited chat channels either... Things that kept him in game were players he met in eRepublik gatherings and lots of active referrals (he didn't want gold bonuses to be lost)...

Joining Military Unit

During October 2011, new bonus system was introduced to eRepublik... It indirectly forced all players to become members of some military unit in order to be able to get daily bonus (Bazooka and Energy Bar) so kide83 has joined Srpska Legija, military unit good RL friend of his (aleksej015) was important member of... Shortly after that he took his first Battle Hero medal, followed by few more BH and his first Campaign Hero medal... However, his way of life and working as a freelancer didn't go along with mentality of regular military unit that was part of Serbia Army (VeS) so he left Srpska Legija and joined Civili eSrbije (paramilitary unit for civilians where no one had obligations to follow anyone's orders) :)

Norway PTO

Shortly after, kide83 was invited by LavBoris and aleksej015 to join group of Serbian players who were planning PTO of Norway. For the next few months kide83 had Norway citizenship, he won congress elections in Norway 2 times and was important member of PTO group. Kide83 became highly hated player by Norway and most of allied Countries after this law proposal -

Norwegians organized in following weeks/months and with big help of their allies kept Norway deleted from map for few months (therefore disabling Serbian PTO team to participate in congress elections). In the end most of Serbian players left Norway and returned to Serbia...

Home, sweet Home

After period he was in PTO team, kide83 returned to Serbia and continued playing actively. In following months he gained access to Titani (one of the strongest and most elite Serbian military units in that moment)...

Leaving Serbia and Becoming It's Enemy

After October 2012. Presidential elections in Serbia (president candidate supported by SZR won) kide83 decided that it's time to do something he was considering for a long time - to leave Serbia and move to some enemy country and fight against interests of Serbia and it's future governments. Player who did a lot for Serbia in past has become enemy of his ex-homeland after seeing that proven thieves from the past are getting support from majority of Serbian players and winning elections every few months.

After being rejected by China, Brazil and Taiwan - Poland CS request was approved into at Nov. 25th 2012.

- Things Kide83 is Proud Of:

- Tools he created, even tho they are deserted projects and not active anymore :)

- Help he offered to hundreds of Babies who registered as his referrals

- Lots of people he met at eRepublik gatherings, kide83 attended several gatherings of Serbian players so far

- Fact he never bought any GOLD, all he managed to accomplish came from his skills as person and player - not by amount of cash on his cc :)

- Becoming God of War at July 15th 2012.

- Becoming God of War * at October 19th 2012.

- Reaching 20000 Strength at August 11th 2012.

- Reaching 25000 Strength at October 14th 2012.

- Reaching 30000 Strength at December 3rd 2012.

- Fact he never had multy account, used any scripts or exploited game bugs even tho few times he knew about them (he simply ignored and played by the rules)

- Fact he has never stolen from other player or cheated others

- Bringing Merovina (one of the strongest Montenegrin tanks) into game :)

- Bringing Milutin Mrkonjic Mrka into game (original account was banned and player opened new one - Strahinjic Banovan) who later became country president of Serbia for 2 times


Icon achievement Freedom Fighter off.gif
Freedom Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x30)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x6)
Icon achievement Country President off.gif
Country President (x0)
Icon achievement Media Mogul off.gif
Media Mogul (x0)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x19)
Icon achievement Sky Hero off.gif
Sky Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Campaign Hero on.gif
Campaign Hero (x6)
Icon achievement Resistance Hero off.gif
Resistance Hero (x0)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x120)
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif
Society Builder (x14)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x5)
Icon achievement Top Fighter off.gif
Top Fighter (x0)
Icon achievement Top Aviator off.gif
Top Aviator (x0)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x17)
Icon achievement Prestige Hunter off.gif
Prestige Hunter (x0)