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Default coat of arms.png

General Information
Country Flag-Serbia.jpg Serbia

The Marcomanni are one of Serbias military units, created by Marcomannius (at that time Markomanius). Unit was originally created for the purpose of supporting young players. That idea was put on hold as the Marcomanni ORG, at that time owned by Marcomannius, was banned for illegal activities.

History of the Marcomanni unit

Name of the unit was taken from ancient German tribes which occupied territories of modern Slovakia aroud 100 BC and were at the time main force to counter Roman Empire. Unit was created for the support of young players, the idea was put on hold.


Requirements for entering Marcomanni unit is minimum military rank of Recruit. Other requirements are not imposed but will be when the military unit start a program for new players.

Marcomanni Leaders

The current leader of Marcomanni is Marcomannius. He holds God of War military rank and has been a commander since military unit was made. Second commander is Soppranos who currently holds Supreme Marshal military rank.

Binda33 was the Military Marshal for over 8 months, finally stepping down on the 5th of April 2010, to become the DropBears Military Marshal instead. At this point scottty became the ACUK Military Marshal.