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Revision as of 02:21, 8 December 2017 by Tkid (Talk | contribs)

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42 Message

Nationality Flag-Netherlands.jpg Dutch
National rank 42
Date of birth January 23, 2010
Residence Western Netherlands
Sex Male
Newspaper Gazette Report
State Secretary of Defense of Netherlands
6 March, 2012 – 5 April, 2012
Served under Auggustus
Preceded by Xyrrath
Congress member of Netherlands
Military unit Dutch Armed Forces
Squadron Divsion 2
Military rank Icon rank Legendary Force.png Legendary Force
Aircraft rank Flight lieutenant 0.png Flight Lieutenant

Tkid is a citizen of the Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands and resides in Eastern Netherlands).

He was born on Jan 23, 2010 and he is an experienced Dutch Icon rank National Force.png National Force.
He can be found on the forum and IRC (eUNL) of Netherlands as well as fighting on numerous battles to achieve the Mercenary title.

Early life

He joined the game in the end of eUNL (eRepublik V1) after a couple of medal achievements, he retired the game, because of boredom and other priorities he had in his real life.
After a year he began a new start in eRepublik V2, hoping it would bring more activity and fun.


Tkid joined Iron & Wine on the start of eRepublik V2 and has been there ever since.

On day 1558 a couple of days after the Dutch state robbery, ChristiaanB94 at that moment vCP, requested him to start an in-game president impeachment vote (which would be the first impeachment of this kind) when he just got elected for Congress for the very first time. After Augustus was elected as president on the 6th of March he was asked to become a State Secretary of Defense for recruitment, but did mostly supplies for the army. On day 1,607 he was elected to Deputy Chairman of Congress (DCoC) with ElGorro as CoC.

Military career

On 16th of Augustus 2011 he joined the eNL Marines (1st Regiment) in which would later be merged to eNL Airforce and renamed to eNL Elite shortly after that and has been loyal to it ever since.

The top damage he did in a campaign was 2,093,310 for Netherlands and achieved while trying to conquer Western Netherlands from Poland on day 1,475.


Tkid has unlocked the following achievements:

Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif
Hard Worker (x23)
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif
Congress Member (x3)
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif
Battle Hero (x4)
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif
Super Soldier (x52)
Icon achievement Mercenary on.gif
Mercenary (x1)
Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif
True Patriot (x10)