Hot summer

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File:File:Popup banner - hot summer.png Hot Summer is an event that started in day 4609 (3 July 2020) with a duration of 2 months.

In-game message

"Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state."

-Thomas Jefferson

Prepare for an eventful long torrid summer.

During July and August jet fighters and armored vehicles, veterans and reservists are called to arms to fight together, side by side for the glory of their countries and personal gains. Coordination will be the keyword as when and where you spend your energy will make or break a battle or even the war.

During the event each round of a campaign will be disputed in both air and ground divisions simultaneously. Each division will consist of 3 distinct battlezones and in order to win the division points a country needs to win 2 out the 3 battlezones.

Event duration

The event will start on day 4,609 [00:00] and will last for two months. You can check the event timer available on the home page.


For campaigns started during the event campaign points will be awarded to the round winner as based on the division:

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Air Campaign Points for round winner 2 3 4 5 6

During the event the most contested battlezone (the one currently has the largest amount of damage dealt) will become epic. Once a battlezone becomes epic, the other 2 battlezones of the division will also become epic.

Air rules

Air rounds will be disputed between 3 sectors (A, B and C) each sector corresponding to a distinct battle zone with their own sky heroes hence allowing more pilots to turn the tide of the battle for glory or profit.

Dealing the greatest amount of damage for a side in a sector will be rewarded with a Sky Hero Medal and 8 gold.

Citizens can choose at any time the Sector they are fighting in using the Sector Switcher or via the campaign map, the same way you can Switch Divisions in Ground Battles.

Ground rules

Ground divisions rounds will be disputed over 3 different battlezones. For each round 2 terrain specific battle zones and one standard battle zone will be opened.

Standard battlezones will follow the established rules in terms of damage dealt.

Terrain battles

Ground Battles will be fought on 14 different terrain types based on the choice of the attacker’s military leaders (Country Presidents, Dictators, Ministers of Defense and Ministers of Foreign Affairs). Players can distribute their current strength over the 14 different terrain skills. During the event the terrain specific skill of the fighter will be used to compute the hit damage in a ground battle replacing the strength in the formula.

Industrial Urban Suburbs Airport Plain Wasteland Mountain Beach Swamp Mud Hills Jungle Forest Desert

You can assign some or all of your strength points. Assigning skill points can be done at any time as long as there is strength that was not assigned before (as after a training session). Assigning skill points will not impact in any way the damage a citizen can do in standard battlezones.

Military rank points obtained while fighting in terrain specific battlezones are calculated based on the total strength of the player.

The max skill the player can use depends of the division the player is fighting in as follows:

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Max usable skill 20,000 25,000 30,000 40,000

In order to reset the skills you will need to use a special Skill Reset Token.

Each citizen will receive a number of complementary Skill Reset Tokens and a limited number of tokens will be available for purchase through the battlefield shop. A token will reset all the assigned skills and the total strength of the player will be available to assign once more.

Further clarification

To clarify the confusion some players experienced about the rules, a message was sent to all players that stated:

Hot Summer - Clarifications

Terrains & Attack strategy

Terrains attack strategy is selected by the country attacking the region (the resistance force is considered the attacker for resistance wars). Officials have access to the strategy panel from the campaign map (for both current and past campaigns). During a round, all 4 ground divisions will fight on the same 2 terrains. The next round will be fought on the next terrains defined in the strategy.

A valid terrain strategy must include all the terrains available. Terrain strategies can be set as default (used to determine the first 2 terrains), or changed for a campaign in progress(for future rounds).

Air battlezones do not have specific terrains.

Example: Attack strategy: Industrial, Urban, Suburbs, Airport, Wasteland, Mountain, Beach, Swamp, Hills, Jungle, Forest, Desert, Plain, Mud

Terrains used for all ground divisions: Round 1: Industrial & Urban Round 2: Suburbs & Airport Round 3: Wasteland & Mountain Round 4: Beach & Swamp Round 5: Hills & Jungle Round 6: Forest & Desert Round 7: Plain & Mud Round 8: Industrial & Urban (repeat)

Fighting in terrains

The country-specific Legend Bonus (10% per level) will not be available when fighting in terrains (military rank points gain will be impacted as well).

Only Deploy mode will be available for fighting in terrains.

Max hit mechanics for terrains will be based on the skill of the terrain and not on the total strength.

As bomb damage is not dependent on strength, they will keep their regular values regardless of the terrain type.

Citizens will not be able to fight in non-native division’s terrains if they don’t have an active Maverick Pack enhancement. True Patriot medal progress on terrains will be based on the terrain skill.

Epic battles

The battlezone that has the highest cumulative damage (attacker and defender) for a division, will gain epic status (2 prestige points per 10 energy spent). Along with it, the other 2 battlezones of that division will also gain the epic status. This applies to Air sectors as well.

Ground Battlezones can also achieve epic status via the regular mechanics, by surpassing the epic threshold (the other 2 battlezones will also gain epic status in this case).

Example: - Division 1 - Standard of Battle X has the highest damage of all Division 1 battlezones in progress. All Division 1 battlezones of Battle X (Standard, Terrain A and Terrain B) become Epic.

- Division 1 - Standard of Battle Z becomes the battlezone with the highest damage. All Division 1 battlezones of Battle Z (Standard, Terrain C and Terrain D) become Epic. Division 1 of battle X loses epic status for all battle zones (Standard, Terrain A and Terrain B).