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{{LangMenu}} [[Category:Military]]
{{LangMenu}} [[Category:Military]]
'''Poveljnik vojaške enote''' je vodja celotne '''vojaške enote'''. Položaj se se za razliko od položaja '''štabnega stotnika''' ne more spremeniti, razen če se '''poveljnik''' osebno tako odloči. V tem primeru mora predlagati drugega '''poveljnika vojaške enote'''.
'''Commanders''' are leaders of the entire '''[[Military unit|Military Units]]''' and unlike the '''[[Captain (MU)|Captains]]''' can not be changed, unless the '''Commander''' himself/herself decides to appoint another soldier as a '''Commander'''.
Vsak vojak, ki je dosegel čin poveljnika, lahko ustvari novo vojaško enoto ali lahko postane poveljnik že obstoječe. Naslednji pogoj, da postane poveljnik vojaške enote, je, da je član trenutne vojaške enote več kot 2 dni.
Every soldier that has reached the rank of {{Rank|Commander}} can create a new MU or become appointed to a previously existing one. Another condition to become a '''Commander''' of an existing MU is to be a member more than 2 days.
'''Poveljniki vojaških enot''' imajo možnost
'''Commanders''' have the ability to
* spreminjanja '''ukazov rekrutov'''
* adjust the '''Recruit's orders''' (in order to establish the threshold for entry into the MU)
* določevanja '''prioritet'''
* determine the '''Battle priorities''' (to make sure the game sets prioritized battles as DO when a previous battle finishes)
* postavljanja '''ukazov dneva''' za celotno vojaško enoto
* set the '''Daily Order''' for the entire MU
* odstranjevanja članov iz vojaške enote (v primeru, da so le-ti člani več kot 2 dni)
* remove members from the MU who've been in the MU for longer than 2 days.
* If there's [[second commanders(MU)|second commanders]] in the military unit, the highest ranked second commander takes his/her place;
* If there's no [[second commanders(MU)|second commanders]] in the military unit:
** if there's a member with a rank of {{Rank|Commander}} or higher who have been in the unit for more than 2 days, he/she will become the new commander
** if there's no members with a rank of {{Rank|Commander}} or higher who have been in the unit for more than 2 days, the unit will not have a commander until someone fulfills the requirements
* if the commander is the last member of the military unit, the unit will be erased for good
* Če so v vojaški enoti drugi poveljniki vojaške enote, bo mesto poveljnika vojaške enote zasedel najvišje rangirani drugi poveljnik
'''Note''': If the commander hasn't logged to eRepublik in 7 days, the commander '''will be removed''' and the above procedure will take place
* Če v vojaški enoti ni drugih vojaških poveljnikov:
** Bo mesto poveljnika vojaške enote zasedel vojak, ki ima najmanj vojaški čin poveljnika
** Če v vojaški enoti ni članov, ki imajo najmanj vojaški čin poveljnika, bo mesto poveljnika vojaške enote zasedel vojak, ki bo zahteve izpolnil najprej
* Če je poveljnik vojaške enote zadnji član vojaške enote, bo enota izbrisana v primeru, da odstopi iz položaja
'''Opomba''': V primeru, da se obstoječi poveljnik vojaške enote ni prijavil v eRepublik v zadnjih 7 dneh, bo avtomatično odstranjen iz položaja. Zatem stvari potekajo po zgoraj omenjenem postopku.
* [[Military unit]]
[[Category:Playing the Game]]
--[[User:Carpet15|Carpet15]] 04:30, 27 February 2013 (PST)

Revision as of 09:09, 24 March 2013

МакедонскиIcon-North Macedonia.png
Portugues BrasileiroIcon-Brazil.png

Commanders are leaders of the entire Military Units and unlike the Captains can not be changed, unless the Commander himself/herself decides to appoint another soldier as a Commander.

Every soldier that has reached the rank of Icon rank Commander.png Commander can create a new MU or become appointed to a previously existing one. Another condition to become a Commander of an existing MU is to be a member more than 2 days.

Commanders have the ability to

  • adjust the Recruit's orders (in order to establish the threshold for entry into the MU)
  • determine the Battle priorities (to make sure the game sets prioritized battles as DO when a previous battle finishes)
  • set the Daily Order for the entire MU
  • remove members from the MU who've been in the MU for longer than 2 days.
  • If there's second commanders in the military unit, the highest ranked second commander takes his/her place;
  • If there's no second commanders in the military unit:
    • if there's a member with a rank of Icon rank Commander.png Commander or higher who have been in the unit for more than 2 days, he/she will become the new commander
    • if there's no members with a rank of Icon rank Commander.png Commander or higher who have been in the unit for more than 2 days, the unit will not have a commander until someone fulfills the requirements
  • if the commander is the last member of the military unit, the unit will be erased for good

Note: If the commander hasn't logged to eRepublik in 7 days, the commander will be removed and the above procedure will take place


--Carpet15 04:30, 27 February 2013 (PST)