Constitution of Argentina

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Constitution Policy of the eRepublic of Argentina (This constitution is currently being reviewed)

Chapter I

Institutionality Basis

Article 1. The players are free and equal in rights and obligations. The State is to serve the players and promote the common good, which should help create social conditions that allow each and every one of the members of the national community its greatest spiritual and material achievement possible, with full respect for the rights and guarantees that this Constitution establishes. It is the duty of the State safeguard national security, provide protection to the population and tend to strengthen it, promote the harmonious integration of all sectors of the nation and ensure people's right to participate with equal opportunities in national life .

Article 2. They are national emblems the National Flag, the National Coat of Arms, The Republic and the National Anthem.

Article 3. The Erepublik State of the Argentine is unitary, its territory is divided into regions. His administration is functionally and geographically decentralized or devolved where appropriate, in accordance with the law.

Article 4. Erepublik Argentina is a democratic republic.

Article 5. The Sovereignty lies essentially in The Nation. Its exercise is done by the people through periodic elections, and also by the authorities that this Constitution establishes. No section of the people nor any individual can be attributed to the exercise. The exercise of sovereignty recognized as a limitation respect for basic rights emanating from human nature. It is the duty of the Government to respect and promote these rights, guaranteed by this Constitution and by international treaties ratified by Erepublik Argentina that are in force.

Article 6. The organs of state must submit its action to the Constitution and rules issued under it and the administration of Erepublik, the precepts of this Constitution to compel the owners or members of such bodies as any person, group or institution. Violation of this rule will generate responsibilities and penalties specified by law.

Article 7. The organs of State acted properly after regular investiture of its members within its jurisdiction and in the manner prescribed by law. No judiciary, no person or group of persons can be attributed, even a pretext of extraordinary circumstances, other authority or rights than those expressly conferred on them under the Constitution or laws, unless of course, who have been conferred by the administration of Erepublik

Chapter II


Article 8. In the popular vote, the suffrage will be personal, equal and secret. For citizens will also volunteer. Only may be convened to vote for popular elections and plebiscites expressly provided by the administration of Erepublik, respecting their dates and deadlines.

Article 9. There will be a public electoral system. The administration of Erepublik determine its organization and operation, will regulate the manner in which they conducted the elections and plebiscite, in all matters not covered by this Constitution and always ensure full equality between the independents and members of both political parties in the nominations as in their participation in the processes outlined.

Chapter III

Constitutional Rights and Duties

Article 10. The Constitution guarantees to all persons:

  1. A physical integrity of the characters of the players, prohibiting the implementation of any illegitimate cautionary measures.
  2. The equality before the law. There are no privileged person or group in Erepublik Argentina, no slaves and who set foot in its territory is free. Men and women are equal before the law. Neither the law nor any authority may establish arbitrary differences, except for the express decision of the administration of Erepublik.
  3. The equal protection under the law in exercising their rights. The law can not assume the right of criminal responsibility. No law may establish penalties without the conduct is punishable is expressly described therein;
  4. The respect and protection to life and public life and honour of the person, violation of this provision, committed by a means of social communication, and which consists of the imputation of an act or act fake, or causing unreasonably damage or discredit a person, is a criminal offence and the penalty will be determined by law. However, the means of social communication may be exceptions to the court for testing the truth of the complaint, unless it is already a crime to insult. Besides the owner of the newspaper concerned shall be jointly and severally liable for compensation where appropriate;
  5. The freedom of conscience, expression of all faiths and the free exercise of all religions not opposed to public policy;
  6. The right to personal liberty and individual security. Therefore:
  • a) Everyone has the right to reside and remain anywhere in the Republic, moving from one to another and enter and leave its territory, provided that they keep the rules laid down by law.
  • b) The right to health protection. The State protects the free and equal access to promotion, protection and recovery of health of the characters,
  • c) Freedom of Opinion and inform, without prior censorship in any form and by any means, without prejudice to answer for crimes and abuses committed in the exercise of these freedoms, in accordance with the law, that must be qualified quorum. The law in no case may establish state monopoly on the media.
  • d) The Constitution guarantees political pluralism. They are unconstitutional parties, movements or other forms of organization whose objectives, acts or behaviour do not respect the basic principles of democratic and constitutional, seek the establishment of a totalitarian system, as well as those who use violence, advocate or incite it as a method of political action. It is for the Congress through qualified quorum declare this unconstitutional, while it must be ratified by the administration of Erepublik and himself, their sanctions.
  • e) The freedom to work and their protection. Every character has the right to self-recruitment and free choice of work for fair pay. It prohibits any discrimination that is not based on ability and fitness staff. Collective bargaining with the company in which work is a right of workers, except where the law expressly not to negotiate. The law shall establish the modalities for collective bargaining and the appropriate procedures to achieve it in a just and peaceful solution. The law shall specify where collective bargaining is required to submit to binding arbitration, which correspond to ad hoc tribunals of experts whose organization and powers shall be established therein. They may not strike state officials
  • f) The admission to any public office or employment, with no requirements other than those imposed by the Constitution and laws;
  • g) The right to social security. The laws governing the exercise of this right shall qualified quorum.
  • h) The right to organize in such cases and how to bring the law. The union membership will always be voluntary. Trade unions enjoy legal personality for the mere fact of registering its statutes and constituent records.
  • i) The equal distribution of taxes in proportion to income or progression or form to be prescribed by the law, and equal distribution of other charges public. In no case law may establish taxes manifestly disproportionate or unfair. The taxes that are collected, whatever their nature, will join the Heritage of the Nation and may not be assigned to a given destination.

Article 11. Every inhabitant of the Republic must respect Erepublik Argentina and its national emblems. The Argentine Erepublik have a fundamental duty to honor the homeland, to defend its sovereignty and contribute to national security and preserve the core values of Erepublik Argentina Tradition.

Article 12. The intermediate groups in the community and its leaders who misuse of autonomy that the Constitution recognizes them, intervening improperly in activities unrelated to their specific purposes, shall be punished in accordance with the law. They are incompatible positions of senior trade union organizations with senior managers, national and regional political parties. The law established sanctions to be applied to union leaders involved in partisan political activities and leaders of political parties that interfere with the functioning of trade union organizations and other groups that the interim law.

Chapter IV


President of the Republic

Article 13. The Government and the State Administration correspond to the President, who is the Head of State. His authority extends to everything that aims at preserving public order in the interior and external security of the Republic, in accordance with the Constitution and laws.

Article 14. The President of the Republic shall be elected by direct vote by an absolute majority of valid votes cast. The election will take place, as the administration sees fit Erepublik.

Article 15. If President-elect was found blocked for assuming office, shall, meanwhile, with the title of Vice President of the Republic, the President of Congress, in its absence, the chairman of the party that has resulted in a majority vote in the election immediately preceding it.

Article 16. If a temporary impediment, by illness, absence from the territory or other serious reason, the President is unable to exercise his office, it will happen in the same order given in the previous article, and if this is not possible, be informed Erepublik administration, proposing immediate elections and the decision taken by the administration of Erepublik will be the last word and what to do.

Article 17. The President shall cease to hold office the same day when his term is completed and the newly elected successor. Anyone who has played this role for the entire period, it shall, immediately and in its own right, dignity officer Former President of the Republic.

Article 18. They are special powers of the President of the Republic:

  1. Contribute to the formation of laws under the Constitution, sanction and promulgate.
  2. Call the Congress to convene extraordinary legislature and closure;
  3. Issue after delegation of powers of Congress, decrees with the force of law on matters that the Constitution states;
  4. Declare states of emergency in constitutional cases and forms that stated in this Constitution;
  5. Appoint and dismiss its willingness to ministers of state, ambassadors, Treasurers and other public employees within Erepublik, besides having the option of requesting investigations to the senate and administration Erepublik before leaving his post.
  6. Appoint ambassadors and diplomats ministers, and representatives to international bodies. These shall be the exclusive confidence of the President and will remain at their posts while with him/her;
  7. Appoint and dismiss officials who called the law as its exclusive confidence and provide other jobs civilians in accordance with the law. The removal of the other officials will agree to the provisions established by it.
  8. Granting pardons individuals in the circumstances and manner specified by law. The pardon would be inappropriate while not issuing a final judgement in the process respectively. The officials accused by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate, can only be pardoned by Congress.
  9. Driving political relations with foreign powers and international agencies, and conduct negotiations; closing, signing and ratifying treaties it deems appropriate to the country's interests, which must be subject to congressional approval
  10. Assume, in the event of war, the supreme head of the Armed Forces;
  11. Declare war, subject to authorisation by law and the administration of Erepublik must place on record having heard the War Board,
  12. Care for raising government revenues and declare their investment with adherence to the law.

Ministers of State

Article 19. The Ministers of State are the direct and immediate collaborators of the President in government and state administration. The law shall determine the number and organization of ministries, as also the order of precedence of Ministers holders.

Article 20. To be appointed Minister Argentine Erepublik be required. In case of absence, disability or resignation of a minister, or for other reasons when the vacancy occurs from office, will be replaced in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 21. They will be individually responsible for acts that sign and jointly for that suscribieren or agree with the other ministers.

Article 22. They may, if he deems it appropriate, attend the meetings of congress and take part in its debates, in preference to speak, but without voting rights. During the vote may, however, rectify the concepts issued by any congressman to cast their vote.

Chapter V

National Congress

Article 23. The Congress is unicameral

Article 24. The exclusive powers of the congress:

  1. Monitor the actions of the Government. To exercise this attribution the Chamber can, with the vote of a majority of congressmen present, arrangements or suggest comments will be forwarded in writing to the President of the Republic, the Government must respond.
  2. Deciding whether or not place the admission of prosecutions that anyone intends to initiate against any Minister of State, on the occasion of the damage that may have suffered unfairly by his act in his tenure;
  3. Knowing the strife of competition that may arise between the political and administrative.
  4. Provide or withhold its consent to acts of the President of the Republic, in cases where the Constitution or the law require.
  5. Declaring the inability of the President or President-elect when a physical or mental impairment as unfit to handle his character Erepublik and also declare, when the President makes resignation from his post if the reasons that originate or are not well founded and therefore admitting or to reject. In both cases be heard before the administration Erepublik.
  6. Give their opinion to the President of the Republic in cases where the latter's request.
  7. To approve or reject international treaties it submits the President of the Republic before their ratification. The adoption of a treaty will be submitted to the formalities of a law.

Common rules for Deputies and Senators

Article 25.

  1. Removal Congressman who ausentare the country for more than thirty days without permission of the House to which he belongs or, break it, its President.
  2. Leave office Congressman exercising any influence with the administrative or judicial authorities for or representing the employer or workers in negotiations or industrial disputes, whether public or private sector, or intervening in any of them before parties.
  3. Whoever loses the post of deputy or senator in any of the causes mentioned above may not qualify for any public office or employment, whether or not popularly elected, by the end of four presidential terms Erepublik.

Article 26. The congressmen are only inviolable by the views expressed and votes cast in discharging their duties, in matters of courtroom sessions Law

Article 27. They are just matters of law:

  1. Those who under the Constitution must be subject to constitutional organic laws;
  2. The Constitution requires that they are regulated by a law;
  3. Those that are the subject of consolidation, whether civil, commercial or otherwise;
  4. Changing the shape or characteristics of the national emblems;
  5. Which entitle the state, its agencies, to contract loans, which must be used to finance specific projects. The law must indicate the sources from which must be made to service the debt. However, will require a quorum of qualified law to authorize the hiring of those loans with a maturity exceeds the length of term of the respective presidential term. Nothing in this issue does not apply to the Central Bank;
  6. Authorizing the holding of any class of transactions that might jeopardize either directly or indirectly credit or financial responsibility of the state, its agencies and municipalities. This provision shall not apply to the Central Bank;
  7. The laying down rules under which state enterprises and those where it has participation can make loans, which in no case may be made with the state, its agencies or enterprises;
  8. The setting rules on disposal of state property.
  9. Establish or modify the political and administrative division of the country;
  10. The rules to allow the entry of foreign troops on the territory of the Republic, as well as the departure of national troops outside;
  11. Any other laws like the Constitution bring the sole initiative of the President of the Republic;
  12. Authorizing the declaration of war, a proposal from the President of the Republic;
  13. The granting pardons and general amnesties and set the general rules under which must be exercised the power of the President to grant pardons individuals.
  14. Those who indicate the city must reside in the President of the Republic, holding its meetings on National Congress.
  15. Set the foundations of procedures governing the acts of public administration;
  16. Any other rule of general and compulsory statues that the essential foundations of a legal system.

Chapter VI


Article 28. Faculties and treatment judiciary

a) The power to investigate civil and criminal cases, resolve and enforce the court, belongs exclusively Erepublik administration. The President and Congress can not give judgement in this matter but if they can order an investigation and propose a fair judgement on the administration of Erepublik.

b) In order to comply with an investigation into an organization and / or individual the President should send a official letter explaining the reasons, penalties and all that concerns the accusation to the Congress, which must be approved by a simple majority and this will register an order of investigation and resolution to the administration of Erepublik.

c) Resolution of the administration of Erepublik may not be appealed under any circumstances, and what will solve immediately.

d) The judgement may give the administration Erepublik can be of any kind, whether economic, political, etc� to / the character (s) and also has the power to punish the player and / or organization in the manner it deems desirable.

Pier Representative of the Argentina Government.