Constitution of Slovenia

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Constitution of Slovenia

I. The basic constitutional charter of the constitution of Slovenia

  • 1. Slovenia is state of Slovenians and is obliged to take care of Slovenians if they demand it. However this help should not be abused.
  • 2. Slovenia is open state to immigrants, however they have to respect the Slovenian nation and state order.
  • 3. No one should accuse citizens of Slovenia of national treason.
  • 4. Limited group of people cannot decide what is good for nation and what is in its interest.
  • 5. Prime minister, congressmen, members of the government and members of constitutional court are bound to oath. Oath is determined by the chapter of the Charter of the oath.

II. The charter of structure of national authority

  • 6. Slovenia has three branches of authority: - Legislative - Executive - Judicial
  • 7. Legislative authority is composed of congress. This is lead by the president of congress. President of congress is proposed by the prime-minister, and is confirmed by the congress.
  • 8. Executive authority is composed of government. The head of the government is president of Slovenia who is elected directly by the people. He appoints ministers who lead the country. All ministers and the president are bound to report to the congress every 10 days. The government is composed of president, vice-president, and ministers of economics, finances, inner and outer affairs, defense, social welfare and the representative of the government. Exact functions will be defined by the law.
  • 9. Judicial authority is defined by the Charter of constitutional court.

III. Charter of governing

  • 10. Authority elected by the people can only work for people's interest.
  • 11. Public offending and insulting by the authority is most strictly forbidden.
  • 12. Authority is an example of the country and should behave in that way.
  • 13. Congressman of other nationality (non-Slovenian) has the right to translation of political subjects into English language.
  • 14. Congressmen of other nationality (non Slovenian) have to get a translator to translate his messages into the Slovenian language. The translator can be paid for his job.
  • 15. President of the government is elected for one mandate. Individual can preside only in 2 consecutive mandates after which he has to withdraw his candidature. He can candidate again on next general elections.

IV. Charter of constitutional court

  • 16. Constitutional court has 3 members.
  • 17. Members of the constitutional court elect the president of the constitutional court, however he only has representative role.
  • 18. Constitutional court controls the implementation of the constitution and other passed laws.
  • 19. Members of constitutional court are proposed for every next month by the president of the government no later than 25th of each month for the following month. Members are confirmed by the congress.
  • 20. Constitutional court receives 1 month mandate although its members can be court members for several consecutive mandates. New members of the constitutional court start to work after the main elections. They are chosen in the past mandate. In that matter it is secured that the authority does not choose its own judges.
  • 21. Constitutional court judges whether authority operates legally and in compliance with constitution.

V. Charter of the economics

  • 22. Country can issue money support to companies. However the given help has to be justified and every company in the country can ask for that help. Every abuse is strictly punished.
  • 23. The financial expenses that surpass one third of treasury should get majority in the voting in the congress.
  • 24. National help to individuals is strictly limited. It is allowed when it is intended to general profit of the country and its nation.
  • 25. Country has the right to establish state companies. However the country should not interfere into rules of competition. Exceptions are strategic moves that are vital for functioning of the country.
  • 26. Country establishes Central bank. In the case of military aggression towards Slovenia entire treasury is transferred to central bank. After the end of military combats the money is returned to treasury if the money has not been used for defensive purposes.

VI. Charter of the official language

  • 27. The official language in the country is Slovenian. All officials in the country have to use it.
  • 28. Subsidiary official language is English. It can be used in official actions of the country however every official action should be translated to Slovenian language.
  • 29. All official statements are intended for citizens of Slovenia and have to be written in Slovenian, but it is recommended that they are also translated to English.
  • 30. Media can only act in Slovenian and/or in English language. Particular phrases can be used in media in other languages however the point of the article has to be understandable to the citizens who only speak Slovenian and/or English language.
  • 31. Because of bilingual functioning of the country the authority can hire a translator to translate important subjects and announcements to the English language who can be paid for his/her job.

VII. Charter of the military

  • 32. Duty of the citizens of Slovenia is to defend its territorial integrity.
  • 33. In the case of military attack on Slovenia the president gets all necessary authorizations to use treasury for war purposes. This includes the buying of the weapons, hiring of the soldiers, investments for making wellness of the soldiers higher.
  • 34. The authority In military matters in the time of peace is defense minister. In the war time the president takes over the military command.
  • 35. Slovenia is sovereign state that strives for world peace and avoids unnecessary conflicts. However Slovenia has to defend its independence at all costs.
  • 36. Government is obliged to ensure suitable military conditions which include hospitals and sufficient quantity of weapons.
  • 37. Government can in the case of military aggression to Slovenia demand financial and material help from individuals and companies. Details are determined by the law.
  • 38. Government has a right to decide in secrecy in the time of war.
  • 39. Moves done in time of war are studied by the constitutional court which searches for the possibilities of corruption.
  • 40. Constitution allows establishing different types of armies that can be financially assisted by the government which depends on their capabilities and meaning.

VIII. Charter of the oath

  • 41. Oath says: I swear that I will respect the constitutional order, that I will work in all conscience and act with my entire powers for the prosperity of Slovenia.
  • 42. Oath is published in particular topic on the page and is publicly accessible.
  • 43. Everyone who swears to the oath is obliged to respect it.

IX. Charter of referendum

  • 44. Constitution is confirmed on the referendum and in compliance with rules of Erepublik.
  • 45. Congress has the right to demand a referendum with 2/3 majority for important issues. Referendum must comply with the rules of Erepublik.

X. Charter of changes of constitution

  • 46. Constitution can be changed.
  • 47. The changes of constitution can be suggested by the author of the constitution, constitutional court or government. Changes are confirmed by the congress and the president.
  • 48. Greater changes of the constitution are confirmed at the referendum.
  • 49. Among greater changes are the changes in the following charters: I, VI, X or changes which would greatly change the meaning and structure of constitution.

XI. Charter of authors of the constitution

  • 50. The author of constitution is Julc, the author of English translation is Karantanec.