Временни мисии

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Icon mission stock up for 2012.png Запасете се за 2012-та

Работете, за да произведете достатъчно стока за 2012-та.

Побързайте! Тази мисия изтича на ден 1505.


  • Работете, за да произведете 2011 продукта го края на годината


Icon mission become stronger for 2012.png Станете по-силен за 2012-та

Тренирайте повече, станете по-силен.

Побързайте! Тази мисия изтича на ден 1505.



Icon mission have a big meal.png Нахранете се добре

Консумирайте храна, за да бъдете по-здрав.

Побързайте! Тази мисия изтича на ден 1505.


  • Яжте храна и възстановете 2011 здраве до края на годината


Icon mission enter 2012 as a true patriot.png Влезте в 2012-та като истински патриот

Бийте се повече за страната си, за да увеличите славата ѝ.

Побързайте! Тази мисия изтича на ден 1505.


  • Победете 300 противника до края на годината за Вашата страна
  • Имайте 10 базуки в склада Ви


Icon mission get your best stats before 2012.png Подобрете постиженията си през 2012

Вашият профил е Вашата бизнес карта! Подобрете постиженията си!

Побързайте! Тази мисия изтича на ден 1505.


  • Подобрете най-добрата си щета до края на годината


Icon mission get into the top.png Изкачете върха

Бъдете на върха! Останете на върха!

Побързайте! Тази мисия изтича на ден 1505.


  • Завършете 3 пъти в топ5 по щета на някоя битка
  • Бийте се в 3 различни кампании


Icon mission increase your damage.png Увеличете щетата си

Бийте се за ранга си! Побързайте!

Побързайте! Тази мисия изтича на ден 1505.


  • Спечелете 10% повече военни точки


Icon mission from plato with love 79.png From Plato, with love

Mission 79: There are rumors about Plato having great gifts for us all.

Hurry up! This mission expires on Day 1552


  • Work for 5 days in a row (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 59 Злато)
  • Train for 5 days in a row (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 59 Злато)
  • Get the Daily Order reward for 5 days in a raw (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 59 Злато)


Icon mission newbies have feelings too.png Newbies have feelings too

Mission 80: Support the young generation, show them your love and they'll show you support.

Hurry up! This mission expires on Day 1552


  • Donate food to a citizen below level 15 (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 9 Злато)
  • Donate weapons to a citizen below level 15 (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 9 Злато)


Icon mission help me to help you 81.png Help me to help you

Mission 81: Help your friends with a good paid job and they'll give their best for your business. What are friends for in the end?

Hurry up! This mission expires on Day 1552


  • Hire a friend invited by you in eRepublik (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 19 Злато)
  • Encourage a friend invited by you to work for you for 5 different days (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 19 Злато)


Icon mission you can make a difference 82.png You can make a difference!

Mission 82: Time for you to stand out and make a change towards a better society.

Hurry up! This mission expires on Day 1552


  • Join a party
  • Vote for Party President in day 1548 of the New World (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 19 Злато)


Icon mission for my country with love 83.png For my country, with love

Mission 83: The perfect time has come for proofs of patriotism.

Hurry up! This mission expires on Day 1552


  • Defeat 300 opponents for your citizenship country or it's allies (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 99 Злато)
  • Fight in 3 different battles for your citizenship country or it's allies (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 69 Злато)


Icon mission for the love of fighting 84.png For the love of fighting

Mission 84: Spread fear all over the world, make sure they never forget your name.

Hurry up! This mission expires on Day 1553


  • Defeat at least 5 opponents for 20 different countries (Unlock for Icon - Gold.gif 99 Злато)


Icon mission killing spree 85.png Killing Spree

Mission 85: Face the ultimate challenge in eRepublik


  • Defeat 1 enemy

Successfully press the Fight button.


Icon mission loyalty is rewarded 86.png Loyalty is rewarded!

Mission 86: Be loyal and help your country more! Your efforts will be recognized!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,587!


  • Work in 7 different days (Icon - Gold.gif 49 Злато to complete)
  • Train in 7 different days (Icon - Gold.gif 49 Злато to complete)
  • Defeat 25 opponents per day in 7 different days. (Icon - Gold.gif 99 Злато to complete)


Icon mission help a new citizen 87.png Help a new citizen!

Mission 87: Choose one fellow citizen below level 20 and help him with cash!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,587!


  • Donate 100 currency to a citizen below level 20.


Icon mission get two times stronger 88.png Get two times stronger!

Mission 88: Strength means more damage! Train every day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,587!


  • Increase your strength with 150 points. (Icon - Gold.gif 99 Злато to complete)


Icon mission lets do some damage 89.png Let's do some damage!

Mission 89: Fight for your countrymen! Fight for you! Fight for... more rank points!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,587!


  • Fight to inflict more than 10% from your actual damage!
The required damage varries depending on Strength and Military Rank (Icon - Gold.gif 99 Злато to complete)


Icon mission freedom is a must 90.png Freedom is a must!

This mission will show up after you'll complete mission "Let's do some damage!"
Mission 90: Liberate your country! Or help an ally country!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,587!


  • Defeat 300 opponents by fighting in resistance wars.
  • Fight in 5 different resistance wars.


Icon mission lets do some damage 108.png Let's do some damage!

Mission 108: Fight for your countrymen! Fight for you! Fight for... more rank points!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!


  • Fight to inflict more than XXXX damage! The required damage and the reward varies depending on Strength and Military Rank


Icon mission lets socialize 109.png Lets socialize

Mission 109: The more the merrier! Having more friends will help you in your journey in the New World!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!


  • Add 10 more comrades to your friends list. Visit the profile of other citizens and use the Add friend option. Make sure they accept your request.


Icon mission be an active fighter all day long 110.png Be an active fighter all day long!

Mission 110: Use up your food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!


  • Restore 1500 health in 3 different days. Come back each day and restore your food fights


Icon mission be part of an epic battle 111.png Be part of an epic battle!

Mission 111: Give your best on the battlefield!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!


  • Defeat 15 enemies in 4 different battles in any campaign


Icon mission become a soldier of fortune 112.png Become a soldier of fortune!

Mission 112: Make the first steps in becoming a True Mercenary.

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!


  • Complete 10 countries for your Mercenary Medal


Icon mission be a resistance fighter hero 113.png Be a Resistance Fighter Hero!

Mission 113: Fight side by side with your comrades in a resistance war!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!


  • Defeat 100 enemies fighting in Resistance Wars
  • Fight in 10 different Resistance Wars


Icon mission gear up and fight 114.png Gear up and Fight

This mission will show up after you'll complete mission «Be a Resistance Fighter Hero»
Mission 114: Use up you food fights each day!

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,648!


  • Defeat 200 enemies by using a weapon


Следните мисии са валидни до ден 1700.

Icon mission get two times stronger 88.png Мисия: Станете два пъти по-силни!

Силата означава повече щета! Тренирайте всеки ден!


  • Увеличете силата си със 75 точки.


Мисията е активна до края на ден 1 700!

Icon mission be an active fighter all day long 110.png Мисия: Бъдете активен боец през целия ден!

Използвайте храната си за бой всеки ден!


  • Яжте храна, за да възстановите по 750 здраве три различни дни


Идвайте всеки ден и възвръщайте здравето си за бой! Мисията е активна до края на ден 1 700!

Icon mission gear up and fight 114.png Мисия: Въоръжете се и бой!

Използвайте храната си за бой всеки ден!


  • Убийте 200 противника, използвайки оръжие


Мисията е активна до края на ден 1 700!

Icon mission make a difference.png Мисия: Направете разлика!

Страната Ви се нуждае от още огнева мощ за бъдещите тежки битки.


  • Поканете 2 приятели и им помогнете да стигнат до ниво 15 ИЛИ постройте 2 ракети


Мисията е активна до края на ден 1,700!

Мисия: Нека направим малко щета!

Бийте се за сънародниците си! Бийте се за Вас! Бийте се за... повече точки чин



Мисията е активна до края на ден 1,700!

Icon mission daily task.png Мисия: Дневна задача!

Отдадените играчи взимат награди всеки ден


  • Изпълнете дневните си задачи в 5 различни дни


Мисията е активна до края на ден 1,700!

Since Day 1732-1742

File:Gear up and Fight.png Mission 123: Gear up and Fight!

Your equipment is important at war. Gear up and attack your opponents easier!


  • Defeat 250 enemies by using a weapon


Mission active until the end of the Day 1,742!

File:Icon mission be part of an epic battle.png Mission 125: Be part of an epic battle!

Give your best on the battlefield!


  • Defeat 20 enemies in 5 different battles in any campaign


Mission active until the end of the Day 1,742!

File:Icon mission be an active fighter all day long.png Mission 126: Be an active fighter all day long!

Use up your food fights each day


  • Eat food to restore 1500 health in 5 different days

Come back each day and restore your food fights


Mission active until the end of the Day 1,742!

Icon mission one last effort 127.pngMission 127: One last effort!

This mission will show up after you'll complete mission 123 «Gear up and Fight!»
Mission 127: Victory shall be yours, even if you have to use force.

Mission active until the end of the Day 1,742!


  • Defeat 100 Enemies in one day! (Icon - Gold.gif 99 Злато to complete)


Since Day 1774-1782

Icon mission lets do some damage 124.png Mission 128: Let's do some damage!

Fight for your countrymen! Fight for you! Fight for... more rank points!


  • Fight to inflict more than [objective] damage! (depending on strength and military rank)

The required damage and the reward varies depending on Strength and Military Rank


Mission active until the end of the Day 1,782!

File:Icon mission be part of an epic battle.png Mission 129: Be part of an epic battle!

Fight side by side with your comrades!


  • Division 1 - Defeat 10 enemies against your Natural Enemy
  • Division 2 - Defeat 30 enemies against your Natural Enemy
  • Division 3 - Defeat 60 enemies against your Natural Enemy
  • Division 4 - Defeat 100 enemies against your Natural Enemy

Check your Natural Enemy


This mission unlocks "Fight side by side with your comrades in a resistance war!" mission
Mission active until the end of the Day 1,782!

Icon mission be a resistance fighter hero 113.png Mission 130: Fight side by side with your comrades in a resistance war!

Fight side by side with your comrades in a resistance war!


  • Division 1 - Defeat 10 enemies in 1 different Resistance Wars
  • Division 2 - Defeat 15 enemies in 2 different Resistance Wars
  • Division 3 - Defeat 20 enemies in 3 different Resistance Wars
  • Division 4 - Defeat 25 enemies in 4 different Resistance Wars


Mission active until the end of the Day 1,782!

Icon mission new Daily Task.png Mission 131: Daily Orders

Dedicated players get rewards every day.


  • Division 1 - Complete Daily Order for 2 days
  • Division 2 - Complete Daily Order for 3 days
  • Division 3 - Complete Daily Order for 4 days
  • Division 4 - Complete Daily Order for 5 days


This mission unlocks "One last effort!" mission
Mission active until the end of the Day 1,782!

Icon mission one last effort 127.png Mission 133: One last effort!

Victory shall be yours, even if you have to use force.


  • Division 1 - Defeat 20 enemies in one day.
  • Division 2 - Defeat 40 enemies in one day.
  • Division 3 - Defeat 60 enemies in one day.
  • Division 4 - Defeat 100 enemies in one day.


File:Icon mission making a difference122.png Mission 134: Making a difference!

Rockets may change the course of Battles.


  • Build 2 Rockets


Mission active until the end of the Day 1,782!