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Revision as of 00:59, 9 October 2014

Partidul Renașterii Naționale

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General Information
Country Flag-Republic of Moldova.png Republic of Moldova
Abbreviation PRN
Forum [1]
Founded september 2009
President lordmonstru
Members 62
Congress Occupancy 12 seats, 30%
Orientation Center-Right
Ideology Libertarian


Partidul Renasterii Nationale este sustinatorul libertatii individuale, sociale, economice si politice, prin conceptie, prin actiune si prin traditie. Partidul Renasterii Nationale este promotorul gandirii liberale din eMoldova.

In plan personal,
Partidul Renasterii Nationale este preocupat in mod deosebit de primatul individului in fata societatii, de egalitatea in fata legilor, de garantarea drepturilor si libertatilor cetatenesti, de toleranta in raport cu convingerile si optiunile celorlalti. Libertatea individuala este obiectivul major pe care il propunem tuturor persoanelor responsabile.

In plan social,
Partidul Renasterii Nationale are ca obiectiv modernizarea accelerata a societatii, scoaterea institutiilor din autarhie, din conservatorism si imobilism. Partidul Renasterii Nationale opteaza pentru modernizarea prin stabilitate si pentru coeziune sociala, bazata pe reducerea surselor de tensiune si de conflict. In principal, stabilitatea sociala se va obtine prin dezvoltarea clasei de mijloc constituita din inima vie a liberei initiative.

In plan economic,
Partidul Renasterii Nationale este adeptul declarat al capitalismului, al pietei libere si al economiei de piata. Partidul Renasterii Nationale se pronunta ferm ca, intre vointa consumatorului, individual sau social, si posibilitatile producatorului sa existe doar piata si legile ei specifice de reglementare. In activitatea economica, Partidul Renasterii Nationale sustine, de principiu, ingradirea prin concurenta a monopolului si eliminarea ingerintelor administratiei si birocratiei in influentarea productiei. Partidul Renasterii Nationale se pronunta pentru libera circulatie a marfurilor, capitalului si fortei de munca, pentru limitarea puterii autoritatilor de reglementare si pentru eliminarea birocratiei.

In plan politic,
National Renaissance Party este ferm atasat valorilor democratiei, pluralismului si statului de drept. Pentru promovarea partidelor cu responsabilitate politica, Partidul Renasterii Nationale promoveaza competitia deschisa in viata politica. Mijloacele prin care ne vom atinge obiectivele sunt fundamentarea pe analiza a punctelor de vedere, dezbaterea, comunicarea si imaginea publica pentru castigarea unei cat mai largi audiente.

Partidul Renasterii Nationale este adversar de principiu al marilor proiecte abstracte, mesianice sau dogmatice. El se pronunta contra oricaror forme de extremism sau radicalism, constient de faptul ca nimeni nu dispune de retete salvatoare sau de "truse universale".

In English

The National Renaissance Party is the supporter of individual freedom, social, economic and political, by design, through action and through tradition. The National Renaissance Party is the promoter of liberal thinking in eMoldova.

In personal plan,
The National Renaissance Party is concerned in particular by the primacy of the individual in front of society, of equality in front of the law, guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of democracy, of tolerance in relation to the beliefs and other options. Individual freedom is the aim that we offer to all persons responsible.

In social plan,
The National Renaissance Party aims to accelerate the modernization of society, to remove the institutions from autarchy, from conservatism and imobilism. National Renaissance Party favors the modernization through stability and social cohesion, based on reducing the sources of tension and conflict. In the main, social stability will be achieved through the development of the middle class who consists from the living heart of the free enterprise.
In economic plan,
The National Renaissance Party is the declared follower of capitalism, free market and the market economy. The National Renaissance Party says firmly that, between the consumer will, individually or socially, and the manufacturer possibilities to be only the market and its specific laws and regulations. In the economic activity, the Liberal Party supports, in principle, the restriction through the competition of the monopoly and to eliminate the interference of administration and bureaucracy in influencing the production. National Renaissance Party had called for free movement of goods, capital and labor, to limit the power of regulators and to eliminate bureaucracy

In the politic plan,
The National Renaissance Party is firmly attached to the values of democracy, pluralism and rule of law. To promote the party with a politic responsibility, the Liberal Party promotes open competition in the political life. The means by which we will achieve our objectives are basically though the analysis of the points of view, debate, communication and public image for gaining of a wider audience.

The National Renaissance Party is the opponent by principle of major abstract projects, messianic or dogmatic. He decides against any form of extremism or radicalism, aware of the fact that no one has rescue recipes or "universal kits.


25 Nov 2009 - 24 Dec 2009 [12 membri]

Citizen Region Number of votes
25px Lady Indra Chișinău 34
25px avevali Chișinău 20
25px Cerescu Nicolai Basarabia de Nord 9
25px Admiral William Ajunta Lee Basarabia de Sud 4
25px KiKat Transnistria 5
Citizen1466279.jpg StefanTB Transnistria 4
25px MungO Transnistria 4
25px Poloboc Basarabia de Nord 9
25px Scorpiomd Transnistria 1
25px Serjik Chișinău 10
25px AleXTI Chișinău 8
25px Lilian Iat Chișinău 8

Party Presidents

The following is a list of known party presidents: