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Icon - Normal Storage with base.png

Skladišče je zgradba katero lahko najdete med mojimi mesti. Uporablja se za shranjevanje vaših proizvodov in surovin.
Vsak proizvod, ki ga proizvede vaša tovarna bo dodan v vaše skladišče. Če vaša tovarna proizvede proizvod, bodo potrebne surovine vzete iz vašega skladišča.

Nasvet: Dostop do skladišča imate s kombinacijo tipk SHIFT+S na vaši tipkovnici.

Skladiščni prostor

Your storage is presented in slots. In each slot you are able to hold as many products as the storage can hold. Different quality products are stored in different slots. The top row will show the products you own and the lower row will show you the raw materials your storage holds. When you hover over product in the products row, you will see detailed information about that product. That information contains: Product and its quality It's attributes If there are partially used products, it will be mentioned. Note: Partially used items cannot be sold nor transferred to another citizen.

Predmeti za zbrianje

The Collections section shows the amount of Bazookas, Rockets and Bazooka parts you have. You can create a bazooka if you have enough parts (one of each) by clicking "Assemble all" button. You can create a Rocket if you have enough weapons (Q1-Q6) and currency by clicking "Build Rocket" button.

Večanje vašega skladišča

You can always expand your storage capacity by clicking in My places and choosing Storages. Using Loyalty program you can buy special storage (20,000 items) for 175

Prodajanje proizvodov iz vašega skladišča

You can sell your items/raw materials from your storage. To do that you need to fill out following information: Product and its quality (use the drop-down menu to select it) Quantity Price / unit (the final price with taxes) The country you want to sell your products to The current offers you have will be shown underneath new offer row. You can remove your offer by hovering over the offer line and press red X button.

Notes: You can only sell products that haven't been used! You can also sell products to countries that are fully conquered! If you want to sell products to different countries, you need to buy licenses OR you can get free licenses if you have bought licenses to your companies before day 1,210. In order to sell on the marketplace citizens must have an Adult Title.