User:Mr Woldy

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Mr Woldy, a citizen of the e-UK has since his birth been active on the forums. After establishing a successfull newspaper and two companies he was voted into Congress, with a grand total of 28 votes he was the 3rd most voted for candidate out of forty. Upon his entrance to the Royal Guards he was quickly promoted to Corporal, and eventually became Sergeant of Squad A2. His newspaper "The People's Gazette" took an early rise to fame after Mr Woldy moved to Germany, and then Austria to report on the conflict and splitting of the Austro-German union. Whilst in Germany he made connections with a few member's of the German government. It was because of this that he wrote a series of highly voted articles on the Swedish invasion of Germany that occured on day 545 of the new world.

His most successful articles have been his 3 guides for new player's, highly appreciatd by the public.


13.02.2009 - Joined e-Republik. 17.03.2009 - "People's Gazette" popular British newspaper established. 27.03.2009 - Ranked up to Corporal fighting in Austrian liberation war. 30.04.2009 - Joined the Royal Guards, Squad A2. 01.05.2009 - Promoted to Corporal in the Royal Guards, Squad A2. 19.05.2009 - Establishes Iron company is Brazil, Goes bust. 22.05.2009 - Establishes two Comapnies in the UK to tackle the lack of skill 0 jobs. 25.05.2009 - "People's Gazette" enters the top 10 most subscribed British papers. 26.05.2009 - Begins first term as a Congressmen. 26.05.2009 - Promoted to Sergeant in the Royal Guards, Squad A2. 28.05.2009 - Awarded an official CSCP commendation.