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En el apartado My places puedes construir distintos edificios, como compañías de materias primeras, fabricas de armas y alimentos, campos de entrenamiento, almacenes y edificios especiales.


There are 6 main types of buildings that can be built by a citizen, accessing the build page that can be found when choosing the Create new company on the companies page which is accessible through the My places menu. Following are all buildings that can be created through the build page.

Materia prima de comida

Icono Edificio Producción básica[1] Maximum number of Employees that can be hired[2] Costo
Icon - Grain Farm.png Granja de grano 0.35 Icon - Food Raw Materials.png 0 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 1500 CC
Icon - Fruit Orchard.png Plantacion de fruta 0.70 Icon - Food Raw Materials.png 0 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 3000 CC
Icon - Fishery.png Pesqueria 1.25 Icon - Food Raw Materials.png 1 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Icon - Cattle Farm.png Granja ramadera 1.75 Icon - Food Raw Materials.png 1 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 8500 CC
Icon - Hunting Lodge.png Area de caza 2.50 Icon - Food Raw Materials.png 4 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 35 oros

Materias primeras de armamento

Icono Edificio Producción básica[1] Maximum number of Employees that can be hired[2] Costo
Icon - Iron Mine.png Mina de hierro 0.35 Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png 0 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 1500 CC
Icon - Oil Rig.png Campo de petroleo 0.70 Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png 0 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 3000 CC
Icon - Aluminium Mine.png Mina de aluminio 1.25 Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png 1 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Icon - Saltpeter Mine.png Plantacion de caucho 1.75 Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png 1 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 8500 CC
Icon - Rubber Plantation.png Rubber Plantation 2.50 Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png 4 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 35 oros

House raw material buildings

Icono Edificio Producción básica[1] Maximum number of Employees that can be hired[2] Costo
Icon - Sand Mine.png Sand Mine 0.35 Icon - House Raw Materials.png 1 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 1500 CC
Icon - Clay Pit.png Clay Pit 0.70 Icon - House Raw Materials.png 2 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 3000 CC
Icon - Sawmill.png Sawmill 1.25 Icon - House Raw Materials.png 3 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Icon - Limestone Quarry.png Limestone Quarry 1.75 Icon - House Raw Materials.png 4 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 8500 CC
Icon - Granite Quarry.png Granite Quarry 2.50 Icon - House Raw Materials.png 5 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 35 oros

Note: In the House raw materials buildings only outside Employees can work, the manager (owner) of the building cannot work!

Aircraft raw material buildings

Icono Edificio Producción básica[1] Maximum number of Employees that can be hired[2] Costo
Icon - Magnesium Rafinery.png Magnesium Refinery 0.35 Icon - Aircraft Raw Materials.png 1 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 1500 CC
Icon - Titanium Rafinery.png Titanium Refinery 0.70 Icon - Aircraft Raw Materials.png 2 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 3000 CC
Icon - Wolfram Mine.png Wolfram Mine 1.25 Icon - Aircraft Raw Materials.png 3 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Icon - Cobalt Plant.png Cobalt Plant 1.75 Icon - Aircraft Raw Materials.png 4 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Money.png 8500 CC
Icon - Neodymium Mine.png Neodymium Mine 2.50 Icon - Aircraft Raw Materials.png 5 Icon - Employee grey.png Icon - Gold.gif 35 oros

Note: In the Aircraft raw materials buildings only outside Employees can work, the manager (owner) of the building cannot work!


Icono Edificio Producción básica[1] Costo
Icon - Food Factory Q1.png Fábrica de alimento 100 Icon - Food Q1.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Icon - Weapons Factory Q1.png Fábrica de armas 10 Icon - Weapon Q1.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Icon - House Factory Q1.png Fábrica de casas 0.2 Icon - House Q1.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Icon - Aircraft Weapons Plant Q1.png Aircraft Weapons Plant* 5 Icon - Aircraft Q1.png Icon - Gold.gif 10 oros
Maximum number of Employees that can be hired in factories[2]
Factory type Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7
Icon - Weapon Q1.png
1 Icon - Employee grey.png 2 Icon - Employee grey.png 3 Icon - Employee grey.png 5 Icon - Employee grey.png 10 Icon - Employee grey.png 10 Icon - Employee grey.png 10 Icon - Employee grey.png
Icon - Food Q1.png
Icon - House Q1.png
Icon - Aircraft Q1.png


  1. Factories can be Upgraded to produce more
  2. (*) - In the House and Aircraft factories only outside Employees can work, the manager (owner) of the factory cannot work!


Main article: Storage

Storage is a unique building you can use to store products, raw materials, overtime points, boosters, collectables, and rockets.

Icono Edificio Capacidad de almacenamiento Costo
Icon - Normal Storage.png Almacen básico 1000 Storage Box.png Icon - Money.png 1750 CC
Icon - Large Storage.png Gran almacén 9000 Storage Box.png Icon - Gold.gif 35 oros
  • Note: Quando un almacen es construido, no existe la posibilidad de destruirlo. El cambio es permanente.

Campos de entrenamiento

Main article: Train/Español

Puedes usar estos edificios una vez al dia.

Icono Edificio Efecto del entrenamiento Coste del entrenamiento
Icon - Weights Room Q1.png Sala de musculación +5 fuerza Gratis
Icon - Climbing Center Q1.png Centro de escalada +2.5 fuerza Icon - Gold.gif 0.19 oros
Icon - Shooting Range Q1.png Campo de tiro +5 fuerza Icon - Gold.gif 0.89 oros
Icon - Special Forces Center Q1.png Centro de fuerzas especiales +10 fuerza Icon - Gold.gif 1.79 oros

Edificios especiales

Main article: Advanced buildings

Estos edificios son construidos de una forma distinta


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Producción básica significa la produccion sin bonus en el recurso.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Number of Employees that could be hired does not include owner working as a manager.

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