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Coat-Croatia.png Flag-Croatia.jpg Coat-Croatia.png
Flag of Croatia   Coat of Arms of Croatia

On the map

General rank 12
Country power 6,366
Anthem Lijepa naša domovino
Capital North Dalmatia
Alliance CODE
Language Hrvatski
Population 1,056
Average level 179
President Romperova moderna
Party eHrvatska Stranka Prava
Political titles
vCP Hajduk SpIit
MoD Sekretar Partije
MoEd Duh sa Sjekirom
Currency Flag-Croatia.jpg Hrvatska kuna (HRK)
Minimum salary 1.00 HRK
Average salary 2102 HRK
Food bonus + 100 %
Weapon bonus + 100 %
House bonus + 5 %
Aircraft bonus + 50 %
Territories 5
Natural enemy Romania
IRC = #rat #rat

Map of Croatia

Last update 28 January 2022

Icon history.png History

Main article: History of Croatia
Croats Arrival at the Adriatic Sea

People from Croatia have always been present in eRepublik. Many Croatians were scattered among the countries of the New World.

In August 2008, the Croatians began to organize, to make their presence known so they moved en masse to South Africa. Zocky and his Croatian - African UNION took the presidency in September. Croatians also posted many petitions in the forums, gaining international support for the creation of Croatia, called Add Croatia movement. More of Croatian history you can read here.

Finally, in December 2008., it was added as the first country since the launch of V1 (9th December 2008), and the last country added in 2008. It was made a full member of ATLANTIS on the 4th of January 2009. After fall of ATLANTIS Croatia officially stayed neutral, but kept its strong relations with all countries of ex-ATLANTIS. Later on, it was one of the founder nations of EDEN.

During its history, Croatia conquered many New World regions, but it is an interesting fact that Croatia never lost its original regions until the end of March 2011. Then Croatia was deleted by Serbia in an operation called PEACEKEEPER in an effort to close the Serbian-Croatian war.

Croatia an Empire

Around day 5180 Croatia became an Empire. It remained so until Day 5190 when Country Power dropped to 3772 (after Serbia freed Southern Serbia in a successful Resistance War)

Empires are countries that dominate the New World through their extreme military power and vast territories. In order to be declared as an Empire in the New World, a state needs to gather 4000 Country Power.

Country Power indicates how powerful a country is. It’s gained by conquering regions and keeping them under occupation for a certain amount of time.

The amount of Country Power depends on:

*Military Power - The offensive capability of all the active soldiers enrolled in Military Units, taking into account their division

*Controlled Regions - The number of regions owned, taking into account both original and conquered regions. - The more a region is kept under control, the more points it gives (except for original regions)

Icon allcountries.gif Geography

Croatia is a Central European country and it's situated at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain, the Balkans and the Mediterranean Sea. Capital of Croatia was Zagreb, however, due to the history it changed a lot. Croatia borders with Slovenia to the northwest, Hungary to the northeast, Serbia to the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the south-southeast and Italy on the west (sea border). The official language in Croatia is Croatian, but many Croatians understand English.

St. Mark's Church is the parish church of Old Zagreb.

The original territory of Croatia is composed of several regions: Central Croatia (occupied by Icon-USA.png), Istria and Kvarner (occupied by Icon-Lithuania.png), North Dalmatia (occupied by Icon-Lithuania.png), Lika and Gorski Kotar (occupied by Icon-Lithuania.png), Northwest Croatia (occupied by Icon-USA.png), Slavonia (occupied by Icon-Serbia.png), and South Dalmatia (occupied by Icon-Lithuania.png).

Its current territories are listed below:

Original Owner Resource Map

Flag-Serbia.jpg Slavonia

Flag-Lithuania.jpg Lika and Gorski Kotar

Flag-Lithuania.jpg Istria and Kvarner

Flag-USA.png Central Croatia

Flag-Lithuania.jpg North Dalmatia

Flag-USA.png Northwest Croatia

Flag-Lithuania.jpg South Dalmatia

Country map-Croatia.png

Icon - Forums.png Society and Population

After Croatia was added to eRepublik, the population grew quickly. In her first 2 weeks, Croatia had almost 3000 Citizens. Croatia was ranked the 6th largest country by population in eRepublik, in the second half of 2009. In 2010 Croatia become one of the 10 biggest countries in the New World and the number of citizens was oscillating between 10000 and 16000. Slavonia was the most populated region, and others were far less inhabited. In the v2 number of citizens reduces on less than 10000. After the removal of v2, the number was stable between 7000 and 8000. Also, other regions such as Central Croatia were getting more and more inhabitants, as a result of losing the importance of Slavonia as a primary target for Serbia because of high grain.

Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif Top 5 most experienced players in Croatia

Nickname Experience level
1. Dayerus 56,776
2. tangotan 41,871
3. FIKTORIUS 37,624
4. Dunci 34,172
5. grgaspoon 31,404

Last update: 28 January 2022

Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif Top 5 strongest players in Croatia

Nickname Strength
1. Rommel Erwin 345,040
2. mperic 344,629
3. Rompers Tractor Rent 344,504
4. Phalanx Dirge Hydrus 344,434
5. Tomad 344,376

Last update: 28 January 2022

Icon achievement True Patriot on.gif Top 5 patriots in Croatia

Nickname Damage
1. Sekretar Partije 54,770,212,448
2. T O LJ A G A 49,299,459,721
3. thegoose003 48,300,499,172
4. FIKTORIUS 47,295,939,639
5. The Bloody Wizard 43,878,669,194

Last update: 28 January 2022

Icon - Gold.gif Economy

This country doesn't have any trading embargoes at the moment.

Product Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Q3.png Food 1 % 1 % 1 %
Icon - Weapon Q2.png Weapon 1 % 1 % 1 %
Icon - Aircraft Q1.png Aircraft weapon 1 % 1 % 1 %
Icon - Moving ticket Q3.png Moving ticket 1 % 1 % 1 %
Icon - House Q3.png House 1 % 1 % 1 %
Raw material Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Raw Materials.png Food raw material 1 % 1 % -
Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png Weapon raw material 1 % 1 % -
Icon - Aircraft Weapon Raw Materials.png Aircraft weapon raw material 1 % 1 % -
Icon - House Raw Materials.png House raw material 1 % 1 % -

Last update on 25 September 2018.

Icon achievement Country President on.gif Politics

Political Parties

At the beginning (09 December 2008) there were three Political parties in Croatia. One year later, in December 2009 that number increased to twelve. In 2010 number of parties increased dramatically as Croatia started their big conquests - on April 29, 2010, there were 33 active parties, and the leading parties were Hrvatska Stranka Prava, Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka, Ekipa za bolju eHrvatsku, Hrvatski Liberalni Demokrati, Hrvatska Ujedinjena Stranka, Koza Nostra. After the deletion of Croatia from Serbia, a lot of parties ceased to exist.

This is the list of active parties that have more than 5 members:

Position Members Flag Party Leader
1. 85 Party-Hrvatska Stranka Prava v2.jpg eHrvatska Stranka Prava Duh sa Sjekirom
2. 58 Party-Savez Komunista eHrvatske.jpg Savez Komunisti eHrvatske kozaovca
3. 44 Party-Outsiders Syndicate.jpg Outsiders Syndicate Stivek
4. 39 Party-Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka.jpg Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka Lopoc1
5. 38 Party-ZNG Stranka.png Zbor Narodne Garde - ZNG PrimitivacHR
6. 8 Party-Civilno drustvo.jpg Civilno drustvo MirkoniCRO
7. 5 Party-POW Party.jpg POW Party Dryblas

Last update on 26 December 2022.


Croatian Parliament House "Hrvatski Sabor" in Zagreb
Main article: Congress of Croatia

The first congressional elections were held on 25 December 2008. More information about Croatian congressional elections can be found by clicking on the Congress menu below.



The Croatian constitution can be read on eRepublik forum.

See also

Icon Field Marshal.jpg Military

Croatia fought its first war with Serbia. Croatia have Romania as Natural Enemy at the moment, however in the past was usually Icon-Serbia.png Serbia. Review of larger wars:


Croatia signed its first MPP with Icon-Romania.png Romania.

List of all alliances:

This country doesn't have any mutual protection pacts at the moment.

Wars filter icon - post 2020 - ground battle.png Top 5 Rank Points (Ground) in Croatia

Nickname Damage
1. Sekretar Partije 1,209,315,082,556
2. Romper 1,201,535,181,109
3. Dayerus 1,186,119,843,350
4. Zdlemmy 948,676,863,909
5. antwone 933,914,120,849

Last update: September 2021

Wars filter icon - post 2020 - aircraft battle.png Top 5 Rank Points (Air) in Croatia

Nickname Damage
1. UfoDriver 95,235,671
2. Selak Ivan 79,703,682
3. Matan0304 56,755,323
4. MateaDu 56,125,528
5. NHex 53,858,566

Last update: September 2021

Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif Media

Media in Croatia are very active. The majority of articles are written in Croatian but bigger newspapers often write articles in both Croatian and English.

Government papers are:

The most famous journalist in Croatia and one of the most famous in the world was dSoKre who had newspapers eWorld Trade Center and he got more than 17 media mogul medals.

More info