Narodowy Bank Polski

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Narodowy Bank Polski
Logo of Narodowy Bank Polski
Country Flag-Poland.jpg Poland
Headquarters Volhynia
Subsidiaries Narodowe Szpitale, Narodowe Systemy Obronne, Narodowa Piekarnia, Narodowa Zbrojownia
Industries Construction, Manufacturing, Raw Materials
Products house, weapons, gifts, hospital, iron
Colours Gold

Narodowy Bank Polski is The National Bank of Poland created to carry on a business, as directed by the Government of Poland and serve as a depository of National Treasure. Later, when citizen organizations were withdrawn, it continued to serve as a depository of National Treasure.

Subsidiary Companies

These were the companies owned by the bank:

  1. Narodowe Szpitale, Q5 Hospital
  2. Narodowe Systemy Obronne, Q4 Defence System
  3. Narodowa Piekarnia, Q1 Food, training company
  4. Narodowa Zbrojownia, Q1 Weapon company
  5. Narodowa Huta, Q1 Iron company


Offical newspapers of bank is: Dziennik Urzedowy NBP