Political title

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There are two categories of political titles:

  • Party titles;
  • Country titles;

One citizen can be assigned with one type of assignable party title and one type of assignable country title.
eg. Country A can only have 1 Prime Minister and Party X can only have one councillor
There is no limitation in amount titles a party/country can have without breaking the rule above. The assignable titles don't give any special abilities or powers.

Please do note, there are also some unassignable titles (e.g. party members, Congress members) where citizen needs to join a party or be elected to gain these titles. Here the restriction is focused that you can be a party member of only one party, or Congress member of only one country.

However, a citizen can have up to one unassignable party title and one assignable party title, as well as one unassignable country title and one assignable country title. For example, a dictator can be governor of the same country, as well as being councillor who is a Congress member.

Party titles

The Edit Party Page where titles are assigned

Party Presidents are able to assign titles to the Party Members in the Edit Party Page. In the Edit Party Page, there is a section called Assign Party Titles. The Party president will be able to select a title from a dropdown with predefined title names, and then assign it to a party member.
The way a party member is chosen for the assignment should be the same as selecting a party member for a presidential candidature (a pop-up with the list of party members and the search bar will appear).
Once a title is assigned, the citizen will be visible on the Edit party page with the Change/Delete button next to the name. In the dropdown menu, the already assigned Titles will not be displayed. If all the titles have been assigned, there will be no titles visible to assign.

Please note that assigned party title will overwrite the basic party title; e.g. If you are a party member and assigned councillor, on your profile page it will be written you are party councillor. If your title gets revoked or assigned to someone else, you will be reverted to the party member title.

Predefined and assignable party titles

Elected party titles

Basic unassignable party titles

Country titles

Country presidents are able to assign country titles to citizens that have the same citizenship, in the country administration page.

Note: The citizens that are proposed for each of the following titles, must first accept the proposal before they officially receive the title.

Predefined and assignable country titles

Propose new title

If you have a proposal for new political titles to be added to the game, you should make a post in the suggestions section of the eRepublik Forum.


Voting system · Party elections · Congress elections · Presidential elections · List of current presidents · Country administration