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eRepublik link: https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/rankings-countries

中文(繁體)Icon-Republic of China (Taiwan).png
Bahasa IndonesiaIcon-Indonesia.png
한글Icon-South Korea.png
МакедонскиIcon-North Macedonia.png

From the Country Rankings page you can see statistics about different aspects of eRepublik. Links to rankings can be found on the Community menu and many pages such as citizen profile, party page or military unit profile etc.

Different rankings

Once you've reached the rankings page you can choose category from the list.

There are 12 different type of ranking lists available:

  • Countries show top countries based on its country power. This is a default ranking shown when clicking on the link on the community menu.
  • Citizens shows most experienced citizens with citizenship of the selected country. They can be sorted out either by last 7 days or all time sections.
  • Parties shows the biggest parties in terms of members of the country selected.
  • Newspapers shows five most subscribed newspapers in selected country.
  • Population shows all countries ordered by population.
  • Military units shows the top 5 biggest military units ordered by the number of total opponents defeated yesterday for the selected country.
  • Top fighters shows the 100 fighters who did the most damage last day(s). These are relevant for the Top fighter achievements. Top fighters for the last 5 days can be reviewed.
  • Top aviators shows the 100 aviators who did the most damage last day(s). These are relevant for the Top aviator achievements. Top aviators for the last 5 days can be reviewed.
  • True patriots shows five fighters who did the most damage for the True patriot achievement of selected country. They can be sorted out either by last 7 days or all time sections.
  • Super soldiers shows five citizens with the highest Strength of selected country.
  • Alliances shows alliances sorted by the number of members.
  • Guerrilla fights show top 50 citizens by the number of wins in guerrilla fights.

In all of these categories, the country selected is your citizenship country and you or the entity you're involved with (country, party, newspaper or military unit) will be highlighted and shown in the all time view, even if not in the top count of the category (e.g. if you are ranked 350th in super soldier ranking, you will be shown and compared with 348th, 349th, 351th and 352nd). Please note that the Top fighters and top aviators will not show your progress if you are out of the top 100.


Freedom fighterHard workerCongress memberCountry presidentMedia mogulBattle heroSky heroCampaign heroResistance heroSuper soldierSociety builderMercenaryTop fighterTop aviatorTrue patriotPrestige hunterDictator traineeTrue dictatorLiberator