The Glory and Fall of Empires/Magyar

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STAR SILVER.JPG This article was originally published in a Newspaper.

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The Glory and Fall of Empires was a series of articles written by a famous citizen of Hungary, Quicksilver. The articles are not exactly written like historical documents, as she herself says:

  Egy sorozatot tervezek írni, amiben az erep nagy birodalmait szeretném bemutatni - ahogy a cím is mondja, a tündöklésüket és a bukásukat. Szokásomhoz híven nem annyira adatokkal, inkább leírással próbálom bemutatni őket, így alkalmasint becsúszhatnak hibák - ezeket ahogy jelzik, igyekszem javítani. 

The articles caught lot of attention and were very popular, making their way to the top rated more than once. The series consisted of seven parts, telling the story of Pakistan, Sweden, Norway, Iran, Romania, Indonesia and Hungary. Each were published both in English and Hungarian. The series was published in her newspaper Legendarium.

Kapcsolódó témakörök

The Glory and Fall of Empires

Pakisztán · Svédország · Norvégia · Irán · Románia · Indonézia · Magyarország