User:Iosif V Stalin

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Iosif V Stalin is a communist citizen brought up into the new world to install communism in the game. He is fed up with all the democrats that promise a lot and do nothing, so he thinks the old Stalin knew what he was doing.

Born on day 582 of the new world, Iosif V Stalin had a head start thanks to a 15 GOLD donation by ArcelorMittal Int, a near-bankruptcy organization in Brazil, specialized in Q3 Iron manufacturing. We didn't get the whereabouts of this translations, but many believe Stalin has some inside men operating in Brazil. After several accounts banned, Iosif V Stalin is a new user born to finish what the others started.

With his 15 GOLD, Stalin purchased a Q2 house and many Q5 food items, thus making him strong for the ordeals to come. He lives in France, in Paris. We don't know for sure whether he is planning a take-over of Paris, or France, for that matter, but we received some hints about his short-term intentions:

  1. reach maximum wellness
  2. advance quickly through levels
  3. join a totalitarian party until he earns enough to create his own
  4. socialize with strong political members, either french, romanian, british or russians
  5. fight in as many wars as possible, preferably against the country he currently resides in

For Iosif V Stalin, it's not about who you are or where you are from, because sooner or later he will control the city you live in. It's about power, it's all about power and control, therefore we believe his inside men will take out anyone who disobeys or neglects Stalin's superiority.

We recently caught an interview with mr. Stalin, during one of his few free days. Here is what it went like:

Reporter : Mr. Stalin, why did you choose this nickname in the game?

I. Stalin: Well, the main reason is that I am a bolshevik myself, I admire our apparatchik Stalin and his ideas, and I decided to install his Khozraschyot method here two. The WWII will continue here as well, no more glasnost policies or tollerance, the gulags await the traitors.

Reporter : And how do you plan to materialize your ideals into the game? As you know, Russia is not a political superpower in the game...

I. Stalin: что? Madar Russia, you say? You filthy Menshevik! Kremlin will not tolerate your insubordination! товарищи, заставить его!

Reporter : I was just making a point that...

I. Stalin: You don't make points, you will be transferred immediately to our latest Gulag in Siberia where you shall rot, swine! My oprichniki will take care of you!

Dave Cameron, the reporter, has never been seen again. He is our third loss in our attempts to contact mr. Stalin. However, he broke the record of having asked 2 questions and listened to mr. Stalin's bad english for more than 5 minutes, which broke the previous record by two questions. We will never forget you, Dave Cameron.

Ignoring the curious disappearance of our reporters, mr. Stalin seems like a nice guy, especially when he doesn't talk or threaten. We wish him good luck.