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Task 1: Unified Inventory

   * A new not-slot-based type of inventory will be created for Citizens / Organizations (aka Unified Inventory)
         o the Inventory tab from the citizen's profile will link to this new Unified Inventory
   * All raw materials found in companies will be sumed up and will join citizen's / organization's Unified Inventory
         o (no matter if the company is producing them or they are used by the company to make products)
   * All completed final products found in companies will be sumed up and will join citizen's / organization's Unified Inventory
         o Unfinished products (components in progress) will remain in the company
   * For all citizens the following will be displayed in this order:
         o Raw Materials: Grain, Iron, Oil, Stone
         o Final Products: Food, Weapons, Moving Tickets, Houses
   * The icon of products will be displayed if there is at least 1 of those in the inventory

Task 2: Storage

  • All citizens receive by default the Headquarters Storage Building that allows 1,000 units to be stored in the Unified Inventory
   * Headquarters Storage Building is located on the right side of the Training Grounds
         o For a certain period of time, this limit will not be considered, therefore no limitations are to be set
   * The level of occupied storage is to be displayed by numbers ($items_in storage+items_on_sale / $maximum_number_of_items)
         o use colors: Green if less than 50% is occupied, Yellow if between 50% and 75%, Red if over 75%

Task 3: Migrating Items from current Slot-Based inventory into Unified Inventory

  • Raw Materials
         o All Raw Materials found in Organization's slot-based inventory will be moved into Organization's Unified Inventory
   * Food
         o All Food items found in Citizen's and Organization's slot-based inventory will be moved into Citizen's and Organization's Unified Inventory
   * Moving Tickets
         o All customization points of Moving Tickets from the slot-based inventory will be updated in order to respect current default customization based on Quality level
         o After the above mentioned update, move all tickets into the Unified Inventory
   * Weapons
         o All customization points of Weapons from the slot-based inventory will be updated in order to respect current default customization based on Quality level
               + This will be done by bringing the customization points for Ammunition (Fire Power) to the default value for its Quality Level and then by assigning the remaining customization points to Body (Durability)
                     # If there will not be enough remaining customization points to reach 1 Durability, set Durability = 1 anyway.
         o Once the customization points have been updated, create as many as possible full products and maxim 1 partially used from the partially used products of same quality
         o After the above changes have been completed, move the Weapons into the Unified Inventory
   * Houses
         o All customization points of Houses from the slot-based inventory will be updated in order to respect current default customization based on Quality level
               + This will be done by bringing the customization points for Roof (Health/day) to the default value for its Quality Level and then by assigning the remaining customization points to Walls (Durability)
                     # If there will not be enough remaining customization points to reach 1 Durability, set Durability = 1 anyway.
   * Once the customization points have been updated, create as many as possible full products and maxim 1 partially used from the partially used products of same quality
   * After the above changes have been completed, move the Houses into the Unified Inventory

Task 4: Unified Money Account

  • All monetary market offers posted by companies are to be canceled (money is returned in the company)
   * All money (Gold and Local Currency) found in companies (including above mentioned money returned from canceled monetary market offers) will be sumed up and will join citizen's / organization's money (aka Unified Money Account)
   * Only the citizen/organization account will be selectable in the Monetary Market (in the upper right corner)

Task 5: Company Profile

  • "$industry stock" info
         o rename to "Total $industry stock"
         o the displayed value will represent the entire $industry stock found in the Unified Inventory
         o add a button "View storage"
   * "Finances" info
         o the displayed value will represent the entire amount of $local_currency found in the Unified Money Account
         o rename the "Manage accounts ($no_of_accounts)" button into "View all accounts ($no_of_accounts) and make it open the accounts tab from the user's profile
               + The Finances page (what the button currently oppens) will be completely removed
   * "Raw materials" info
         o the displayed value will represent the entire $raw_material stock found in the Unified Inventory
         o the "buy raw materials" button will no longer open the Marketplace with the company's account activated, but with citizen's / organization's account
               + the "free slots" info displayed in the Marketplace for citizen's / organization's account is to be removed (upper-right corner)
         o remove "Donate" button and page/feature (it is now displayed when company is owned by organization)
   * Market Offers
         o completely remove the table
         o Add info text: "You can view your market licences and sell products directly from your Storage Facility."
               + link "Storage Facility" to Unified Inventory page
   * "Company setup and product design" page
         o Change the alert:
               + from:  "When changing product customization / quality level, all products in stock, finished components and components in progress will be lost. To avoid losing the products in stock, you can put them on sale on the market. Set the price wisely, when the market offer will expire, the products will also be lost."
               + into: "When changing product customization / quality level, all components in progress (company's unfinished products) will be lost."
         o Change the confirmation message displayed when pressing "Save design" buttom
               + from: "All products in stock, finished components and components in progress will be lost. Are you sure?"
               + into: "All components in progress (company's unfinished products) will be lost. Are you sure?"
         o Upgrading a company will take Gold from the Unified Money Account
               + The message displayed if not enough Gold needs to be changed
                     # from "Your company does not have the necessary amount of Gold in it's account. Invest some Gold and try again."
                     # into "You do not have enough the necessary amount of Gold in your account." + Get Gold button (link to
         o Downgrading a company will add Gold into the Unified Money Account
   * Disolving a company will add Gold into the Unified Money Account
   * Employees
         o will be payed from the Unified Money Account
         o all checks regarding salary will take into consideration the Unified Money Account
               + when working as employee
               + when company is posting job offers
               + when a citizen tries to apply on the Job Market

Task 6: Market Licences

  • Market Licences will no longer be owned by companies, they will be owned by citizens/organizations
   * The current panel of displaying market licences and market offer (that is now displayed in a company profile) will be moved into the citizen's / organization's Unified Inventory page
         o it will pe improved by adding a product selector when pressing "sell products here" button
   * Buying a market licence will take Gold from the Unified Money Account
         o The message displayed if not enough Gold needs to be changed
               + from: "You don't have enough gold in your company account".
               + into: "You do not have enough the necessary amount of Gold in your account." + Get Gold button (link to
                     # also, make the message stay there, and do not remove it after a few seconds as it happens now
         o "Confirmation required" messages will be displayed if a market is selected for a country that is in war or in embargo with the citizen's citizenship country
   * The citizen/organization will need only one market license for a certain country to sell any type of products, of any quality, in that country
         o All citizens/organizations will have one free market licence (no matter if they have a company or not)
               + for new citizens it will be their citizenship country
               + for current users it will be their current citizenship country (citizens) / location (organizations)
   * Transfering Extra Licences from owned companies to citizen/organization
         o The citizen / organization will receive an amount of Free Licence that will be equal with its Extra Licences 
               + Extra Licences = B - A , where:
                     # A = number of owned companies
                     # B = total number of Licences owned by the owned companies

Task 7: Market Offers

  • All offers posted on another market other than the one of their default free licence (described above) will be canceled
   * All offers posted by each owner's companies on the Marketplace in the country of their default free licence will be checked
         o in case where for a certain product of a certain quality
               + there is only one offer
                     # make the provider = citizen / organization
               + there are more offers
                     # keep the offer with the lowest price and make the provider = citizen / organization
                           * if there are more offers at the same lowest price, merge their stock and make the provider = citizen / organization
                     # cancel the other offers (products are returned in the Unified Inventory)
   * When putting Products and Raw Materials on sale
         o take in consideration those found in the Unified Inventory
         o the on-sale products / Raw Materials are temporary removed from the Unified Inventory
               + when an Marketplace offer expires or is canceled, the not-sold products are returned into the Unified Inventory

Task 8: Selling Items

   * Will be done from the page of Unified Inventory using a modified version of the current company Market Offers table
         o The money received for selling products are directly transfered into the Unified Money Account
   * Only products/raw materials of which the citizen has at least 1 full unit will be displayed as sell options
   * "Tax/unit" will be displayed in national currency not in percentage
         o will represent how much the state receives from the final sell price inserted by the user
   * Messages received when posting an offer
         o if user wrote stupid chars in amount box
               + no feedback is returned
         o if user wrote, in the amount box, a value higher than the total number of items
               + return: "You are trying to put on-sale more units than you actually have in the storage."
         o if user wrote, in the amount box, a value equal with total number of items, but one of the items is partially used
               + return "One of the units you are trying to put on sale is partially used and cannot be added on the marketplace."
         o if user wrote, inthe amount box, a value equal with the number of compete products
               + just post the offer, no message is needed.
   * The "Price/unit" box will be auto-completed (but still editable) with a predefined value for all raws and products except Hospital and Defense System

Task 9: Buying Items

  • Only the citizen/organization account will be selectable in the Marketplace (in the upper right corner)
   * When items are bought from the Marketplace, they are directly put in the Unified Inventory
         o Citizens will be allowed to buy Raw Materials also

Task 10: Working

  • Working
         o Workers (employees or managers) will use an integer number of Raw Materials from the General Manager's Unified Inventory to make final products
         o Produced Raw Materials will be directly put into the Unified Inventory
         o Produced Final Products will be sumed with the components in progress (company's unfinished final products)
               + from the resulting sum, the completed final products (integer value) will be directly put into the Unified Inventory

Task 11: Change Residence

  • When moving, try to use ticket from the Unified Inventory that has the same Distance attribute as needed for changing residence
         o Next option is to use a ticket with Distance attribute = 1 + how much is needed for changing residence
               + etc

Task 12: Donations

  • "Donation" page
         o Regarding Product Donation, only full (not partially used) ones will be available for donation
               + If there are no full products that can be donated, display a message:
                     # "You do not have in your inventory any product that can be donated. Only food, weapons and moving tickets can be donated. Products that you have put on-sale or that are partially used cannot be donated."
         o Make the Donate Items page look exactly like Donate Money
               + this means there will be 4 columns: Product, Stock, Donate Amount, Donate Button
                     # Citizen to Citizen Product column will contain only: Q1-Q5 Food , Q1-Q5 Weapons, Q1-Q5 Moving Tickets (just from the Unified Inventory)
                     # Organization to Citizen Product column will contain all raw materials and all products.
                           * The order will be: Food, Weapons, Moving Tickets, Houses, Hospitals, Defense Systems, Grain, Iron, Oil, Stone
   *  Donating to Organizations will be disabled

Task 13: Eat Food

  • "Eat Food" will take into consideration and will affect the Unified Inventory consuming the highest quality food available

Task 14: Automatic Daily Health Increase/Decrease

  • Automatic Daily Health Increase/Decrease will try to take into consideration the house with the highest quality available

Task 15: Fighting

  • When entering the battlefield load 1 Q5 weapon, 1 Q4 weapon, 1 Q3 weapon, 1 Q2 weapons and 1 Q1 weapon (if availabe)
         o from the 5 weapons loaded, the default one will be made the one with the highest quality available
               + When one of those 5 loaded weapons is completely used, if possible, load another one of same quality in its place
         o for the enemy, the default weapon displayed will be the one of highest quality available

Task 16: Update Migrate Industry , Re-locate company, Transfer to Citizen

  • Migrate industry
         o will have nothing more to do with market licences/offers
               + remove the process of checking if the company has products put on-sale on the market
                     # remove the error message: "Before migrating the company you need to remove all company's on-sale products from the market."
   * Re-locate company
         o will not offer a free market licence for the new country
   * Transfer to Citizen
         o will not offer a free market licence for the new country

Task 17: Update Errors and Alerts

  • When an employee cannot work an alert is sent to the general manager
         o change the text for the case when there aren't raw materials available
               + from:
                     # Your employees cannot work because your company foodish does not have raw materials in its inventory. Please buy raw materials from the marketplace. All the company's job offers have been removed from the job market.
               + to:
                     # Your employees from your company foodish cannot work because you do not have raw materials in your inventory. Please buy raw materials from the marketplace. All the company's job offers have been removed from the job market.
         o change the text for the case when there aren't monet available
               + from
                     # Your employees cannot work because your company <a href="%%1%%">%%2%%</a> does not have enough money to pay their salaries. <a href="%%3%%">Add more funds</a> in your company or sell company's stock. All the company's job offers have been removed from the job market.
               + to
                     # Your employees from your company <a href="%%1%%">%%2%%</a>cannot work because you do not have enough money to pay their salaries. All the company's job offers have been removed from the job market.

Task 18: Economic Embargo

  • Economic Embargo will be applied considering
         o the citizen's citizenship country
         o the organization's residence country

Task 19: Organizations' profile

  • No longer display accounts when viewing an Organization profile without being logged in that Organization

Task 20: Health bonus

Add a new Health Bonus - if citizen has 0-50 Health (then bonus will be 0%).

If the citizen has above 50 Health, add Health Bonus (between 1 and 50%).

(Note by Geo: In this section, there was completed documentation. Basically, the productivity should have remained the same for the exact health level.)