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== The Beginnings ==
== The Beginnings ==
The beginnings of '''[[Russia]]''' are only known by a select few people in all of eRepublik. Many of the original leaders and shapers of this groundbreaking country have since left, become inactive, or disappeared in other affairs. To recollect the beginnings of Russia is to tap into some sort of fanciful tale of wizards and witches.  
The beginnings of '''[[Russia]]''' are only known by a select few people in all of eRepublik. Many of the original leaders and shapers of this groundbreaking country have since left, become inactive, or disappeared in other affairs. To recollect the beginnings of Russia is to tap into some sort of fanciful tale of wizards and witches.  

Revision as of 01:15, 13 February 2022


The Beginnings

The beginnings of Russia are only known by a select few people in all of eRepublik. Many of the original leaders and shapers of this groundbreaking country have since left, become inactive, or disappeared in other affairs. To recollect the beginnings of Russia is to tap into some sort of fanciful tale of wizards and witches.

As the famous Communist propagandist HateBot wrote in his own telling of Russian history, “Memories of the past, an eRussian History.” He recalls the past as some sort of dark storm engulfing the landmass.

This is the Russia most will remember:

Russia's Beginnings

“I suppose it is a strange arcane mystery, like the big bang, or the creation of matter; I clearly do not say I know such beginnings. But what I do know is, Russia did begin. You can turn the pages in old dusty tomes recording the events of months ago written by Communist scholars depicting dark frozen storms and snowy wastelands. So let me take you back, from beginning to the end, our country, our home, and our forgotten history: an eRussian History. They were cold times, harsh times. Relentless storms blew over the countryside without rest or pause. Crops were in low supply and men and women fought against each other in the jungle of Capitalist individualism. It was man for man, eye for an eye. But one figure stood triumphant in these hard times; a tyrant, scheming being by the name of Sasha Igorovich. Old legends say that his hands were the size of polar bear paws, and his teeth were rotting in his own mouth. Breath was as fowl as the depths of Hell, and his size was that of 2 men. A vicious and dangerous creature who ate the souls of children who left their home after curfew. They say he was the bogey man of the North, and for good reason. He gained control of Russia with an Iron fist, using his frozen giant minions; he overcame the local populace and brought an ever looming black cloud of frozen snow and thunderstorms along with him.”

From what we can recollect the truth is far from these conceptions. The beginning of Russia started with the political party “For The Motherland” and with Sasha Igorovich as the respected leader. This powerful Russian political figure expanded the country by inviting friends and perpetuating a free market. As time went on and population reached its peak the country began experiencing multi-account political parties.

The first called “Communist Party of Russia” was created to funnel gold to Turkey. Other multi-account political parties soon followed, each attempting to gain the presidency, drain the national treasury, and then move on to a new country. Each of these political parties claimed Communist sympathies.

As the country matured through January and February The FTM (only true political party at the time) began attempting to spur population growth, as inactivity was beginning to take its hold.

The truth is Russia never could attract native Russian’s the country, so the population was severely crippled. While other countries had great and unprecedented growth because of real world nationalism, Russia was stunted. But by the end of February the FTM developed Russia into a decent country. Becoming part of the first alliance in eRepublik the “Northern Alliance” with Ireland, Finland, Norway, the United Kingdom and Russia.

But by the end of February everything changed.

Communists Join

HateBot wrote in the first retelling of eRussian history,

“…But soon enough a new generation of Russians were born. The children of Russia were sick of fear, oppression and an economic system based off greed. So as if by divine inspiration the Russian children learned to read, write, and think critically; secretly from the government. When the younger generations grew into conscious men and women they began collaborating for a grand revolution. Soon working men, women, and children began a collaborated uprising against the dark forces of evil. After a month of fighting, the revolution was complete. Moscow had the red flag wavering over its bloodied streets.”

It all started here:

Forums from where CPSE originated

A member by the of Generalissimo was the beginning of the true Communist movement in Russia. He found eRepublik through the various and intertwining tubes of the internet and set out to work. As a regular of the Communist forum, soviet-empire.com he called for his fellow forum members to join his cause. Manifesto, HateBot, Grev Perv, Foreigner, Che Burashka, Andrei Idlen, Dr. Sex, Feanor, Moris, Cata Huertas, Siberian Fox, and more all heeded the call. Some of these men and women went to their real world countries, while others went to Russia. The cause was simple; re-create the Soviet Union in a political simulator. Put our ideology to test, put everything we have been theorizing about for the past decade to the ultimate simulation.

So, on February 27th or 28th they followed and created “The Communist Party of the Soviet Empire,” Soviet Empire, to pay heritage to the original forum from which they originate.

With Generalissimo as the movement’s respected leader they went to work. Criticizing the government only after a few days of joining the game. They each attempted to calculate, understand, and comprehend this new game and how to implement their ideals. Due to their inexperience, due to their Communist sympathies, fast joining, possible ties to being multi-accouters (as Russia was very well used to), they lost the March 1st election by about 10 votes.

It was then the party began its rampant assault of the FTM. Responding to all anti-communist articles written with religious fervor; but soon they realized a need for more membership.

Russian Immigration Program

Immigrants coming to Russia

A week or so after joining on March 4th, Propagandist of the CPSE HateBot organized the Russian Immigration Program. It called for communists of all countries to join Russia in her struggle for “economic equality.” While the CPSE didn’t control the government treasury, the party all pooled cash to help fund people to move to Russia. A payment of 25 rubles was to be paid to all people who moved to Russia, from any country, and who joined the CPSE. It had small success; however what it released was to be a tidal wave of drama, social problems, and what would forever be a split between the FTM and the CPSE.

The Great CPSE Strikes

While the CPSE began to grow in membership, and eventually rivaling the original 30 members in FTM; the FTM itself was experiencing stalled growth and inactivity. When the CPSE’s chief personality and outspoken Propagandist, HateBot was contacted by FTM leader, Sasha Igorovich through a series of private messages that were made public on CPSE forums. The ensuing conversation ignited a fire storm throughout the country.

Russians lining up to CPSE companies.

From Sasha

To HateBot

“How devoted are you really to your vision for the country? From what I have read, your vision for the country is very similar to what we had until the communists came along. But it is impossible to achieve this vision in a multi-party society, since the members of the second party can force a free market. To achieve this socialistic state will require the cooperation of both parties.”

From HateBot

To Sasha

“1. All profits, costs, production fees, workers, allocation of resources, ect. Must be given to the state in economic reports.

2. All industry must be renamed to show a new centralization of the Russian economy. "State Food" "State Weapons" ect.

3. All business owners must devout complete loyalty to the GOSPLAN and have complete trust in its Economic leadership. The old "I know better" policies are now insignificant, all new ideas must be proposed in proper format through the proper forum/political party for consideration, where it will be democratically viewed and voted on.

4. All industry MUST be divided amongst multiple people within the party, trust worthy men/women who are voted on by the party to be trusted with the Russian Economy. One person will no longer control the fate of the nation. If something were to happen to that one person, the nation would plunge into depression.”

From Sasha

To HateBot

“I also do not like the idea of the democratic decisions -- largely because so many seem to be interested only in themselves. If all matters concerning companies were left up to the workers I am confident that we would have gone bankrupt long ago since workers are really only concerned in two things: high wages, and low prices. But you cannot have both! Ideally, we need the lowest possible wages and to have the lowest possible costs (which in addition to keeping the companies functioning also has the added benefits of keeping inflation in check, and making foreign sabotage of the market more difficult.)”

From HateBot

To Sasha

“Well the 1k character limit completely destroys any possibility for me to type anything of considerable length without being completely blunt. I proposed this to my fellow party members and they would be willing to discuss a party merger and political policy in a chatroom (talked about this before we had this conversation), currently we don"t have times. But if you are interested in just getting this taken care of I would like to know because it would speed this up a lot, and we would have a lot more understanding of each other’s ideas.”

From Sasha

To HateBot

“They will have to join FTM, however…But CPSE members seem very active and thus you may come closer to actually getting everyone to resign and join FTM.”

From HateBot

To Sasha

“First of all, no. You have 15 active members and you will not hold political power, accept this fact. Second I"m asking about meeting in a chat room to discuss this. We are not going to talk about how powerful you think the FTM is, or how much you think we should merge with you. Because we will not merge with your Capitalist power mongering party where only 5 people control the entire nation. We can isolate half the country in our own interior closed economy and just wait for your businesses to die. It"s your choice because we"re willing to kill you off the slow painful way, even if you aren"t willing to make this peaceful or better for Russia.”

From Sasha

To HateBot

“I have no desire to talk to you any further regarding this since you had made it obvious that there will not be any negotiations, only one-sided demands from CPSE. You want to play hard ball, we may just do that and see what happens.”

The dispute began with a message to HateBot about a possible merger between the FTM and the CPSE. Sasha asked for the CPSE to merge with the FTM. The CPSE, as a new growing political power obviously refused and laughed, HateBot made some egotistical remarks saying the FTM would be crushed next election and the for us to join them would be ridiculous.

From there an exchange of PM’s ensued that resulted in Sasha determining that the CPSE was unwilling to compromise. At this time almost all companies in Russia were controlled by the FTM leader Sasha, who then systematically cut the wages of all CPSE members to .5 rubles (which were originally around 5-6). HateBot, with continued talks with the CPSE leader Manifesto, requested a complete and total strike of all FTM companies, and the party agreed.

From that point on relations between the FTM and CPSE were splintered forever. In the article of the Soviet Empire News, “Outrage in Russia!” the closing remarks about the corruption were this,

March 8th:

FTM Member against wage cuts

“In light of this clear abuse of corrupt and oppressive power from FTM the CPSE makes the following demands to end this strike and return to a democratic and free Russia.

1. All wages of all workers must be returned to what it was originally, 5-6 Rubles a day.

2. Our previous demands of centralized industry must be met. NO LONGER WILL ALL THE COMPANIES OF THIS COUNTRY BE OWNED BY ONE MAN. All companies must be split upon by various people within Russia, regardless of party. The vote of the masses will determine the controllers of such industry.

3. Formation of an Economic committee committed to the betterment of Russia, to make sure this never happens again. Leaders of such a committee will be voted on by the masses, IE DEMOCRACY IN RUSSIA.

The people of Russia have made their demands. We are willing to strike this country until they are met. I ask for all Russians to join me, even if your wages have not been affected. We must not stand for injustice and inequality. I do not ask for you to join our party but to join our cause, join our drive and join our desire for a new Russia, a free Russia.”

The FTM refused to respond, negotiate (despite the CPSE’s numerous attempts to do so), or admit that the strike had anything to do with their party.

The strike was never officially ended.

The country was changed forever.

The Great "Betrayal"

Orignal "Corruption" picture posted around Russia.

As a result of the increasing membership of the CPSE, nearing almost 40, it was clear that the next election would result in a CPSE victory. From the previous drama of the CPSE strikes which resulted in CPSE controlled, owned, and operated companies, the fine line between the CPSE and the FTM was drew in the sand.

On March 12th FTM leader Sasha Igorovich withdrew 400 gold and thousands of rubles from the national treasury, distributed to FTM loyal members and company owners. From there companies were produced, upgraded, and held in FTM leadership. The great irony of this gold spending was that half the gold spent was useless, because the companies which he helped create had no employees to work in them.

All the workers went to the CPSE, only the Q4 food company Winter Wheat, and Yattuwort’s weapon company, Bear Calvary, had enough employees to produce goods.

The CPSE saw the gold withdrawal as a direct attack on their administration and their future. It stunted the possibility of CPSE company growth, and the future of its projected GOSPLAN.

When news of the gold withdrawal was heard, FTM members began leaving for the CPSE.

To capitalize on this withdrawal the CPSE did as much as it possibly could to turn it into a political corruption case, posting forum topics and attempting to rally international support to their cause they called the FTM, “cowards, traitors, and thieves.” In the Pravda! article “Russia has been Betraywed by the FTM” HateBot writes,

“Sasha Igorovich, acting on his immaturity has destroyed our nation’s hope for a better future and there is no excuse and the past possibility of the comprise our party has been working on is now revoked.


We do not work or speak with cowards, traitors, and thieves.”

It officially ended the ability of the two parties to negotiate. However, this “promise” would be withdrawn at a later date.

Sasha, however, saw the amount of attention this risky political move was making and decided to make a rare newspaper article explaining his reasoning. On the initial Pravda! article Sasha responded by saying,

“My original plan was to include CPSE by donating the gold to them so that they could start the needed companies, but since they did not want to work together I decided to proceed with our economic develpment of the country without them.” Meet with the response from the article’s creator,

To which HateBot responded:

“You mean, since you refused to talk to us about anything after we have repeatedly wished to speak about it; you decided to drain all the country's gold into your own party? Totally reasonable.”

Which in his typical style, he refused to answer.

Later on Sasha published his article explaining his reasoning in the Greater Urals Gazette, the article was titled “Presidential Statement” Some key points:

March 13th:

“Much has been stated about the large withdrawl of Gold from the national treasury, most of it propaganda by the CPSE organs.

As president I have the power to make use of the national treasury for the development of the nation, and this was my intention in withdrawing the Gold. My actions were intended for the benefit of Russia, and contrary to the opinion of CPSE not simply to line my own pockets. …FIRST, IT WAS WITHDRAWN TO DEVELOP RUSSIA’S ECONOMY.

…As a result of my actions the Russian economy now looks like this:

Food Industry – Q1 & Q3 Gifts Industry – Q1 & Q2 Weapons Industry – Q1 & Q3 Moving Industry – Q1 & Q2 Housing Industry – Q1 & Q2 Hospital Industry – Q1 & Q2 …Some may question why the Gold was given to whom it was. The first reason was because these people are GM’s who had companies that lacked only gold in order to advance a level. The second reason, was that by letting our existing GM’s start the companies, a depletion of the workforce was avoided. A worker who starts a company must first resign his job before he can start the company and from that point on he will only be a GM.”

The entire article was picked apart and responded to in the Pravda! article, “In Response to Sasha.”

There was never an official response to the article.

CPSE Wins Elections

CPSE marching through Moscow

On April 1st 2008 the Communist Party of the Soviet Empire won the presidential elections. The new president, Manifesto.

Generalissimo stepped down as party leader since he was going to be gone the previous month for a week or two. From that point on Manifesto has had continued control over the CPSE.

Once the CPSE won the election it was time to put all their talk to the test. Appointed Commissar of Trade and Labor HateBot began to implement the “GOSPLAN” on the country with varied success. But on April 5th it became apparent that they didn’t have the funds to truly rebuild the entire country, so in an email to various FTM company owners, the propagandist asked for co-operation between the two parties for the betterment of the country.

This is the original Private Message sent to all FTM company owners:

From HateBot:


You are fully within your right to ignore my “authority” and continue on your merry way, however for the betterment of Russia I plea to you. As it is known the majority of Russians have called for Socialism, and the previous party leader Sasha has agreed that Socialism in the economy is what Russia needs before we won the election. As organizer and creator of the GOSPLAN I am willing to give FTM members immunity to democratic elections for a one month period of time (which you will likely be re-elected if you prove to be a good business owner) in an attempt to unify the country. I am not asking that you quit your party and join the CPSE; I am asking that you help us make Russia a better place since both our leadership has a firm agreement when it comes to economics. Now is the time for unity instead of separation, I am not here to make idle threats or remarks about the FTM’s situation, I am here to help make our economy work.

And that means keeping records of businesses losses/gains to determine company subsidy and profit distribution. If you have read through our proposals you know this already.

If you are willing to join us in our endeavor and learn more about how this will work then please contact me at (e-mail address removed to protect Hatebot's privacy) or contact me on MSN at (e-mail address removed to protect Hatebot's privacy). Thank you for your time


  • Regards to Sasha Igorovich for saving the private message via his newspaper article "GOSPLAN."

Two FTM members accepted the proposal, Yattuwort and Onin. But, nevertheless the GOSPLAN was implemented throughout the country.

From then on active CPSE leadership began attempting to implement their ideals of a new USSR, contacting historical Baltic states for a possible long term alliance, and maybe a union at a later date.

Manifesto giving his first presidency speech.

The drama between the FTM and CPSE began to quiet down, as the FTM slowly began to realize it’s membership declining and the possible future of never controlling Russia again. Once the CPSE took power the FTM began to see a decline in membership, Sasha Igorovich claimed it was the few real life Russians who began to quit; but we will never know.

On April 23rd the CPSE changed it| name=to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) after a long forum discussion and weeks worth of polling.

In an attempt for security from possible threats from Norway, Pakistan, or Romania, a Mutual Protection Pact was signed by Indonesia and Russia.

On May 1st the Communists won the election easily. And a day after the MPP was signed by Indonesia and Russia the Norwegian congress passed a war declaration on the communist country.

The Great Patriotic War

The war was romanticized as a glorious defense of Socialism and equality to the Russian people.

From propaganda video "What Noway Wants," during the Patriotic War.

The Norwegians claim that they were being “boxed in” by the Russian’s MPP with Indonesia, but the reality is they were at the peak of power and population and wanted to invade a large geographic territory. Support from various countries came to Russia, but despite what other articles may claim:

Indonesia did not send significant support.

And while there was a small debate about the MPP activation date between Indonesia and Russia, war was declared before the pact was activated so Indonesia had to manually send troops.

They sent around 13 troops even though they claimed on our articles that they would be sending more. The largest contributor to the war between Norway and Russia was Iran who sent around 20 troops to the front line in an effort to repel the Norwegian invasion.

The Russian President, and CPSU leader Manifesto wrote in the official government paper Izvestia! in an articled named "Revolutionary Decree: Not One Step Backwards"

"Decree of the Defense of the Workers Communist Revolution and Unity in Resistance against Norwegian Capitalism, Imperialism, and Oppression.


5. In the event that the free workers Russia is raped of its sovereignty, choked into colonalization by the iron grip of the Norwegian imperialists, and suffers degrading slavery and occupation, the Russian Red Resistance guerilla movement will be founded by the resilient revolutionary workers of Russia. The Russian Red Resistance will sabotage the Norwegian Imperialists at every turn: buying only from worker owned Russian companies, receiving aid from the Russian treasury and foreign nations, and making full use of the ‘fight for freedom’ module when available.

6. The revolutionary workers of Russia will never stop fighting. We will fight to the last man, we will fight to the last scrap of soil, and we will fight to the last drop of blood. The Russian workers will not exchange one form of capitalist slavery for another. In the face of Russia becoming a Norwegian colony in their Nordic empire, our people forced in enslavement and subject to oppression: We will not take one step backwards.''

This, as the President of a free Russian state and representative of our Workers Revolution, I promise to the King of the Nordic Empires: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a the invincible Nordic hoards can be defeated. Not One Step Backwards!"

It set the tone for the war as Russians waited for the eventual Norwegian onslaught.

Soviet city overrun and destroyed during the Patriotic War.

However, the Russians did take multiple steps backwards. While the Pakistanis were busy fighting an impossible war in Sweden against Germany, Indonesia failed to send the promised support, and the rest of eRepublik ignored the country, Russia was conquered and destroyed in days. May 6th ended the GOSPLAN experiment and the first communist country in eRepublik history.

From the Izvestia! "Viva Resistance!"

"The Soviet Union is no more. We fought bravely in the name of freedom against our Norwegian oppressors, but despite our superior strength, technology, and courage... the Viking hoards defeated our proud people with sheer numbers...

...Keep strong comrades. We will once again witness the USSR, the gem of the revolutionary proletariat, rise again. Through struggle we will find strength, through fire we will find friendship, and through revolution we will forge our future."

From the Pravda!

"I am told to write speeches for this country to rally support and bring hope, but our hope has already been used. We fight only off mere belief in a cause, a belief which no one else could understand. We know that these attempts are useless and our population is drained to nothing. I stand on one leg and try to balance the ideals of freedom and militaristic idealism but I know it’s hopeless...

...But fear not comrades, for soon the trauma of human suffering will end; as sure as night follows day and day follow night; there will be no more men to watch the destruction of great nations. The people will live in a world of singular nationality force on them by the ideals of an upper class with more money, and more savages to expend on war. Soon we will no longer remember what suffering is, and we will die a glorious death. One of burning whale oil on our rotting corpses, set adrift in the sea by our families who have all but forgotten their past.

If you want a speech I gave you one, my last words will be letters from Russia.

Consider it the outpost of the free world.”

From that point on, Russia's history has become Norway's history.

The Russian Independence Movement

Symbol of the militant Russian Resistance.

To this day the RRF (formally known as the CPSE/CPSU) and UR (formally known as the FTM) are fighting for Russian independence. Despite Norwegian attempts to integrate the Russian population as they did with Finland, the native inhabitants have thus refused and have recently become a major political force; threatening Norway’s political stability.

eRomanian Scandal

"Dear citizens of Finland,

As a final step in my mandate as eRomanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would like to present you the line of events in our engagement on the Russian front.

About a week ago, the Romanian Army, with the approval of the Norwegian President Salve, crossed the Norwegian border in order to start a Resistance War in the Moscow region and successfully attached the region to Russia, opening a common border with Russia. Consecutively, Romania declared war on Russia and occupied the region without significant resistance.

Our next move was to start a Resistance War in the Northern Region (again in Norway, with proper acceptance from the Norwegian leadership) in order to create a link to the Russian Western Siberian region, which was the military target of this campaign, a region with high iron, wood and oil resources, which, except iron, are not available in eRomania. After an unsuccessful attempt (for whatever reasons), we have achieved to liberate the Northern Region and to prepare the next steps.

In the mean time, Russia has successfully secured MPP’s with 6 PEACE countries, among which Indonesia, Italy and Iran, which we consider to be great military powers of the New World. Romania benefitted from the great support from allied Atlantis troops but nevertheless, as aggressors, stood without MPP’s and with a thin backup due to the global war.

Next followed a direct military confrontation in the battle for the Northern Region, a battle which broke many records in of the warfare in the New World, the Romanian Army placing a incredible amount of damage and defeating the strongest armies of the PEACE alliance, all fighting “from home”, with the aid of the MPP’s. This incredible achievement was secured in parallel to a very serious engagement of the Romanian Army in the Argentine war, where we have secured a more than fair amount of damage.

Of course, even with this overwhelming victory, PEACE forces were doubting our ability or determination to invest an enormous amount of resources in securing our military objectives and, much like everybody else, were expecting French Toast all over again.

Our only valid options were to direct our efforts in two distinct directions: 1. Consuming as much as possible the resources of our enemies before the next all-out confrontation 2. Convincing the PEACE alliance that there WILL BE a next all-out confrontation and distracting their attention from our war tactics.

We have used a fair amount of propaganda and the Romanian Intelligence Service had many sleepless nights, but I have to say we had a lot of fun. Ombrone (the italian officer who “flanked” me) and I “danced” a lot in several articles and it felt a little like the Cold War, which was great.

Militarily, we have opened every 23 hours and 57 minutes new regions (Black Earth region, Volga-Vyatka and then Black Earth again), in order to consume the resources of our enemies and to keep the war initiative in our hands, achieving to convince the PEACE alliance to invest around 200k - 250k in damage placed in evasive manoeuvres. Of course, PEACE intelligence realized that we pull an erosion tactics, so that only a part of the estimated damage was heavily resource-consuming. Nevertheless, the Battle for the Northern Region closing at -4k in damage, we were credible in our effort.

Yesterday morning, day 411 of the New World, official eRepublik time 23:58, a Romanian agent was nominated for Presidential Elections in Russia and entered the race (no bug, trust me, just a severe misunderstanding of what “official eRepublik time” means). Both presidential candidates in Romania with credible chances of success decided to support this mission, even if endangering their own campaign back home.

Yesterday evening, more than 150 members of the Romanian Army crossed the Norwegian borders again, prepared to change the results in the Russian elections. Yesterday, day 412 of the new world, 09:30 eRepublik time, our troops crossed the Russian border from Norway and secured the presidential office in Russia.

Today, we will trigger the following line of events. Romania will open new battles in the Volga-Vyatka and Western Siberian Regions, as we have kept the war initiative and we will have it until the closure of the Black Earth region (which is tonight, approx. 11:56 eRepublik time). The Russian President will then use the “Retreat Troops” button in every region, thus capitulating in the name of Russia all battles, more than 12 hours before the President Impeachment becomes effective.

As a consequence, all Russian regions will be annexed to Romania and Russia will cease to exist on the map of the New World. All MPP’s will PEACE will be automatically erased, so will all Hospitals and Defence Systems.


So, what will happen next? First, we will install a Q5 Defence System and a Q5 Hospital in the Western Siberian region, which we have in stock for way before this campaign ever started. It will be our third full-Q5 region, which we intend to keep indefinitely. Our troops will remain stationed in the Western Siberian region until we have moved enough population in oder to make the wall safe enough.

The resources we have gathered for an “all-out” conquer (which would have created us some economic difficulties with all the “f***k Sparta” propaganda), scenario which was FEASIBLE bit economically toxic, will be kept for defense or preemptive strikes on any aggression upon our new or old territory.

Russia had to be wiped out, in order to kill the MPP’s and to enforce a rapid peace and to avoid another French scenario. Russia will be liberated probably, but this is no longer my job. Smif, the new Romanian president, as well as the Romanian congress have full authority to decide on this matter and to negotiate with the ex-Russian leadership.

The resources conquered will be put to good use, to all interested countries with whom we are not at war with. As we came to the conclusion that economy canot follow the artificial paths described by foreign politics, I guess both Atlantis and PEACE countries lacking those resources can benefit from them. We will make sure to adjust our tax system to make the exploitation of these resources profitable for everybody. Of course, the very high competitivity for the human resources in Romania are encouraging foreign countries to send their own people for mining, lumbering and drilling operations, our permanent military presence in Western Siberia will ensure a peaceful and stable environment for everybody.

Being my last day in office, I would like to thank both our allies, for being there for us and trusting us in our complicated tactics (which often led to misinformation, we are sorry about that) and our “enemies”, the brave soldiers and commanders of the PEACE alliance, which gave us great fights and a lot of thrills.

May we meet again and have a quality experience together!

Kind regards, dsalageanu eRomanian Minister of Foreign Affairs"


See:Dividing Russia

Russia it was erased by Poland,Romania,USA and China. Poland anexed Northrn Russia,with the capital. Romania anexed Southern Russia and a part of Ukraine.