Constantine Sophotatos

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Constantine Sophotatos

16 Message

Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Greece.jpg Greek
National rank 156
Date of birth March 2, 2009 - Day 468
Residence Thrace
Political party Ethniko Enotiko Kinima
Congressman of Thrace
26 April 2009 – May 2009
Military rank Icon rank Lieutenant.png Lieutenant
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Early Life

Born From Revolution

Constantine was born only days after the glorious liberation of Greece by the Greek Resistance Forces under Efthimios Pappas against the hated Turks. His family was either killed or scattered, while his brother was taken by missionaries to China to live out his days as a starving Chinese peasant. Fortunately for Constantine, Greek industry was quick to develop, and he was able to get a job making food for the masses. He spent most of his early years working, eating, and occasionally training. Sophotatos first became known in Greece during a political debate when he stated that democracy was overrated, a comment that unleashed a firestorm of protest from leftist activists.

Time in Romania

Sophotatos eventually realized that he needed combat training and experience to better serve his Motherland. He traveled to Romania, where the goods were cheap and war was a part of life. Not long after arriving, he received news that fighting had broken out in Macedonia. Greeks were attempting to liberate the region from the cruel occupation of the Turk. He hastily traveled south, arriving just in time to participate in the battle. Unfortunately, the resistance failed due to a number of reasons, including the duplicity of the Israelis, who were expected to draw Turks away from the field but instead sided with the Turks. Following the disappointment, Sophotatos made his way back to Romania with the help of his Romanian allies. He quickly resumed his combat duties in the war against Indonesia, honing his skills in the art of war.


The eGreek is the newspaper owned and published by Constantine Sophotatos.