Robo de Noviembre

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Robo de Noviembre is referred to a bug, supposedly premeditated, that game suffered the night of November 8, 2012.


Chile had active NE with USA. Argentina had it with New Zealand.

Chile had opened an open campaign in Hawaii, while Argentina had an open campaign in Otago. If Argentina won in Otago, New Zealand should be erased to NE might send to any country (Chile, of course). If Chile lost in Hawaii, he lost border and NE with USA, and he could send it to any country (Argentina, of course).

The problem

Hawaii's campaign ended almost 15 minutes before the Otago's campaign. Chilean President and Congress tried to send NE to Argentina, but they couldn't.

The NE of USA with Chile had ended, but not the NE of Chile with USA. When Otago finished, the CP of Argentina could send NE without problems, because they had deleted New Zealand



Multiple tickets were sent to the administration and the response was only one: "Thank you for your report! The issue is fixed, can propose a new Chile Natural Enemy. " sent seven hours later.

Multiple demands have come from Chilean players, from class legal actions, block credit-card payments, threats of withdrawal of the game, article denouncing the fact and several insults against Plato.


At the end, Argentina is approving his NE 7 hours before Chile. They attack Chile, and begin Black November War