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This page has been saved as memories from the Beta version.

The information here is not the current latest information! Do not use this page to gain information!

There are six industries available in which you can work or manage a company.


Food in your inventory is automatically eaten once per day. Make sure that you do not run out of food; otherwise your wellness level will decrease by 5% for each day that you do not eat. When you eat food, your wellness increases by x%, where x is the quality of your food. If your food stock is empty, you will be warned via email that you have to buy food; otherwise your wellness will decrease. When your wellness reaches 0, your eRepublik citizen dies and the next time you log into your account, you will be informed of your death and will have the opportunity to restart your life in eRepublik using the "Revive” button. The consequences are that all of your skills will decrease by 1 and you will no longer have national currency in your account.


The gift industry is the latest industry available in eRepublik. Gifts can improve your wellness depending on the quality, but there is a limit and you can not receive more than 10 wellness points per day.

Moving tickets

Moving tickets enable a citizen to move to another region or country; don't forget that having a higher quality ticket will cause you to lose less wellness or even add wellness when you move.


Weapons help you improve your damage during a war. The damage will increase proportional with the quality of the weapon that you have in your inventory. You will use the highest quality weapon that you have in your inventory each time you enter a battle.


If you are the owner of a house, your wellness will increase x points per day (where x represents the quality of the house that you own). However, you will only receive this benefit if you also have food to eat.


Hospitals are needed in a region in order to heal soldiers after they lose a battle.

Keep in mind that you are not allowed to have more than 30 items of each kind of product (food, weapons, moving tickets) in your inventory.