Akash Verma

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Nationality Flag-India.jpg Indian
National rank 151
Date of birth 18 July 2009
Date of death 2011
Residence Maharashtra
Congress member of Northern India
25 October 2009 – 25 November 2009
Congress member of Northern India
25 December 2009 – 25 January 2010
Head Citizen Mentor of India
1 December 2009 – 4 January 2010
Preceded by Nikkk S
Minister of Finance of India
05 February 2010 – 05 March 2010
Military rank Icon rank Commander***.png Commander***
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Dead citizen.png
Dead citizen

Akash Verma has been known to be one of the most active citizens of India until recently when he declared himself going on a semi-holiday mode [a.k.a. exam mode]. In the time Akash was active, he accomplished perhaps the fastest career in India. He is currently a moderator at India’s national forums, and has appeared to be active there, as opposed to IRC and other mediums of communication.


Akash was born in Uttar Pradesh on 18th August (3 days after Independence Day in RL India). Just like most users, he registered there obviously because that’s the state he was born in. He was invited to the game by a really good friend, but since she didn’t like it whenever her real name was mentioned on the internet, and she left the game long time ago, its irrelevant to give her nickname here. Upon registering, the first thing he noticed was – “Why does the Indian flag look like Iranian?”, upon asking the question to his friend, he got some answers. ~ “Well, you see, in eRepublikIndia has got some problems.”

Followed by showing of a World map, which made it very clear to Akash that this game is not what he was expecting.

Very close to quitting due to the Nation’s condition in the game, he finally managed to ask – “Can I make a difference?”, which was answered by – “If you try, I am sure you can. :)”

The best way to achieve that – as he was told was to develop the citizen to a good extent first, learn the various function’s, mingle with the world and then give the country what you have accumulated over time.

And now he is here, trying…


Akash always preferred to stay away from the politics as much as possible, though it was not always possible to keep it that way. He has been elected congressman in both times he had to run, and has always fulfilled each and every point he mentioned in his manifesto.

The first time he ran, there were no training wars in the last 15 days of his term, and having had promised not to resign from congress in his manifesto, he found himself stuck – away from the excitement of battles, and being attracted to the military aspect of the game this was killing him slowly. That’s the day he said – “Unless I am 200% sure that there will be a war[preferably REAL battle] during my term, I am never going to run again.”

The second time he ran was however under abnormal circumstances. There was a PTO(Political Take Over) scene in India, he had made it clear to the ATO(Anti-take Over) team that unless crucial for national security he is not going to run. He was happy till 23:55 eRep time on 23rd December, when an instant message in his messenger read-“Move to NI, quick, and place your candidature.”. The sender was his military commander shail.back (aka Mafia Hunter), who was also in charge of the ATO. This was something that had no time to be discussed upon, so he followed the orders and got elected for his second term, in which there were almost no training wars, except a few. As expected, he acted abnormally on absolutely wherever he got to speak during that time.

Citizenship and Party

He has changed citizenship a few times. This citizenship shuffle was because at the time citizenship module was introduced, he was in Indonesia, so by default, he got that citizenship. Later on, he moved to Poland to join POG – Rabbits, and changed his citizenship to Polish. There, he joined his first party – Partia Imperialna, which he kept for about a month, after which his military orders came to move to Spain. He decided not to change citizenship to Spanish, as he was feeling too lazy to write a citizenship application worth accepting.

Later on, he came across an AHF article, after reading which he came to the conclusion – “Maybe the time has come for me to go back home and do what I had decided to stay for.”

Unfortunately, when he moved to India, the borders were closed, meaning the entire congressmen were instructed by the government not to approve any citizenship requests. He was the first person to get citizenship after opening of the borders, which took approximately 2 weeks.

After this, he has always been member of India United, except when he changed party for a day or two as per the ATO team’s instructions.


After successfully playing the role of one of the best citizen mentors in India, he was asked by Nikkk S to hold the position of Head Citizen Mentor, and take care of most of the Internal Affairs in India.

During his term as HCM, he restarted Internal Affairs’ gifting company, introduced the “Welcome basket” system in India, initiated “Mentor Rewards” to get more active mentors, and designed custom welcome messages to be sent to newbies along with short guides that may come in handy.

Records show that he has sent out over 1300 gifts and 174 Q3 food to various citizens and donated over 50 of his hard earned gold to Internal Affairs India for its basic functioning during the time when the government bank stopped responding.

It was unfortunate that due to some problems with governmental co-operation, many of those plans were suspended half-way, the PTO distraction played a major role bringing them to an end.


During the first few days of his life he fought all the battles barehanded, however – that changed when he found an employer that payed him handsomely in the form of Q1 weapons. After tasting the good amount of blood that a weapons sheds, he spent everything he got on weapons.

He got his Q5 house in the second week of his birth as a gift from his one of his very good friends, which allowed him to fight 1 time extra in every 2 days.

Soon enough he wanted to join a Mercenary group, and the one he was interested in was POG – Polish Operational Group. Luckily, they were recruiting players in the Rabbits branch of their military group – and with the help of some friends he managed to get in. There he learned the proper usage of Q3 machine-guns and Q5 bazooka’s. The most exciting battle he fought with that group was the Asturias battle, in which we achieved victory and Spain got back its high Iron region. Later on, after the great experience that he had while being in POG, and making great friends there, he decided to go try and help his country and see if that actually helps. He humbly requested resignation and bid farewell to all his friends in Rabbits, hoping to be able to fight side by side again, someday!

Then he joined AHF – The Azad Hind Fauj[Translated as the “Free India Army”], and participated in a lot of battles which AHF organized to train the soldiers, and to fill them with excitement as well as boost their morale.

According to him, one of the most attractive part of this game are the military groups. Even though some people say military groups have little or no impact on the battles, as per him, there will be a lot less excitement without them.


Until recently, in November – Akash was not managing/running any companies. But once he got the smell of the profits he can make – there was no end.

He started off with 2 Q2 Iron companies, 1 of which made some profits, and the other one was at break-even. After some exploitation of the economy formulas, and some research, he decided to sell these companies and start afresh. After selling he had about 70 gold in hand, with which he opened a Q1 manufacturing company – making 1.5 gold/day. This was an amazing profit as far as a Q1 company is considered. He still owns this company, and treats it as “Lucky”.

With the profits made over a month, and after massive and constant buying – making profits – selling the company, he ended up on a stockpile of 140 gold and that Q1 luck company. With this he decided to have a partnership with srachit and founded the Atomic Group of Industries, which he mostly manages by himself. Once a while, this Industry opens its gates for new investments, which is considered a very decent investment, because of its guaranteed returns. The Atomic Industries today owns control of 12 organizations and a multitude of companies. It is estimated to be worth over 1500 gold as of now.


Akash started his media career when a very good friend proposed to him to join a team of journalists with the sole purpose of viewing the insights of the New World and revelation of its dark secrets. This group had only 3 people, who worked very closely and dispatched 2 decent articles. However, due to some complications, 1 of them left the game and the other one retired from journalism.

After this Akash requested Admins to transfer the paper from the organization they were using – to his personal account. Now the newspaper, “The Spirit” still has only 2 articles. :P

But he is planning to write another article soon, when he gets enough time – on a topic that interests him most.


Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif 5x Hard Worker
Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif 2x Congress Member
Icon achievement Battle Hero on.gif 1x Battle Hero
Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif 1x Super Soldier
Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif 1x Society Builder
Icon achievement Resistance Hero on.gif 1x Resistance Hero