eRepublik Official Wiki:WikiProject Serbia/Задаци

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Аватар Уредник Први задатак Други задатак
50x50px C.C.C.C Political Titles/Српски C.C.C.C/Српски
50x50px CuckoSRB Monetary market speculation/Српски Alliances/Српски
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50x50px ikacar Write article/Српски ikacar/Српски
50x50px Kk SSS Kk SSS Kk SSS/Српски
50x50px Pyramidicus Peace treaty/Српски ERepublik Jargon/Српски
50x50px Shadow of Time Second commanders(MU)/Српски Shadow of Time/Српски
50x50px SvakoDobro Secretary of Defense/Српски Prime Minister/Српски
50x50px TheCr3at0r Congress Elections/Српски TheCr3at0r/Српски
50x50px Uros012 Serbia/Српски Uros012/Српски
50x50px Van Sebe Staff Officer/Српски Congress/Српски
50x50px ZordanKV ZordanKV/Српски Accepting citizenship/Српски