Be Free

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Be free

Party-Be free.jpg‎‎
General Information
Country Flag-Belgium.jpg Belgium
Abbreviation BF
Founded February 2013
President boer jan
Members 5
Congress Occupancy 0 /30 seats, 0%
Orientation Center-Right
Ideology Libertarian
Be free is a small political party in Belgium trying to close the gap between the to political sides dividing the country.
The main objectives are:

1) Support and help for young members;
2) Maintain loyalty to the country and fight always for Belgium and his allies.
3) Have fun (eRepublik is still a game, so don't take it so serious ;) )


Everything started on day 2278[[1]] (feb.2014) eBelgium is wiped and kept this way by government.
The reason is a so called danger of PTO.
While a lot of strong and committed players had left the country, those who stayed are suffering under the wipe,
no possibility to hire people, no congress to change whatever and almost no entrée of tax money.
As current gov keeps holding their point of view about the wipe, the opposition starts to get angry.
eBe tradition was always: "the good and the bad" or the "Elite and the PTO", boer jan starts Be free,
hoping that he can find a way in between the both sides and force an end at the wipe situation.
Symbolic he presents even himself as candidate for the CP elections[[2]] knowing that he has no chance to win,
he thinks that this is a good way to show that someone who was part of the "Elite" can accept the point of view of the others.
The shake-up works and although it is an other Elite member who wins, the opposition gets a chance to join the government,
some time later the wipe gets undone and eBe is free.
From then on Be free stays on the background, just keeping an eye on what the politics does and says,
from time to time reacting on what seems to be anti eBe or against the idea that everybody has the right to play the game.
examples are the getting Shadowucks back on the forum after a long ban (without success),
and restoring the forum citizen rights of those who were accused of PTO (partly succeeded).
On day 2837 the new Vice president cap. drake thinks it is time to put everything in second gear,
he will try to recruit new members giving this way the party some more power and maybe some congress members.