Culture of Sweden

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The culture of Sweden is of an amazing size. Everything exist, or have existed.

For an example the media, a piece of the culture, is a great amount, and it exist many talented writers like Karl Holm, Misho and Grev Per.

As well the many kinds of media is interesting, due of players imagination. Sweden have seen Television by eSVT and DRTV, Radio throw Tanso's News from Sweden, stories about elections, wars and the swedes culture, from many persons and not to forget. The height of Culture, of glory, Hypogeum, Sweden's coffee drinking club.

And not to forget, the distributors of The Swedish Nobel Prize in Sweden. An great pride for Sweden to have them here in this cold nation.


Why we start with Hypogeum is simple, they are the elite of Culture, they are the distributors of eRepublik's greatest price. The Swedish Nobel Prize and as well not to forget, they have one of the most enjoyed newspaper in eRepublik.

The logo for Hypogeum.

For an example of media they have created, is the famous series of articles about Grev Per's mental health. All written by Josef Stark, the party leader of Democrats of New Sweden.

Sadly perhaps not the most active part of Sweden, but truly a great part of Sweden's history. Hypogeum, a great Swedish landmark.


The media of Sweden and the culture of Sweden goes hand in hand. They have helped eight other, with great articles of joy, fantasy and fascination.

We have all read an article by Misho, in The Onion or the Swedish government's war newspaper.

As well Media have created culture, We can see Gustavius news-broadcasting throw eSVT as culture, We can see the computer voice in the Radio as art. We can see the joyful articles by the Swedish great writers as something more important, when the stats from the presidency-elections.

Of course, Media in Sweden is not all about Culture, More common is politics, Poland, Germany and non-interesting spam. But still, Media helps the culture alive.

The museum's of Sweden.

In Sweden the museum may not be many, and not be big. But they exist, And here is some.

The national museum of Art

A great museum, many big painters have pictures where. Sadly some attacks have come against the museum, for an example is the vandalism against Red Hank's picture of some mills.

An painting made by Red Hank.

Even worse is the attacks about which person, of organization would have done the vandalism. For an example was DNSLM under attacks for the vandalism, of course is it a lie, DNS members is a great friends of the culture.

The paiting by Red Hank, after the vandalism. A proof of DNSLM responsibility is the misspelling, no one in DNSLM spells like a retard.

Other famous paintings is The Crowning of Gustav III, L'Énigme de Guillaume Tell by Salvador Dali and Awua by Otto Antid.

The painting Awua by Otto Antid

The national museum of War

The museum of War is full of bloody German, Danish and Polish pieces of Art, Weapons and other stolen things, all full with holes from bullets, swords and other weapons.

As well the huge mass of weapons where is very impressive, everything from airplanes to tanks. And not to forget, the military maps and the strategy's from battles, all real.

The national museum of Politics

Naturally the logos of famous Swedish parties is here.

The logo of the Democrats of New Sweden.

Otherwise is exist everything in the museum, what you need to know about politics and Sweden.

It exist about FBS, MSAP, DNS, Purjo, DGIN, PPP and PSF. All in diffrent areas, because from time to time, some mayor discussions can appear.

The logo of MSAP.
The logo of PPP.

The logo of FBS.

The national museum of Propaganda

A museum full of Pictures and movies of Propaganda. Everything from the military, DNSLM and Josef Stark

One of the pictures from the Josef Stark collection.
One other picture from the Josef Stark collection.

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