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The Illuminati

Party 321.png
General Information
Country Flag-USA.png USA
Abbreviation Ill
Colors  ????
Founded 29 November 2007
Dissolved 26 August 2008
President Platonic
Members 0
Congress Occupancy 0/51/62 seats, 0%
Succeeded By American Radical Party
Orientation Far-Right
Ideology Totalitarian

The Illuminati is a political party in eUSA in eRepublik that fights for truth in politics, enlightenment through education, and a greater understanding of the universe. We fight for the liberty of all people and ensure that every eRepublikan is ensured their constitutional rights.

It has aproximately 40 members at one point in its existance. On August 26, 2007, it was officially renamed to the American Radical Party.

About us

Adam Weishaupt established the original Bavarian Illuminati in 1776. Even though some evolution has occured, we are still a republican (not the U.S. political party, as it did not exist then) freethought movement which advocates freedom from church domination over philosophy and science, release from the excesses of state oppression, and educating women and treating them as intellectual equals. (In case you were wondering, women are accepted into the Order as peers.) These ideals were very unorthodox in the beginning, and still are in some parts of the world. We have come a long way, but we still have a very long way to go. The Illuminati Order (IO) has evolved into a global network that promotes a general knowledge and acceptance of the concept of individual rights and the proper role of government as protector of these rights.

We work together to spread the seeds of freedom far and wide. John Adams said, "Liberty can not be preserved without a general knowledge among the people ... Let us dare to read, think, speak and write." We could not agree more! It is one of our goals to establish a local influence in as many countries as possible.

To learn what we mean by the concept of individual rights, read "Man's Rights"; to learn what we mean by the proper role of government, read "The Nature Of Government." Both essays are by Ayn Rand and can be found in either The Virtue Of Selfishness (VOS) or Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (CUI), though we strongly recommend VOS for its other valuable essays dealing specifically with rights. These books are usually kept in stock at most major bookstores, or easily ordered through them or online.

We must emphasize, however, that the Illuminati Order is not an Objectivist organization, per se. Accepting Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, is not a requirement of membership.

All who support individual rights--which include the rights to life, liberty, justly acquired property, and the pursuit of happiness--are encouraged to join us!

Why here? Why now?

The Internet offers the means to reach an amazing number of people both quickly and easily, which is at once a blessing and a curse. Many people have at least heard of the term "Illuminati," which is great. However, because of widespread conspiracy theories, it has been our experience that a significant portion of what they have heard about us is incorrect. It is time to act against the misconceptions and disinformation. We aim to set the record straight by using this site to reveal the true nature of the Illuminati Order. To begin with, we actually support personal freedom. We are pro-liberty and outspoken advocates of individual rights. The term "libertarian" describes us very well.

Our Secrecy: Past, Present and Future

A universally accepted theme of the Illuminati is that of being a secret society. Using this, some have tried to discredit our authenticity because we are not as secret as we are supposedly required to be. So, let us be clear here and now that we are only as secret as necessary to exist relatively unimpeded. It was on this topic that Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, wrote the following with regard to the Illuminati:"As Weishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot and priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, and the principles of pure morality. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment. ... If Weishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise and virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose."

This situation is in a constant state of flux, both in the United States and elsewhere. Since we take secrecy and privacy very seriously, we are monitoring this closely. We will not hesitate to make any internal changes that we deem appropriate and necessary.
