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This is the Charter of The World is Ours alliance.

Preamble :

By signing this official treaty the respective democratically elected governments agree on the founding of an alliance with the norms and theorem specified bellow. We believe that these governments act according to their right democratically given by the people of their nations and so they are the vox populi. The laws bellow not only apply to the governments and the alliance staff but to the people of the member stations as well. These rules become effective immediately upon signing this document.

I : General Definitions

1. Name :
1.1 The alliance shall be formally referred to as The World is Ours Alliance,
1.2 informally abbreviated as TWO.
1.3 In this document also referred to as the alliance.

2. Member country
2.1 is a country whose country president ratified this treaty
2.2 for further definitions regarding membership see III. Membership

3. Citizens of the alliance
3.1 are those who can be affiliated with a member country
3.1.1 are members of government funded military units
3.1.2 have citizenship of a member country
3.1.3 are included in the government of a member country
3.1.4 are involved in the politics of a member country
3.1.5 et cetera

4. Government's and representatives
4.1 The Country President, who is elected through ingame mechanics
4.2 Government officials appointed by the Country President including but not limited to
4.2.1 The Minister of Defense and his deputies
4.2.2 The Minister of Foreign Affairs and his deputies
4.2.3 The Vice President

5. Alliance Leadership
5.1 Informally referred to as HQ
5.2 The Secretary General and his deputy
5.3 The Supreme Commander of the Alliance Military and his deputy
5.4 The Secretary of Foreign Affairs and his deputy

II : Principles

1. This alliance is founded upon the historical ingame and real life friendship between our member countries.
1.1 We hold it self evident that against those who attempt to severe these bonds the citizens, the leadership and the governments of the alliance are obliged to stand up to with all they have available.

2. Helping member countries conquering and defending regions with strategical value is one of the principal aims of the alliance.

3. Campaigns with low possibility of ending in our favour or wars unlikely to be closed at all are to be avoided.
3.1 Thus continuous wars are unwelcome either in the traditional battlefields of Europe or anywhere else in the eWorld.

4. Long term plans with high strategical value, with preferably more member countries involved, relying on military and coordination wise superiority are to be supported by the alliance.
4.1 Including but not limited to campaigns against the economic strongholds of enemy alliances.

III : Membership

1. Members
1.1 are the founding countries of the alliance :
1.1.1 Hungary
1.1.2 Poland
1.1.3 Serbia
1.1.4 Spain
1.1.5 The United Kingdom
1.1.6 Slovenia

2. Membership
2.1 can be obtained by
2.1.1 being proposed by one of the founding countries
2.1.2 signing and accepting the alliance treaty
2.1.3 being accepted unanimously by voting by the Country Presidents of the member countries
2.2 can be terminated on
2.2.1 request of the Alliance Leadership
2.2.2 unanimous voting by the Country Presidents

IV : Citizens of the Alliance

1.Citizens of the alliance are basically the citizens of the Alliance member and associate member countries, as defined in Article I , paragraph 3.

2.Citizens of the alliance should
2.1 follow orders issued by their respective governments
2.2 refrain from pursuing personal goals in a time of need of some member of the alliance (in other cases it is encouraged)
2.3 respect other member countries and their respective citizens

V : Governments and Representatives

1. The Country Presidents
1.1 Are - and expected to be - major part in decision making and coordination.,
1.2 Will have the right to vote in certain alliance matters specified in this treaty.
1.2.1 Presidents of the founding countries have each one independent vote.
1.2.2 Presidents of the associate countries have each one half of a vote.
1.3 Have right and are expected to be present in the alliances general IRC room.

2. The Government Officials
2.1 Are - and expected to be - major part in decision making and coordination.
2.2 Have the right and expected to be present in the alliances general IRC room.

3. The Governments
3.1 Are expected to be communicating and coordinating with each other.
3.2 Solely relying on the alliance leadership in these matters is highly unacceptable.
3.3 For these purposes the general alliance IRC room is established.
3.3.1 The channel shall be moderated by the HQ.
3.3.2 For the channel policy see the particular documents here not included.

VI : Alliance Leadership

1. The alliance HQ shall be elected on the 7th of each month.
1.2 The Country Presidents can propose people for HQ positions
1.2.1 The people proposed for HQ position must have been part of the governments (CP,MoD or MoFA).
1.2.2 The same people can not be in the HQ for more than 2 months in a row.

2. Secretary General
2.1 informally referred to as SG
2.2 will be the main and ultimate leader of the alliance including but not limited to
1.2.1 Alliance internal affairs
1.2.2 Military decisions and planing
1.2.3 Diplomatic affairs
2.3 will have one deputy
2.3.1 The deputy will be appointed by the Secretary General
2.3.2 Need to have at least 2 month experience as a CP, MoD or MoFa
2.3.4 The deputy has full SG authority, in case of the absence of the SG
2.4 will need to have at least a 3 month experience as a CP, MoD or MoFA.
2.5 will be elected by an absolute majority voting of the Country Presidents of the members and associate members.
2.6 Elections are to be held on the 7th of each month.
2.7 Will have access to the general alliance IRC room, the headquarters IRC room.
2.7.1 They are obliged to be present and active in these rooms.

3. Supreme Commander
3.1 informally referred to as SC
3.2 will be the main military leader of the alliance including but not limited to
3.2.1 Battle coordination closely working with the governments.
3.2.2 Mid- and Longterm strategic planing
3.2.3 Coordination of joint mobile operations
3.3 will have one deputy
3.3.1 The deputy will be appointed by the Supreme Commander
3.3.2 Need to have at least 2 month experience as a CP or MoD
3.3.3 The deputy has full SC authority, in case of the absence of the SC
3.4 will need to have at least a 2 month experience as a MoD or a 1 month experience as a MoD and as a CP.
3.5 will be elected by a simple majority voting of the Country Presidents of the members and associate members.
3.6 Elections are to be held on the 7th each months.
3.7 Will have access to the general alliance IRC room, the headquarters IRC room.
3.7.1 They are obliged to be present and active in these rooms.

4. Secretary of Foreign Affairs
4.1 informally referred to as SoFA
4.2 will be the main diplomatic leader of the alliance including but not limited to
4.2.1 Maintaining day-to-day communication with friendly alliances.
4.2.2 Providing diplomatic assistance to the member govs.
4.2.3 Communication with non-affiliated states who are willing to cooperate
4.3 will have one deputy.
4.3.1 The deputy will be appointed by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs
4.3.2 The deputy will need to have at least 2 month experience as a CP or MoFa
4.3.3 The deputy has full SoFA authority,in case of the absence of the SoFA
4.4 will need to have at least a 2 month experience as a MoFA or a 1 month experience as a MoFA and as a CP.
4.5 will be elected by a simple majority voting of the Country Presidents of the members and associate members.
4.6 Elections are to be held on the 7th of each month.
4.7 Will have access to the general alliance IRC room, the headquarters IRC room.
4.7.1 Is obliged to be present and active in these rooms.

5. Principles in decision making:
The alliance leadership being the highest leadership structure serves for the good of the whole alliance, thus alliance officials must not make biased decisions favouring their countries of orgin. In certain cases serving the good of the alliance means that in times of need sacrifices has to be made and countries with bigger economic and military potential has to be prefered during the decision making progress about priorities.

VII : Military and Foreign Affairs

1. All Military and Foreign affairs (as defined in 2. and 3. ) must be discussed between
1.1 The Alliance SG, SC and SoFA
1.2 Member country CP’s, MoD’s and MoFA’s

2. Military Affairs such as
2.1 Orders in each individual governments MoD’s newspapers, Campaigns of the days and Daily Orders
2.2 Possible Natural Enemy laws
2.3 Conquest goals in the short term
2.4 Mid and long term plans
2.5 Assisting friendly alliances

3. Foreign Affairs such as
2.1 The intention to sign MPPs with neutral or hostile countries, or countries hostile to any Member of the alliance.
2.2 The intention to sign any other type of agreements, with neutral or hostile countries or countries hostile to any member of the alliance, such as NAP’s, swaps, or region renting agreements.
2.3 Carrying out trade embargoes against neutral or hostile countries, or countries hostile to any Member of the alliance.
2.4 Diplomatically assisting another Member country in order to achieve some agreed on goal.

Signatures :

President of eHungary - GregoryG
President of ePoland - Prophet009
President of eSerbia - Vladislav Milovanovic 83
President of eSpain - Madridista1991
President of eUnited Kingdom - Talon Karrde
President of eSlovenia - Exclusive


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