Mia Angela Carina

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Mia Angela Carina


Unknown Person.jpg
Nationality Flag-Canada.jpg Canadian
Date of birth Day 1,594 (1 Apr 2012)
Residence Vancouver, BC
Sex Female
Faith Dioism
Aircraft rank Airman 0.png Airman

Mia Angela Carina is a lost soul, looking to make sense of her e-life, looking to find peace in an e-world that seeks anything but peace, looking for a soulmate or two, and if possible, looking to become somebody worth remembering.


Back Story

Mia was found wandering the streets of Vancouver, British Columbia, on Day 1,594 (April Fool's Day 2012) of the New World. Much of her life to this point remains in the realm of rumor and innuendo, even she cannot tell you with certainty many of the aspects of her birth, youth, adolescence, and young adulthood. Biographers and investigators have pieced together a sketch of her, which may or may not be entirely accurate, and it is certainly a matter for debate.

Mia was born in a mountain village in Bolivia, the love child of Arjay Phoenician and Theresa Hernandez. Arjay had recently come to Bolivia from the United States to build his journalistic and political career, while Theresa was a peasant girl of Hispanic descent. During Arjay's tumultuous stay in South America, he befriended Theresa, and before his departure in August 2009, the couple made love. He never saw the birth of his daughter, and while he went on to a modest level of international fame as a politician and propagandist and had noteworthy relationships with rainy sunday and Leiwahara (who he married), he never spoke of Theresa and never knew of his daughter.

She left her village as a teenager, in part to escape the oppression of the occupying Argentinian Pindonga, but mostly looking for answers, leaving her mother behind, moving first to La Paz, then to Lima (Peru}, Caracas {Colombia}, Mexico City {Mexico}, San Francisco {USA}, and finally arriving in Vancouver, as if in a daze, penniless and fatigued. Upon interview, she recollected nearly nothing of her travels. Those who have pasted her story together say she worked odd jobs, lived in squalor, never completely giving in to the worst of underworld society, maintaining her dignity, but most assuredly gaining a street-wise sense of worth; again, no one will ever really know, her story could be much more seedy. The only way she knows Arjay is her father is the picture of him with her mother, the same picture he edited in his own image. The only item she retains from her childhood is an angel pendant she wears on a necklace, presumably given to her by her mother.

Arjay has been dead since Day 1,217, over a year before Mia awakened, and is thus unavailable for comment. Only God knows where Theresa is, if she's alive at all. She never met her half-brother, Charlie Phoenician, who is also deceased.

Awakening in Canada